Обсуждение: challenging query


challenging query

c.ruffin@ieee.org (Chris Ruffin)
Consider the following table:

A    B    C    D    select?
1    FOO    A1    100    n
1    BAR    Z2    100    n
2    FOO    A1    101    y
2    BAR    Z2    101    y
3    FOO    A1    102    y
4    BAR    Z2    99    y
5    FOO    A1    99    n
6    BAR    Z2    98    n
7    FOO    AB    103    y
7    BAR    ZY    103    y

This table has the idea of "groups", that is, a group is defined as
all of the words from B that have the same number A.  The values in
column C also matter- we want to select both groups A=7 and A=1 since
they contain different values C.  Note that the groups defined by A=1
and A=3 are distinct- they do not contain the same number of words
from B, so we want to select them both.  Also note that D is datetime,
and all the rows with the same number A will have the same D (this is
actually ensured by a single row in another table.)

I want to select all of the numbers A which define distinct groups and
have the highest datetime D.  Is this possible in a SQL query?

Re: challenging query

Haller Christoph
> Consider the following table:
> A    B    C    D    select?
> -------------------------------
> 1    FOO    A1    100    n
> 1    BAR    Z2    100    n
> 2    FOO    A1    101    y
> 2    BAR    Z2    101    y
> 3    FOO    A1    102    y
> 4    BAR    Z2    99    y
> 5    FOO    A1    99    n
> 6    BAR    Z2    98    n
> 7    FOO    AB    103    y
> 7    BAR    ZY    103    y
> This table has the idea of "groups", that is, a group is defined as
> all of the words from B that have the same number A.  The values in
> column C also matter- we want to select both groups A=7 and A=1 since
> they contain different values C.  Note that the groups defined by A=1
> and A=3 are distinct- they do not contain the same number of words
> from B, so we want to select them both.  Also note that D is datetime,
> and all the rows with the same number A will have the same D (this is
> actually ensured by a single row in another table.)
> I want to select all of the numbers A which define distinct groups and
> have the highest datetime D.  Is this possible in a SQL query?

Sorry, there is an inconsistency in your question, at least to me. 
In the table's last column you say you want to select 
A in (2,3,4,7) 
but in the epilogue you say you want to select 
A in (7,1,1,3) 
What did I miss? 
Regards, Christoph 

Re: challenging query

Haller Christoph
> Consider the following table:
> A    B    C    D    select?
> -------------------------------
> 1    FOO    A1    100    n
> 1    BAR    Z2    100    n
> 2    FOO    A1    101    y
> 2    BAR    Z2    101    y
> 3    FOO    A1    102    y
> 4    BAR    Z2    99    y
> 5    FOO    A1    99    n
> 6    BAR    Z2    98    n
> 7    FOO    AB    103    y
> 7    BAR    ZY    103    y
> This table has the idea of "groups", that is, a group is defined as
> all of the words from B that have the same number A.  The values in
> column C also matter- we want to select both groups A=7 and A=1 since
> they contain different values C.  Note that the groups defined by A=1
> and A=3 are distinct- they do not contain the same number of words
> from B, so we want to select them both.  Also note that D is datetime,
> and all the rows with the same number A will have the same D (this is
> actually ensured by a single row in another table.)
> I want to select all of the numbers A which define distinct groups and
> have the highest datetime D.  Is this possible in a SQL query?
Now that I've read your request more attentively, I understand what 
you want. But I have to admit I have no idea how to word the query, 
I even don't know if it's possible at all. 
Regards, Christoph 

Re: challenging query

Masaru Sugawara
On Fri, 05 Oct 2001 17:03:41 METDST
Haller Christoph wrote:

