Обсуждение: Need another way to do this, my sql much to slow...


Need another way to do this, my sql much to slow...

"Jerry Wintrode"
I am attempting to write a spam management add-on for my corporate
server, I have the database and the apps written but one part is WAY to
slow to be usefull.

The following view:
       Column         |  Type   | Modifiers
-----------------------+---------+-----------env_sender_num        | integer |msg_from_claims_count | bigint  |

is built on the follow table:
    Column      |            Type             | Modifiers
-----------------+-----------------------------+-----------msg_sender_num  | integer
|env_sender_num | integer                     |msg_from_domain | character varying(255)      |env_from_domain |
charactervarying(255)      |recorded_date   | timestamp without time zone | 
Indexes: record_of_claims_env_sender_num_idx btree (env_sender_num),        record_of_claims_msg_sender_num_idx btree

With the following SQL:

SELECT record_of_claims.env_sender_num, count(DISTINCT
record_of_claims.msg_sender_num)AS msg_from_claims_count FROM record_of_claims GROUP BY

A sample dataset follows:

msg_sender_num | env_sender_num |    msg_from_domain    |
env_from_domain    |    recorded_date
---------+---------------------             1 |              1 | yahoo.com             | yahoo.com
| 2003-11-18 13:21:07             2 |              2 | mx128.optinvc13y.com  |
mx128.optinvc13y.com  | 2003-11-18 13:21:16             3 |              3 | yahoo.com             | yahoo.com
| 2003-11-18 13:21:17             4 |              4 | yahoo.com             | yahoo.com
| 2003-11-18 13:21:21             5 |              5 | biomarketgroup.com    |
biomarketgroup.com    | 2003-11-18 13:21:24             6 |              6 | sohu.com              | sohu.com
| 2003-11-18 13:21:28             7 |              7 | lycos.com             | lycos.com
| 2003-11-18 13:21:38             8 |              8 | mail.expressrx.info   |
mail.expressrx.info   | 2003-11-18 13:21:41             9 |              9 | approveddeals.com     |
approveddeals.com     | 2003-11-18 13:21:41            10 |             10 | conceptholidays.co.uk |
conceptholidays.co.uk | 2003-11-18 13:21:48

The msg_sender_num and env_sender_num come from another table of unique
names of senders. What I am attempting to do is see how many times
msg_sender_num 1 claims to be a different env_sender_num. So I have to
find all the entries in msg_sender_num equal to 1 and build a count of
the distinct numbers in env_sender_num. This number is then used later
to say that if a msg_sender_num claims to be more then 2
env_sender_num's then the sender is a spammer and gets added to a list.

Everything is working fine except the SQL above. It takes WAY to long to
process on a 500000+ record database. Hell it takes 12 seconds or so on
a 50000 record database. I have included the query plan to show that the
indexes are being used.

Query Plan:

Aggregate  (cost=0.00..166.16 rows=264 width=8) (actual
time=0.98..7768.19 rows=62911 loops=1)  ->  Group  (cost=0.00..159.57 rows=2635 width=8) (actual
time=0.56..3179.14 rows=80466 loops=1)        ->  Index Scan using record_of_claims_env_sender_num_idx on
record_of_claims  (cost=0.00..152.99 rows=2635 width=8) (actual
time=0.55..2240.15 rows=80466 loops=1)

Total runtime: 7931.63 msec

Is there a better, read "Faster", way to achieve this?

Jerry Wintrode
Very Newbie Postgres User

Re: Need another way to do this, my sql much to slow...

Christoph Haller
> I am attempting to write a spam management add-on for my corporate
> server, I have the database and the apps written but one part is WAY
> slow to be usefull.
> The following view:
>         Column         |  Type   | Modifiers
> -----------------------+---------+-----------
>  env_sender_num        | integer |
>  msg_from_claims_count | bigint  |
> is built on the follow table:
>      Column      |            Type             | Modifiers
> -----------------+-----------------------------+-----------
>  msg_sender_num  | integer                     |
>  env_sender_num  | integer                     |
>  msg_from_domain | character varying(255)      |
>  env_from_domain | character varying(255)      |
>  recorded_date   | timestamp without time zone |
> Indexes: record_of_claims_env_sender_num_idx btree (env_sender_num),
>          record_of_claims_msg_sender_num_idx btree (msg_sender_num)
> With the following SQL:
> SELECT record_of_claims.env_sender_num, count(DISTINCT
> record_of_claims.msg_sender_num)
>  AS msg_from_claims_count=20
>  FROM record_of_claims=20
>  GROUP BY record_of_claims.env_sender_num;
> A sample dataset follows:
Not sure, if this can speed up things

SELECT env_sender_num, COUNT(msg_sender_num) AS msg_from_claims_count
SELECT DISTINCT ON (msg_sender_num) msg_sender_num,env_sender_num
FROM record_of_claims ORDER BY msg_sender_num,env_sender_num DESC
) foo GROUP BY env_sender_num;

but possibly it inspires you or someone else for a better one.

Regards, Christoph

Re: Need another way to do this, my sql much to slow...

