Обсуждение: Fwd: RE: dump from access to pg on linux


Fwd: RE: dump from access to pg on linux

Yury Don
This is a forwarded message
From: Fred Lecul <pp.f.lecul@bigpond.com>
To: Yury Don <yura@vpcit.ru>
Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2000, 10:45:55 AM
Subject: [SQL] dump from access to pg on linux

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I did this by using the postgres odbc drivers, I linked the postgres tables
in access
then I created an append query of the data I wanted to dump.
this worked without problems and was reasonably fast.
The only problem is you have to create the tables in postgres first.
I noticed another option that is to import to postgres, odbc text files that
youve created in access.
There may be other ways, but I hope this helps


> -----Original Message-----
> From: pgsql-sql-owner@hub.org [mailto:pgsql-sql-owner@hub.org]On Behalf
> Of Yury Don
> Sent: Wednesday, 14 June 2000 13:32
> To: pgsql-sql@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [SQL] dump from access to pg on linux
> Hello rocael,
> Once, Wednesday, June 14, 2000, 12:11:40 AM, you wrote:
> run> I have a DB in access, and I wanna pass it to pg7 on my
> linux box, do somebody
> run> know which is the best (and easy) way to do that?? like a dump??
> We used Pgupt for this:
> http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/boylesa/pgupt/pgupt.shtml
> Also look at the http://www.sevainc.com/Access/index.html
> --
> Best regards,
>  Yury  ICQ 11831432
>  mailto:yura@vpcit.ru

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-- Yury  ICQ 11831432mailto:yura@vpcit.ru