Обсуждение: Can this query be faster?


Can this query be faster?

Gabriel Dovalo Carril
Hi all,
       This query spends 24 seconds to obtain the
result. What can be optimized?        Every time I run this query I only need information
related to 10 'articulos' and then I use 'OFFSET' clause
to search forward or backward.

Select articulos.codarticulo, articulos.descripcion,        sum(stocks.stkreal) as tot 
>From articulos, prendas, stocks 
Where articulos.codarticulo = prendas.codarticulo        And prendas.codprenda = stocks.codprenda 
Group by articulos.codarticulo, articulos.descripcion
Limit 10; 

Table 'articulos' has 4049 records
Table 'prendas' has 29493 records
Table 'stocks' has 90747 records

cad=# \d articulos                    Table "articulos" Attribute   |     Type      |          Modifier
--------------+---------------+-----------------------------codarticulo  | char(20)      | not null default
'0'descripcion | varchar(40)   | default ' 'refproveedor | char(20)      | default ' 'codproveedor | char(5)       |
notnull default ' 'venautoriz   | boolean       | not null default 't'::boolcomautoriz   | boolean       | not null
default't'::boolcodtallaje   | char(2)       | not null default ' 'codtarifa    | char(2)       | not null default '
'apldtocli   | boolean       | not null default 'f'::boolprecompra    | numeric(30,6) | not null default 0.1pretarifa
| numeric(30,6) | not null default 0premedio     | numeric(30,6) | not null default 0precosto     | numeric(30,6) | not
nulldefault 0pvpsegun     | varchar(15)   | not null default 'Indicado'impuesto     | numeric(30,6) | not null default
0codfamilia  | char(5)       | not null default ' 'ubicacion    | char(10)      | not null default ' 'observ       |
varchar(2048)| not null default ' 'preultcompra | numeric(30,6) | not null default 0
Indices: articulos_pkey,        idxarticulos_codarticulo,        idxarticulos_codfamilia,
idxarticulos_codproveedor,       idxarticulos_descripcion,        idxarticulos_refproveedor  

cad=# \d prendas                          Table "prendas" Attribute  |   Type   |                  Modifier
-------------+----------+---------------------------------------------codarticulo | char(20) | not null default
'0'codcolor   | char(3)  | not null default '000'numtalla    | char(2)  | not null default '00'codprenda   | integer  |
notnull default nextval('codprenda'::text)
Indices: idxprendas_codarticulo,        idxprendas_codcolor,        idxprendas_codprenda,        idxprendas_numtalla,
cad=# \d stocks                Table "stocks"Attribute  |   Type   |        Modifier
------------+----------+-------------------------stkreal    | integer  | not null default 0stkpterec  | integer  | not
nulldefault 0stkpteser  | integer  | not null default 0stkminimo  | integer  | not null default 999999codprenda  |
integer | not null default 0codalmacen | char(10) | not null default ' '
Indices: idxstocks_codalmacen,        idxstocks_codprenda,        stocks_pkey                           

cad=# Explain Select articulos.codarticulo, articulos.descripcion,                sum(stocks.stkreal) as tot
Fromarticulos, prendas, stocks        Where articulos.codarticulo = prendas.codarticulo and
prendas.codprenda= stocks.codprenda        Group by articulos.codarticulo, articulos.descripcion Limit 10;

Aggregate  (cost=485333365.76..493587395.74 rows=110053733 width=48)
->  Group  (cost=485333365.76..490836052.41 rows=1100537331 width=48) ->  Sort  (cost=485333365.76..485333365.76
rows=1100537331width=48)   ->  Merge Join  (cost=310247.47..334885.36 rows=1100537331 width=48)     ->  Index Scan
usingstocks_pkey on stocks  (cost=0.00..5233.94
rows=74469 width=8)     ->  Sort  (cost=310247.47..310247.47 rows=1477846 width=40)       ->  Merge Join
(cost=648.57..2429.70rows=1477846 width=40)         ->  Index Scan using prendas_pkey on prendas 
(cost=0.00..1403.44 rows=24077 width=16)         ->  Sort  (cost=648.57..648.57 rows=6138 width=24)           ->  Seq
Scanon articulos (cost=0.00..262.38 rows=6138