Обсуждение: ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint


ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint

Khairul Azmi
Need help on this problem. I've created two functions. The function 
should perform a few sql processes. The problem is I got different 
results when I call the function and when I manually run the sql command.

I'm using postgresql 7.4.2.

The two functions involved are
CREATE TABLE sensor_signature ( sid             INTEGER,                               rh_sign_id      INTEGER,
                     PRIMARY KEY (sid,rh_sign_id));

CREATE TABLE rule_header ( rh_sign_id   INTEGER,                          rh_status    INTEGER,
rh_action    VARCHAR(6),                          proto        VARCHAR(10),                          source_ip
VARCHAR(255),                         source_port  VARCHAR(64),                          dest_ip      VARCHAR(255),
                    dest_port    VARCHAR(64),                          dir_operator VARCHAR(64),
 category     VARCHAR(64),                          rh_revision  INTEGER,                          timestamp
timestamp,                         rh_ord       INTEGER,                          PRIMARY KEY (rh_sign_id));

And my functions are

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_sen_sig (integer, varchar)
RETURNS integer AS '
DECLARE   sign_id alias FOR $1;   category alias FOR $2;   temp_sid integer;   temp_category varchar;   T1Cursor
BEGIN   select * into temp_category from get_root_path(category);   OPEN T1Cursor FOR      SELECT sid FROM
conf_categoryWHERE          category_name like temp_category and category_status=1;     LOOP      FETCH T1Cursor INTO
temp_sid;     EXIT WHEN NOT FOUND;      INSERT INTO sensor_signature VALUES (temp_sid, sign_id);      RAISE NOTICE ''
INSERTINTO sensor_signature VALUES % % '', 
temp_sid,sign_id;   END LOOP;   CLOSE T1Cursor;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';


RETURNS integer AS '
DECLARE   var_f0 alias FOR $1;    -- rh_sign_id   var_f1 alias FOR $2;    -- rh_status   var_f2 alias FOR $3;    --
rh_action  var_f3 alias FOR $4;    -- proto   var_f4 alias FOR $5;    -- source_ip   var_f5 alias FOR $6;    --
source_port  var_f6 alias FOR $7;    -- dest_ip   var_f7 alias FOR $8;    -- dest_port   var_f8 alias FOR $9;    --
dir_operator  var_f9 alias FOR $10;    -- category   var_f10 alias FOR $11;    -- rh_revision   var_f11 alias FOR $12;
 -- rh_ord   curtime timestamp;   var_temp_RH_ORD integer;
BEGIN   curtime := current_timestamp;   SELECT rh_ord INTO var_temp_RH_ORD FROM rule_header      WHERE rh_sign_id =
var_f0;  IF NOT FOUND THEN      INSERT INTO rule_header       VALUES 
      RAISE NOTICE '' INSERT INTO rule_header VALUES % % % % % % % % % 
% % % '', 
---        select update_sen_sig(var_f0,var_f9);      perform update_sen_sig(var_f0,var_f9);         RETURN 0;   ELSE
  UPDATE rule_header SET rh_status=var_f1, rh_action=var_f2, 
proto=var_f3,source_ip=var_f4, source_port=var_f5, dest_ip=var_f6, 
dest_port=var_f7, dir_operator=var_f8, category=var_f9, 
rh_revision=var_f10, timestamp=curtime, rh_ord=var_temp_RH_ORD where 
rh_sign_id=var_f0;           DELETE FROM rule_option where rh_sign_id=var_f0;       RETURN 1;   END IF;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

Issue is
cews=> select
NOTICE:   INSERT INTO rule_header VALUES 999 1 alert ip $EXTERNAL_NET any
$HOME_NET any -> dos.rules 3 2004-06-04 15:21:30.448633
NOTICE:   INSERT INTO sensor_signature VALUES -1 999
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "rule_header_add" line 26 at perform
ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint "sensor_signature_pkey"
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "update_sen_sig" line 16 at SQL statement
PL/pgSQL function "rule_header_add" line 26 at perform

I thought it might be caused by duplicated data. But ...
cews=> insert into rule_header values
INSERT 29393 1

cews=> insert into sensor_signature values (-1,268);
INSERT 29394 1

That commands work perfectly. Could somebody tell me why and how to 
solve this. Thanks.


Re: ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint

Josh Berkus

> Need help on this problem. I've created two functions. The function
> should perform a few sql processes. The problem is I got different
> results when I call the function and when I manually run the sql command.
> I'm using postgresql 7.4.2.

