Обсуждение: Proper SQL syntax requested


Proper SQL syntax requested

blake@shopwhatcom.com (Blake)
Wondering if anyone can help me with the proper syntax for an ORDER BY
clause with a subquery. What I have is a table column named make in
one table. The make column contains a Serial ID of the name which is
stored in an alternate table named sections. I am trying to be able to
ORDER by on make, but as you can guess it is ORDERING by the ID rather
than the actual Name.

Select * from floors Where system = 1 ORDER by make

This sorts by the Serial ID's in column make

I would like to be able to sort by the actual Names associated back
from the ID's. Anyway of doing this??

Thanks All for the Help!

Re: Proper SQL syntax requested

Richard Huxton
On Thursday 22 April 2004 00:41, Blake wrote:
> Select * from floors Where system = 1 ORDER by make
> This sorts by the Serial ID's in column make
> I would like to be able to sort by the actual Names associated back
> from the ID's. Anyway of doing this??

You don't say which table contains the name in question. Assuming we want 
column make_name from table make_description with an id of make_id then:

SELECT floors.* FROM floors, make_description 
WHERE system=1 AND floors.make = make_description.make_id
ORDER BY make_description.make_name;

This is called a join. Any book on databases/SQL should discuss this sort of 

--  Richard Huxton Archonet Ltd