Обсуждение: Successful PostgreSQL install


Successful PostgreSQL install

John Bleichert

I successfully installed PostgreSQL on my computer and provided access
to the DBMS (if that's the correct word) to myself and my girlfriend who
shares the PC. The system specs are as follows:

PostgreSQL 6.5.3
Mandrake Linux 6.0 (2.2.9-19mdk)
    AMD K6-2 350 MHz
    128 MBytes PC-100 RAM

I compiled and installed the system without a hitch. The regression test
did fail on 2 types, though:

    float8 .. failed
    geometry .. failed

I don't think these will cause me a problem however the 'geometry' type
sounds interesting . . .

Please note that I am not a comp-sci  person, I'm an electrical
engineer. If I could get this system up and running this easily (one bag
of pretzels, 2 bottles of Coke) then your install and distribution
method must be quite robust and correct 8=)

Also note that I haven't tried to access the DBMS via a C++ program yet
which is the real reason I downloaded the system. Wish me luck!

Thanx a lot - if I can be of any help let me know.

John Bleichert