Обсуждение: Re: [SQL] string containing (')


Re: [SQL] string containing (')

Peter Garner
Hi Atika!

You need to escape the apostrophe, in other words,

"Let's all get stoned"

must be converted to

"Let\'s all get stoned"

Here is some java that does this :

   *  Massages a <code>String</code> parameter so that parameter is
palatable to the Database.  For
   *  example, "It's a good day!" would be converted to "It\'s a good
   *  @param      string    The <code>String</code> we wish to massage
   *  @return     A "fixed" version of the Argument
<code>String</code> Object
  public static String fixupString ( String string )
    //  Assume a worst case scenario where EVERY byte in the string
needs to be escaped, i.e. make the Length of the NEW
    //  Buffer twice the Length of the old Buffer
    char  cCurrent      = '\0'  ;
    char  carrBuffer [] = new char  [string.length () * 2]  ;
    int   nBuffIdx      = 0 ;

    for ( int n = 0 ; n < string.length () ; n++ )
      cCurrent  = string.charAt ( n ) ;

      //  See if the current character is an apostrophe or an '\'.  I
think the only reliable way to escape all apostrophes
      //  and all '\' is to escape each and every one that is
encountered.  Otherwise one may not get the original Text back
      //  out of the DBMS.  For example if we have the string
"1234\'5678" and we do not alter it since the apostrophe is
      //  already escaped, we will get the string "1234'5678" when we
retrieve it FROM the DBMS!
      if ( charNeedsEscaping ( cCurrent ) )
        carrBuffer [nBuffIdx++] = '\\'  ;

      } /* endif */

      carrBuffer [nBuffIdx++] = cCurrent  ;

    } /* endfor */

    String  strgReturn  = new String ( carrBuffer , 0 , nBuffIdx ) ;

    return  strgReturn  ;

  } /* static String fixupString ( String string ) */

---Atika <agoswa@essex.ac.uk> wrote:
> HI!
> Can anyone help,
> I want to store a string into a relation that might contain an
> (').  Is there anyway around this or can I not store such strings.
> Thanks for your help


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