> > 
> > Consider the following table:
> > 
> > A    B    C    D    select?
> > -------------------------------
> > 1    FOO    A1    100    n
> > 1    BAR    Z2    100    n
> > 2    FOO    A1    101    y
> > 2    BAR    Z2    101    y
> > 3    FOO    A1    102    y
> > 4    BAR    Z2    99    y
> > 5    FOO    A1    99    n
> > 6    BAR    Z2    98    n
> > 7    FOO    AB    103    y
> > 7    BAR    ZY    103    y
> > 
> > This table has the idea of "groups", that is, a group is defined as
> > all of the words from B that have the same number A.  The values in
> > column C also matter- we want to select both groups A=7 and A=1 since
> > they contain different values C.  Note that the groups defined by A=1
> > and A=3 are distinct- they do not contain the same number of words
> > from B, so we want to select them both.  Also note that D is datetime,
> > and all the rows with the same number A will have the same D (this is
> > actually ensured by a single row in another table.)
> > 
> > I want to select all of the numbers A which define distinct groups and
> > have the highest datetime D.  Is this possible in a SQL query?
> > 
> Now that I've read your request more attentively, I understand what 
> you want. But I have to admit I have no idea how to word the query, 
> I even don't know if it's possible at all. 
> Regards, Christoph 
I also haven't satisfactorily understood the mean of the epilogue,but I probably think he wanted to account for the
followingtable which is separated into "groups".

A    B    C    D    select?
1    FOO    A1    100    n   
1    BAR    Z2    100    n
2    FOO    A1    101    y
2    BAR    Z2    101    y
5    FOO    A1    99    n
3    FOO    A1    102    y
6    BAR    Z2    98    n
4    BAR    Z2    99    y
7    FOO    AB    103    y
7    BAR    ZY    103    y

for instance:

select u0.A, u0.B, u0.C, u0.D from (select t0.*, t1.cnt           from (select a, count(*) as cnt                  from
test_table                 group by a ) as t1               inner join test_table as t0                 on(t0.a = t1.a)
     ) as u0  where not exists (select u1.*                      from (select t0.*, t1.cnt
from (select a, count(*) as cnt                                      from test_table
 group by a ) as t1                                   inner join test_table as t0
on(t0.a= t1.a)                           ) as u1                      where u1.cnt    = u0.cnt
 and u1.a != u0.a                            and u1.d  > u0.d                            and u1.b  = u0.b
            and u1.c  = u0.c                     )

a |  b  | c  |  d
---+-----+----+-----2 | BAR | Z2 | 1012 | FOO | A1 | 1013 | FOO | A1 | 1024 | BAR | Z2 |  997 | BAR | ZY | 1057 | FOO |
AB| 105
(6 rows)

Have a nice weekend!

Masaru Sugawara

Re: challenging query

Masaru Sugawara
On Sat, 06 Oct 2001 18:54:21 +0900
Masaru Sugawara wrote:

> A    B    C    D    select?
> ------------------------------------
> 1    FOO    A1    100    n   
> 1    BAR    Z2    100    n
> 2    FOO    A1    101    y
> 2    BAR    Z2    101    y
> ---------------------------------
> 5    FOO    A1    99    n
> 3    FOO    A1    102    y
> ---------------------------------
> 6    BAR    Z2    98    n
> 4    BAR    Z2    99    y
> ---------------------------------
> 7    FOO    AB    103    y
> 7    BAR    ZY    103    y
> select u0.A, u0.B, u0.C, u0.D
>   from (select t0.*, t1.cnt 
>            from (select a, count(*) as cnt
>                    from test_table
>                    group by a ) as t1
>                 inner join test_table as t0
>                   on(t0.a = t1.a)
>         ) as u0
>    where not exists (select u1.*
>                        from (select t0.*, t1.cnt 
>                                from (select a, count(*) as cnt
>                                        from test_table
>                                        group by a ) as t1
>                                     inner join test_table as t0
>                                      on(t0.a = t1.a)
>                             ) as u1
>                        where u1.cnt    = u0.cnt
>                              and u1.a != u0.a
>                              and u1.d  > u0.d
>                              and u1.b  = u0.b
>                              and u1.c  = u0.c 
>                      )
> ;

I noticed there were two vain subselects in the querywhen I had checked past queries by an EXPLAIN, andgave a small
changeto the query.

