Обсуждение: Cluster and primary key


Cluster and primary key

mikael.kjellstrom@_no_spam_flygtaxi.se (Mikael Kjellström)
I can't find a way to cluster a table on another index and keep it's 
primary key.

When I define the table the primary key is created, but it's dropped when I 
cluster the table on another index.

I've tried "alter table add constraint", but that's not supported for 
primary keys.

I'm running 7.1.release4 on Debian Woody.

Re: Cluster and primary key

Mathijs Brands
On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 07:51:11AM +0000, Mikael Kjellström allegedly wrote:
> I can't find a way to cluster a table on another index and keep it's 
> primary key.
> When I define the table the primary key is created, but it's dropped when I 
> cluster the table on another index.
> I've tried "alter table add constraint", but that's not supported for 
> primary keys.
> I'm running 7.1.release4 on Debian Woody.

That can't be helped. The current cluster implementation drops all indexes on
the table you're clustering, with the exception of the index you're clustering
on. You could work around this limitation in the current cluster implementation
by recreating the index enforcing the primary key.

I hope this is of help to you,

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