Обсуждение: Forcing a trigger to run


Forcing a trigger to run

Michael A Nachbaur
Hello all,

I have several tables with triggers on them that all collectively manage a 
series of summary tables.  In any case, there are instances where changes to 
a given table may cause another trigger to need to be run.

What I have is an EmailAddress table, with other tables describing aliases, 
forwards, etc.  So, if an email address is changed, the triggers on it's 
aliases should be run to see if they are still valid.

I was thinking of putting something in the trigger for EmailAddress that would 
effectively say:
 UPDATE EmailAddressAlias SET ID=ID WHERE EmailAddressID=CurrID;

but that seems like a big hack.  While this would force the alias' triggers to 
run, it seems to me that there should be a cleaner way of doing this.

Suggestions, anyone?

/* Michael A. Nachbaur <mike@nachbaur.com>* http://nachbaur.com/pgpkey.asc*/

`I am so amazingly cool you could keep a side of meat in me for a month. I am 
so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.'