Обсуждение: CF process


CF process

"Kevin Grittner"
I've just spent hours poring over CF entries and old emails to see
where we are at with all the patches.  I've sent out a dozen
off-list emails to try to keep the CF moving.  To stretch the limits
of understatement to the verge of breaking, this is not my favorite
kind of work.  Take pity on me -- please try to keep the CF
application up-to-date and accurate, and when you can't hit the
target dates, please email me off-list in advance.  This really
helps reduce the time I have to spend digging into the details.

On the other hand, we've gotten through quite a few reviews, and
have 22 patches committed or ready for committer.  If everyone who
has emailed off-list about getting reviews in within the next few
days comes through, I think we'll have a good chance to give
reasonable feedback to all authors in this CF.

Thanks everyone!
