Обсуждение: Where is the sequence value?


Where is the sequence value?

"Edipo E. F. Melo"
Hi all,
  In my system, I use a sequence to enumerate a proccess list, and this sequence must be reseted each 
year. I don't remember how it was created, but when I try to "setval('seq', 0)" I get a "out of bounds 
(1, ...) error.
  So, I set i to 1 ("setval('seq', 1)"), but in my system, when I try to insert a process, the nextval
() returns 2, not 1. 
  I was thinking to fix this dropping, e creating the sequence, but in my system, a lot o users have 
permission to update the sequence (to use a nextval() on it), and I couldn't revoke they rights when I 
drop it.
  Insted, I search the docs about where sequence is definited, its min, max and current value, to 
change the min value, setting it to 0, but I didn't found something.
  (After a lot of text), my question is: how can I change the min value of a sequence without dropping 
  Thanks for all,

   Edipo Elder F. de Melo   [edipoelder@ig.com.br]   [    ICQ#: 4546070   ]