Обсуждение: Utility of recursive queries?


Utility of recursive queries?

James Robinson
Would recursive queries be the trick to doing things like unwinding a 
linked-list to either the head or tail, with:
create table list (    id int primary key,    parent int references list(id));
insert into list values (1, null);    -- head of chain in listinsert into list values (2, 1); -- 1st childinsert into
listvalues (3, 2); -- second child

Given a reference to id=3, would a recursive query be the trick to 
unrolling the list to discover id=1 as the head using a SQL one-liner? 
Is discovery possible in straight SQL w/o resorting to stored 
procedures (or modifying the table schema to directly point)? And, 
finally, would any potential recursive query implementation be 
noticably more efficient that a straightforward implementation in 
plpgsql, such as:

create or replace function find_head(int) returns int as 'DECLARE    cur_par INT;    prev_par INT;BEGIN    prev_par :=
$1;   cur_par := parent from list where id = $1;    WHILE cur_par is not null LOOP        prev_par := cur_par;
cur_par:= parent from list where id = prev_par;    END LOOP;    return prev_par;END;
' language 'plpgsql';

James Robinson

Re: Utility of recursive queries?

Josh Berkus

> Would recursive queries be the trick to doing things like unwinding a
> linked-list to either the head or tail, with:

Yes.  Also check out contrib/ltree and contrib/tablefunc in your handy-dandy 
PostgreSQL source code.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

Re: Utility of recursive queries?

Tom Lane
James Robinson <jlrobins@socialserve.com> writes:
> Given a reference to id=3, would a recursive query be the trick to 
> unrolling the list to discover id=1 as the head using a SQL one-liner? 

I think you could do it, but don't have the syntax in my head.

> would any potential recursive query implementation be 
> noticably more efficient that a straightforward implementation in 
> plpgsql

Most likely not ...
        regards, tom lane