Обсуждение: Conversion from Unix timestamp to datetime?


Conversion from Unix timestamp to datetime?

Tom Lane
I'd like to be able to convert between times specified in Unix timestamp
format and SQL datetime values without going through the slow and rather
error-prone process of converting to a human-readable date notation.

I see how to get a datetime value returned as a Unix timestamp:

    tgl=> select date_part('epoch', 'now'::datetime);
    (1 row)

But I don't see any way to supply a value in the form "900355156"
and have it get converted to datetime.  Is there a way to do that?

BTW, it seems like the standard data type 'timestamp' ought to be
good for this, but it isn't as far as I can tell ... it hasn't got
any working conversions to/from integer either.

            regards, tom lane

How do I store graphics in my tables?

Dan Delaney
Hello all.
   What type of field should I use if I want to store bitmap images
in my tables? Also, since I'm making the interface to my database
completely Web-based with PHP, does anyone know of a way that I can
have the user put graphics into the table from the web page form?
   Thanks a lot.

 Daniel G. Delaney                    The Louisville Times Chorus
 Dionysos@Dionysia.org                   www.LouisvilleTimes.org
 www.Dionysia.org/~dionysos/          Dionysia Design
 ICQ Number: 8171285                     www.Dionysia.com/design/
                   I doubt, therefore I might be.