Обсуждение: problem with subqueries


problem with subqueries


Any help appreciated - I have spent 2 days trying to get this query to

I have an orders database and a customer database. 

The orders database has a date field for each order.  

Because I want to obtain a monthly breakdown, I created a view called
monthcustomer as this select:
select orders.ord_date, customer.cname,date_part('month',orders.ord_date) AS "month", date_part('year',orders.ord_date)
AS"year", orders.number_of_items;

Each month will have multiple numbers of items, so to get a monthly
breakdown I tried this:
select distinct year,month, (select sum(monthcustomer.number_of_items) from monthcustomer where
monthcustomer.year=m.yearand  monthcustomer.month=m.month) as NumPotsfrom monthcustomer m;

This goes off and never comes back - CPU is hitting the top of the
chart! I have to ^C to interrupt it, as it runs for ages (I've left
this run for 10-20 minutes and it is still running).

I have indexes on the columns involved from the original tables.

Any help appreciated.


PS: Using pgsql 7.2-70 from Suse distribution.

Re: problem with subqueries

Tom Lane
pete@phillipsfamily.freeserve.co.uk writes:
>     select distinct year,month, 
>     (select sum(monthcustomer.number_of_items) from monthcustomer where 
>     monthcustomer.year=m.year and  monthcustomer.month=m.month) as NumPots
>     from monthcustomer m;

> This goes off and never comes back -

No surprise, considering the sub-select is going to be evaluated
separately for every row of monthcustomer --- and then most of those
evaluations will be thrown away by the DISTINCT :-(

A straightforward way of reducing the redundant computations would be
to do the DISTINCT first:
select year,month, (select sum(monthcustomer.number_of_items) from monthcustomer where monthcustomer.year=m.year and
monthcustomer.month=m.month)as NumPotsfrom    (select distinct year, month from monthcustomer) as m;

But it appears to me that you are reinventing the wheel.  Isn't this
query the equivalent of a grouped aggregation --- viz,
select year, month, sum(number_of_items) as NumPotsfrom monthcustomergroup by year, month
        regards, tom lane

Re: problem with subqueries

Stephan Szabo
On Sat, 5 Oct 2002 pete@phillipsfamily.freeserve.co.uk wrote:

> Because I want to obtain a monthly breakdown, I created a view called
> monthcustomer as this select:
>     select orders.ord_date, customer.cname,
>     date_part('month',orders.ord_date) AS "month",
>     date_part('year',orders.ord_date) AS "year",
>     orders.number_of_items;
> Each month will have multiple numbers of items, so to get a monthly
> breakdown I tried this:
>     select distinct year,month,
>     (select sum(monthcustomer.number_of_items) from monthcustomer where
>     monthcustomer.year=m.year and  monthcustomer.month=m.month) as NumPots
>     from monthcustomer m;
> This goes off and never comes back - CPU is hitting the top of the
> chart! I have to ^C to interrupt it, as it runs for ages (I've left

That's going to run that inner select once for every row in monthcustomer

select year, month, sum(monthcustomer.number_of_items) as NumPots frmo
monthcustomer m group by year, month;
have the same effect, get the sum of the items for each year/month
combination along with which year and month?

Re: problem with subqueries

Hi guys. Thanks for the rapid replies so far.

To answer some of the questions:

>you did not indicate an explicit join - or even a "from" clause for that
>matter- in the example of your create view statement.

My original post was a simplified version. Here is the actual view
creating statement:
create view monthord as select ord_date, extract (month from ord_date)as month, extract (year from ord_date) as
year,r_region,number_of_itemsfrom orders,customer where ccode = codenum;

>But it appears to me that you are reinventing the wheel.  Isn't this
>query the equivalent of a grouped aggregation 

Yes - but again I was simplifying - I want to run a sub query for each
region, so I get output like this:

year   month     Reg1    Reg2   Reg3   Reg4
-----  -----     ----    ----   -----  ----
1999   Jan     20    45     10     27
1999   Feb     30    43     18     37
2002   Oct     7    89     60     17

The subquery I have tried to run is actually this (there is probably a
way to do this all in SQL, but at present I would like to just
understand why my subqueries take so long).

-----start  of script ---------------
# prepare a query as shell variables

# set up timeframe
SDATE=`date --date '2 years ago' +'%Y-%m-01'`
EDATE=`date --date 'next month' +'%Y-%m-01'`

# use the QUERY env variable to build the full query
QUERY="select distinct year,month, "

for reg in `psql -U postgres  -d product_db -c "select distinct r_code  from regionlist order by r_code;"`

QUERY="$QUERY (select sum(monthcustomer.number_of_items) from monthcustomer  where monthcustomer.year=m.year and
monthcustomer.month=m.monthand r_region like '$reg') as $reg,"


# now add a total column
QUERY="$QUERY (select sum(monthcustomer.number_of_items) from monthcustomer  where ord_date >= '$SDATE' and ord_date <
'$EDATE'and monthcustomer.year=m.year and  monthcustomer.month=m.month) as TOTAL from monthcustomer m;"

# execute the query
psql -U postgres -d newmaggot -c "$QUERY"

-----end of script ---------------

As you can see, I get all the regions, and loop through them building
up a bunch of subqueries as I go along. 

Hopefully this will answer some of your questions. I will try some of
the suggestions later on today (such as placing the distinct clause at
the end) but first I have to go and get some decorating done :-( (yes,
that sound you can hear is the crack of my wife's whip!).


I do whatever the Voices tell me to do

Re: problem with subqueries

Stephan Szabo
On Sun, 6 Oct 2002 pete@phillipsfamily.freeserve.co.uk wrote:

> Hi guys. Thanks for the rapid replies so far.
> To answer some of the questions:
> >you did not indicate an explicit join - or even a "from" clause for that
> >matter- in the example of your create view statement.
> My original post was a simplified version. Here is the actual view
> creating statement:
>     create view monthord as select ord_date, extract (month from ord_date)
>     as month, extract (year from ord_date) as year,r_region,
>     number_of_items from orders,customer where ccode = codenum;
> >But it appears to me that you are reinventing the wheel.  Isn't this
> >query the equivalent of a grouped aggregation
> Yes - but again I was simplifying - I want to run a sub query for each
> region, so I get output like this:
> year   month     Reg1    Reg2   Reg3   Reg4
> -----  -----     ----    ----   -----  ----
> 1999   Jan     20    45     10     27
> 1999   Feb     30    43     18     37
> ...
> 2002   Oct     7    89     60     17
> The subquery I have tried to run is actually this (there is probably a
> way to do this all in SQL, but at present I would like to just
> understand why my subqueries take so long).

Well, you're running <n> subqueries for each row in monthcustomer
because the distinct happens afterwards in your query.  So if you've
got 4 regions and 1 total and 100,000 rows in monthcustomer, you're
looking at something on the order of 500,000 subqueries.  Doing the
distinct before that step should lower the number to
((#year/month combinations) * (#regions+1)).

In any case, you may be better off with one of:

a) Doing something programatic to turn a result set like:year|month|region|value1999|Jan  |1     |201999|Jan  |2
into the form you want.  The above can be gotten by group by
probably and would require no subqueries.

b) Keeping a summary table that you update via triggers.  Thisrequires a bit of work to get the triggers, but it
probablymakesthe query faster.