Hmmm ... that's odd.  I remember getting this issue early in the 7.2 series 
but not since.  I'd guess that you're missing something in your function, 
like the transposition of two fields or an unterminated loop.  You've made 
that likely because:

> RETURNS integer AS '
>     var_f0 alias FOR $1;    -- rh_sign_id
>     var_f1 alias FOR $2;    -- rh_status
>     var_f2 alias FOR $3;    -- rh_action
>     var_f3 alias FOR $4;    -- proto

... this is a really bad way of dealing with function variables; I certainly 
can't parse the rest of the function and tell if you've accidentally swapped 
a var_f3 for a var_f4.   I'd strongly suggest naming your variables clearly, 
like, for example, calling it "v_proto" instead of "var_f3".  This is 
"programming 101".

> Issue is
> cews=> select
> rule_header_add(999,1,'alert','ip','$EXTERNAL_NET','any','$HOME_NET','any',
>'->','dos.rules',3,0); NOTICE:   INSERT INTO rule_header VALUES 999 1 alert
> ip $EXTERNAL_NET any $HOME_NET any -> dos.rules 3 2004-06-04
> 15:21:30.448633
> NOTICE:   INSERT INTO sensor_signature VALUES -1 999
> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "rule_header_add" line 26 at perform
> ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint "sensor_signature_pkey"
> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "update_sen_sig" line 16 at SQL statement
> PL/pgSQL function "rule_header_add" line 26 at perform
> I thought it might be caused by duplicated data. But ...
> cews=> insert into rule_header values
> (268,1,'alert','ip','$EXTERNAL_NET','any','$HOME_NET','any','->','dos.rules
>',3,current_timestamp,0); INSERT 29393 1
> And
> cews=> insert into sensor_signature values (-1,268);
> INSERT 29394 1

This isn't the same id you tested with the function.  Mind running the *exact 
same values* with both command line and function?

Also, I notice that update_sen_sig makes use of a cursor and a loop.   Best 
guess is that the cursor isn't returning what you think it is, and is looping 
several times ... thus attempting to insert the same value several times.

Good luck!

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint (SOLVED)

Khairul Azmi
The problem is solved. It is a silly mistake actually. The line

SELECT sid FROM conf_category WHERE               category_name like temp_category and category_status=1;

returns duplicated values. Variable temp_category would be '%dos.rules' 
and there are entries 'dos.rules' and 'ddos.rules' in table 
conf_category which I did not notice until today. So I add the keyword 
DISTINCT and it runs perfectly.
 select * into temp_category from get_root_path(category);       OPEN T1Cursor FOR          SELECT DISTINCT sid FROM
conf_categoryWHERE               category_name like temp_category and category_status=1;

Josh Berkus wrote:

>>Need help on this problem. I've created two functions. The function
>>should perform a few sql processes. The problem is I got different
>>results when I call the function and when I manually run the sql command.
>>I'm using postgresql 7.4.2.
>Hmmm ... that's odd.  I remember getting this issue early in the 7.2 series 
>but not since.  I'd guess that you're missing something in your function, 
>like the transposition of two fields or an unterminated loop.  You've made 
>that likely because:
>>RETURNS integer AS '
>>    var_f0 alias FOR $1;    -- rh_sign_id
>>    var_f1 alias FOR $2;    -- rh_status
>>    var_f2 alias FOR $3;    -- rh_action
>>    var_f3 alias FOR $4;    -- proto
>... this is a really bad way of dealing with function variables; I certainly 
>can't parse the rest of the function and tell if you've accidentally swapped 
>a var_f3 for a var_f4.   I'd strongly suggest naming your variables clearly, 
>like, for example, calling it "v_proto" instead of "var_f3".  This is 
>"programming 101".
I am porting this application from ORACLE. So I try my best not to 
change the structure of the original codes. I guess it is still not a 
good excuse for the way I name the variable :).  Anyway thanks Josh.

>>Issue is
>>cews=> select
>>'->','dos.rules',3,0); NOTICE:   INSERT INTO rule_header VALUES 999 1 alert
>>ip $EXTERNAL_NET any $HOME_NET any -> dos.rules 3 2004-06-04
>>NOTICE:   INSERT INTO sensor_signature VALUES -1 999
>>CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "rule_header_add" line 26 at perform
>>ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint "sensor_signature_pkey"
>>CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "update_sen_sig" line 16 at SQL statement
>>PL/pgSQL function "rule_header_add" line 26 at perform
>>I thought it might be caused by duplicated data. But ...
>>cews=> insert into rule_header values
>>',3,current_timestamp,0); INSERT 29393 1
>>cews=> insert into sensor_signature values (-1,268);
>>INSERT 29394 1
>This isn't the same id you tested with the function.  Mind running the *exact 
>same values* with both command line and function?
>Also, I notice that update_sen_sig makes use of a cursor and a loop.   Best 
>guess is that the cursor isn't returning what you think it is, and is looping 
>several times ... thus attempting to insert the same value several times.
>Good luck!