Обсуждение: sub-select, view and sum()


sub-select, view and sum()

Gary Stainburn
Hi folks,

I've got 3 tables (plus others), and want to create a view joining them.  
Below are the two main tables and the view I'm trying to create.  Anyone, got 
any idea how I need to word the 'create view'

create table turns (        -- Turns Table. Hold details of my turns
tid         int4 default nextval('turns_tid_seq'::text) unique not null,
tdate        date,            -- date of turn
tseq        int4,            -- sheet reference number
ttype        char references ttypes(ttid),    -- Turn type
tfitter        int4 references staff(sid),    -- fitter or driver
tccleaner    int4 references staff(sid),    -- charge cleaner or fireman
tcomments    text            -- free type description of turn
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/UNIQUE will create implicit index 'turns_tid_key' for 
table 'turns'
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s) for FOREIGN KEY check(s)
create table rides (        -- work details list by turn/category + mileage
rtid        int4 references turns(tid), -- TID of associated turn
rlid        int4 references locos(lid), -- LID of associated engine
rcid        character references categories(cid), -- CID of category
rmiles        int4            -- miles travelled on ride-out
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit trigger(s) for FOREIGN KEY check(s)
create unique index "rides_index" on rides using btree ("rtid", "rlid", 
create view turn_details as select t.*, d.sid as dsid, d.sname as dname,              f.sid as fsid, f.sname as fname,
   (select sum(r.rmiles) as rmiles from rides r where r.rtid = tid)         as rmilesfrom turns tleft outer join staff
don t.tfitter = d.sidleft outer join staff f on t.tccleaner = f.sidwhere r.rtid = t.tidorder by tdate;
ERROR:  Relation 'r' does not exist

Gary Stainburn
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Re: sub-select, view and sum()

Stephan Szabo
On Mon, 6 Jan 2003, Gary Stainburn wrote:

> create view turn_details as
>   select t.*, d.sid as dsid, d.sname as dname,
>               f.sid as fsid, f.sname as fname,
>           (select sum(r.rmiles) as rmiles from rides r where r.rtid = tid)
>             as rmiles
>     from turns t
>     left outer join staff d on t.tfitter = d.sid
>     left outer join staff f on t.tccleaner = f.sid
>     where r.rtid = t.tid
>     order by tdate;
> ERROR:  Relation 'r' does not exist

Do you really need the outer where r.rtid=t.tid?  I would think that the
subselect where clause would already handle that for you.

Re: sub-select, view and sum()

Gary Stainburn
On Monday 06 January 2003 6:31 pm, Stephan Szabo wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Jan 2003, Gary Stainburn wrote:
> > create view turn_details as
> >   select t.*, d.sid as dsid, d.sname as dname,
> >               f.sid as fsid, f.sname as fname,
> >           (select sum(r.rmiles) as rmiles from rides r where r.rtid = tid)
> >             as rmiles
> >     from turns t
> >     left outer join staff d on t.tfitter = d.sid
> >     left outer join staff f on t.tccleaner = f.sid
> >     where r.rtid = t.tid
> >     order by tdate;
> > ERROR:  Relation 'r' does not exist
> Do you really need the outer where r.rtid=t.tid?  I would think that the
> subselect where clause would already handle that for you.

Hi Stephan, 

Thanks for that. That was the problem.  I'd left it after trying to use a 
normal join in an earlier attempt.

Gary Stainburn
This email does not contain private or confidential material as it
may be snooped on by interested government parties for unknown
and undisclosed purposes - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, 2000