Обсуждение: postmaster shared memory problems


postmaster shared memory problems

Peter Fales

I'm currently installing postgreSQL-6.5 on our Solaris 2.5 system.  The
postmaster process is failing on some systems because it's trying to
get a shared memory segment of about 1.3 megabytes and the system defined
maximum size is only 1 megabyte.

This maximum is something that can apparently be adjusted by the system
administrator - some of our machines have a larger value for shmmax
specified in the /etc/system file, and on those systems postmaster runs
OK.  However, other systems which do not have this entry in /etc/system are
apparently defaulting to the 1 megabyte maximum.

As far as I know, 6.4.2 did not have this problem.  Is there any way that
6.5 can be tuned to keep it under the 1 meg limit?  If not, it would be nice
to at least include some documentation of this potential pitfall.

Thanks very much.

Peter Fales              Lucent Technologies, Room 9A-213
N9IYJ                      2000 N Naperville Rd PO Box 3033
internet: psfales@lucent.com      Naperville, IL 60566-7033
                   work:    (630) 979-8031