"Jerry Wintrode"

Let me give you a better dataset:

msg_sender_num | env_sender_num
----------------+----------------           118 |          53003           118 |          51778           118 |
49679           118 |          49457           118 |          37434           118 |          37389           118 |
   33644           118 |          33609           118 |          26043           118 |          26004           118 |
      24288           118 |          23357           118 |          16246           118 |          16103           118
|         12967           118 |          12140           118 |           4191           118 |            122
118|            860 

with the SQL:

SELECT record_of_claims.msg_sender_num, count(DISTINCT
record_of_claims.env_sender_num) AS env_from_claims_count FROM
record_of_claims WHERE (record_of_claims.msg_sender_num =118) GROUP BY

You get:

msg_sender_num | env_from_claims_count
----------------+-----------------------           118 |                    19

Which is correct for the following reason:

msg_sender_num |                envelope_from
----------------+---------------------------------------------           118 |
ABVQ3QQBAQAFfLcB9QAAAAACAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com          118 | AjEywAQBAQAFgHcB9QAAOw4CAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com           118 |
AjEywAQBAQAFJkQB9QAAOw4CAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com          118 | AjEywAQBAQAFKhMB9QAAOw4CAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com           118 |
ABVQ3QQBAQAFKhMB9QAAAAACAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com          118 | ABVQ3QQBAQAFKz0B9QAAAAACAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com           118 |
AjEywAQBAQAFKz0B9QAAOw4CAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com          118 | ABVQ3QQBAQAFKiMB9QAAAAACAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com           118 |
AjEywAQBAQAFKiMB9QAAOw4CAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com          118 | AjEywAQBAQAFKxoB9QAAOw4CAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com           118 |
ABVQ3QQBAQAFKxoB9QAAAAACAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com          118 | AjEywAQBAQAFK0QB9QAAOw4CAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com           118 |
ABVQ3QQBAQAFK0QB9QAAAAACAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com          118 | ABVQ3QQBAQAFLuEB9QAAAAACAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com           118 |
AjEywAQBAQAFLuEB9QAAOw4CAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com          118 | AjEywAQBAQAFf8wB9QAAOw4CAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com           118 |
ABVQ3QQBAQAFf8wB9QAAAAACAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com          118 | AjEywAQBAQAFgAoB9QAAOw4CAAAAAA@b.tpcper.com           118 |

19 different envelope from names all claiming to be the same Message
from: 118 ("TopOffers TopOffers@Topica.com")

All of the above address would be added to blacklist for 120 days.

If I say every 15 minutes or so create a new table full of the results
of the SQL view it sort of solves my problem. Still takes forever to
process but the next view that needs these results can do an index scan
on the resulting table and not have to build the list all over again. In
this was I can cut my processing time to 6/10th of a second. But I have
to create/drop/rename tables on a time interval. Not the best solution.

Jerry Wintrode
Network Administrator
Tripos, Inc.

Re: Need another way to do this, my sql much to slow...

"Jerry Wintrode"

Ok, I figured that part out by simply changing the way I'm doing to
query, and writing a function to handle the reply. But it will introduce
another problem. How to I pass special characters, any character, to a
function like this:

select msg_2_env('"Ann's Free Gifts & Coupons"

As you can see the message from name is:
"Ann's Free Gifts & Coupons" server1@mail03a-free-gifts.mx07.com

I need that whole string to match. Including the ",&,@, and yes the
single quote in Ann's. Passed as a variable this should not be a
problem, I think, but how do I test this on the command line with psql?

Oh, here is the simple function in case anyone cares to have it...very
simple. Now processing about 100000 records takes 1ms. Down from the
12-15 seconds. WooHoo. Just that other little issue..hehehe.

CREATE FUNCTION msg_2_env (text) RETURNS int4 AS
'   DECLARE       intext ALIAS FOR $1;       result int4;
       result := ( SELECT count(DISTINCT
record_of_claims.msg_sender_num) AS mclaim_count FROM record_of_claims
WHERE (record_of_claims.env_sender_num = (SELECT
env_from_senders.env_sender_num FROM env_from_senders WHERE
(env_from_senders.envelope_from = intext::character varying))) GROUP BY
record_of_claims.env_sender_num );
       RETURN result;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';


Jerry Wintrode
Network Administrator
Tripos, Inc.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: Need another way to do this, my sql much to slow...

Christoph Haller
> Ok, I figured that part out by simply changing the way I'm doing to
> query, and writing a function to handle the reply. But it will introduce
> another problem. How to I pass special characters, any character, to a
> function like this:
> select msg_2_env('"Ann's Free Gifts & Coupons"
> <server1@mail03a-free-gifts.mx07.com>');
> As you can see the message from name is:
> "Ann's Free Gifts & Coupons" server1@mail03a-free-gifts.mx07.com
> I need that whole string to match. Including the ",&,@, and yes the
> single quote in Ann's. Passed as a variable this should not be a
> problem, I think, but how do I test this on the command line with psql?
> Oh, here is the simple function in case anyone cares to have it...very
> simple. Now processing about 100000 records takes 1ms. Down from the
> 12-15 seconds. WooHoo. Just that other little issue..hehehe.
> CREATE FUNCTION msg_2_env (text) RETURNS int4 AS
> '
>         intext ALIAS FOR $1;
>         result int4;
>     BEGIN
>         result := ( SELECT count(DISTINCT
> record_of_claims.msg_sender_num) AS mclaim_count FROM record_of_claims
> WHERE (record_of_claims.env_sender_num = (SELECT
> env_from_senders.env_sender_num FROM env_from_senders WHERE
> (env_from_senders.envelope_from = intext::character varying))) GROUP BY
> record_of_claims.env_sender_num );
>         RETURN result;
>     END;
> ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
> Jerry Wintrode
> Network Administrator
> Tripos, Inc.
The only character you have to care about is the single quote. Do: 
select msg_2_env('"Ann''s Free Gifts & Coupons"

One more thing: As COUNT returns a bigint my coding would be 
..         result bigint;

Regards, Christoph