Обсуждение: OS Kit port?


OS Kit port?

Clark Evans
It might be fun to have a dedicated
box just running PostgreSQL... with bare
bones of an operating system.

:) Clark

Jay Lepreau wrote: (Re: OSKit 0.96 was released today)
> Go to http://www.cs.utah.edu/projects/flux/oskit/
> and follow your nose for all the goodies.
> Briefly: it's up to 30 component libraries now, comes with 45 example
> mini-kernels, a 500 page (help!) document with few blank pages anymore
> (although still lots of gaps in it), can be configured with full
> multithreading and Posix threads, has prototype CPU inheritance scheduling
> in it (5 policies including 2 real time), has a hierarchical network
> link-sharing component, has a "simple virtual memory" component including
> pageout.  Has most Linux filesystems, several networking libs, the full
> FreeBSD library (which means most of Posix), lots of device drivers (perhaps
> 60), profiling support, and some minimal video and window manager support.
> A currently inelegant but useful component lets you run many kernels on Unix
> in user-mode, which is great for debugging.  Most components now use the COM
> object model, which is a first in internal OS design.
> Just about every component is optional, and unlike any other OS, is designed
> to fit into *other* operating systems and environments if desired.  Of
> course the OSKit's got problems, too, don't we all.  There are a ton of
> things that it needs.  One nice thing in that regard is that it's easy to
> incrementally add to the OSKit.  Let's do it!
> Re licensing, the OSKit comes with full source, and is GPL'ed; "open
> source" is now the "in" term apparently.  If a business or someone has
> trouble with the GPL, the University is willing to talk about other options.
> As a special holiday bonus-- for such patience on your part-- this release
> supports a version, which we provide, of the Kaffe OpenVM (Java to you) from
> Transvirtual.  Thus you can link them together and you've got Kaffe on the
> bare HW, or with a configuration change, you can run the same "Java OS" on
> top of Unix.  Our Kaffe changes will go into the next beta release.
> Thanks to Tim Wilkinson and their company for giving Kaffe to the world.
> We are grateful to the long line of free software project from whom we drew
> code, including Mach, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and XFree86.  The GNU

> tools were, as always, invaluable.  DARPA's support has been great.
> Finally, I want to thank and acknowledge the fine team at Utah that has
> accomplished so much, and with whom I have the honor to work with.  Check
> out the CREDITS file for their names.
> Jay Lepreau
> University of Utah
> lepreau@cs.utah.edu