-- on 7.1.2
select u0.*, u1.cnt  from (select a, count(*) as cnt           from test_table group by a ) as u1        inner join
test_tableas u0 on(u0.a = u1.a)  where not exists (select t0.*, t1.cnt                        from (select a, count(*)
ascnt                                from test_table group by a) as t1                             inner join
test_tableas t0 on(t0.a = t1.a)                       where t1.cnt    = u1.cnt                             and t0.a !=
u0.a                            and t0.d  > u0.d                             and t0.b  = u0.b
 and t0.c  = u0.c                     )

Masaru Sugawara

Strange loop

Torbjörn Andersson

I need some help with the function below. My intention is to hand the
content of result_store and sort it out so that I can have a complete
recordset. But for some reason result_store is returned empty. It works fine
for one row but the concatenation of result_store and result does not seem
to work.

Can some one pleas explain why?

RETURNS varchar
' DECLARE       result varchar;       result_store varchar;       row record;
BEGIN       FOR row IN               SELECT snus_id, namn, betyg FROM snus ORDER BY betyg       LOOP
SELECTINTO result row.snus_id || ''\t'' || row.namn ||
''\t'' || row.betyg  || ''\n'';               result_store := result_store  || result;       END LOOP;       RETURN


Torbjörn Andersson
Embryo Communication      phone: +46 (0) 31-774 39 11(00)
Kungsgatan 7a             fax: +46 (0)31 774 07 80
S-411 19 Göteborg         mobile: 0708-30 70 04
Sweden                    home: http://www.embryo.se/       mail: torbjorn.andersson@embryo.se
"Att idag tänka annorlunda än igår skiljer den vise från den envise." — John

Re: Strange loop

"Aasmund Midttun Godal"
You are concatenating with a null value, which causes the result to be null.
See below, I have fixed it.


On Tue, 30 Oct 2001 22:05:15 +0100, Torbjörn Andersson <tobbe@embryo.se> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need some help with the function below. My intention is to hand the
> content of result_store and sort it out so that I can have a complete
> recordset. But for some reason result_store is returned empty. It works fine
> for one row but the concatenation of result_store and result does not seem
> to work.
> Can some one pleas explain why?
> RETURNS varchar
> AS
>         result varchar := '''';
>         result_store varchar := '''';
>         row record;
>         FOR row IN
>                 SELECT snus_id, namn, betyg FROM snus ORDER BY betyg
>         LOOP
>                 SELECT INTO result row.snus_id || ''\t'' || row.namn ||
> ''\t'' || row.betyg  || ''\n'';
>                 result_store := result_store  || result;
>         END LOOP;
>         RETURN result_store;
> END;
> Regards
> Torbjörn Andersson
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Embryo Communication      phone: +46 (0) 31-774 39 11(00)
> Kungsgatan 7a             fax: +46 (0)31 774 07 80
> S-411 19 Göteborg         mobile: 0708-30 70 04
> Sweden                    home: http://www.embryo.se/
>         mail: torbjorn.andersson@embryo.se
> ---------------------------------------------------
> "Att idag tänka annorlunda än igår skiljer den vise från den envise." - John
> Steinbeck
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
> http://archives.postgresql.org

Aasmund Midttun Godal

aasmund@godal.com - http://www.godal.com/
+47 40 45 20 46

Re: Strange loop

Tom Lane
Torbjörn Andersson <tobbe@embryo.se> writes:
> I need some help with the function below. My intention is to hand the
> content of result_store and sort it out so that I can have a complete
> recordset. But for some reason result_store is returned empty. It works fine
> for one row but the concatenation of result_store and result does not seem
> to work.

Try initializing result_store to something other than NULL ...
        regards, tom lane