Обсуждение: Long term support for Debian 6.0 Announced


Long term support for Debian 6.0 Announced

"Karl O. Pinc"

This is old news, but I see nothing in the archives
and it can't hurt to be sure that you folks know
about this.

Long term support for Debian 6.0 Announced

This raises the question of whether PG will provide
packaging support for such "long term supported"
debian releases -- especially since the support
provided by Debian is "experimental" and not
provided by the the regular Debian security team.


Karl <kop@meme.com>
Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
                 -- Robert A. Heinlein

P.S.  I'm not on the list.  To reach me
replies will need to be directed to me.

Re: Long term support for Debian 6.0 Announced

Christoph Berg
Re: Karl O. Pinc 2014-05-27 <1401155640.26185.2@slate>
> Hi,
> This is old news, but I see nothing in the archives
> and it can't hurt to be sure that you folks know
> about this.
> Long term support for Debian 6.0 Announced
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-announce/2014/msg00002.html
> This raises the question of whether PG will provide
> packaging support for such "long term supported"
> debian releases -- especially since the support
> provided by Debian is "experimental" and not
> provided by the the regular Debian security team.


the plan is to simply continue providing PostgreSQL packages on
apt.postgresql.org. We (I) won't additionally feed updates via the
squeeze-lts suite.

What we will probably do though is to do a one-time upload of
postgresql-common to squeeze-lts to make users aware of
apt.postgresql.org via a NEWS.Debian entry and a debconf note.

I haven't prepared anything for that yet, but I guess there will be
some announcement on pgsql-announce or similar shortly.

cb@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/

Re: Long term support for Debian 6.0 Announced

"Karl O. Pinc"
On 05/28/2014 08:14:55 AM, Christoph Berg wrote:
> Re: Karl O. Pinc 2014-05-27 <1401155640.26185.2@slate>

> > Long term support for Debian 6.0 Announced
> > https://lists.debian.org/debian-announce/2014/msg00002.html

> the plan is to simply continue providing PostgreSQL packages on
> apt.postgresql.org. We (I) won't additionally feed updates via the
> squeeze-lts suite.


Thanks for the reply.

I'm sorry but I'm still not clear on what this means for continued
squeeze support. (Or for future "long term" support).  Will the
postgresql apt repo continue to have new pg releases for
squeeze (or whatever other debian versions are on "long term"
support) or will these end when squeeze goes out of regular

Perhaps I'm confused because while the debian announcement
uses the term "Squeeze-LTS" it never talks about apt
repo suites or the mechanics of how squeeze support
will continue with respect to repos.

Karl <kop@meme.com>
Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
                 -- Robert A. Heinlein

Re: Long term support for Debian 6.0 Announced

Christoph Berg
Re: Karl O. Pinc 2014-05-28 <1401291227.4924.0@slate>
> > > Long term support for Debian 6.0 Announced
> > > https://lists.debian.org/debian-announce/2014/msg00002.html
> > the plan is to simply continue providing PostgreSQL packages on
> > apt.postgresql.org. We (I) won't additionally feed updates via the
> > squeeze-lts suite.
> Hi,
> Thanks for the reply.
> I'm sorry but I'm still not clear on what this means for continued
> squeeze support. (Or for future "long term" support).  Will the
> postgresql apt repo continue to have new pg releases for
> squeeze (or whatever other debian versions are on "long term"
> support) or will these end when squeeze goes out of regular
> support?
> Perhaps I'm confused because while the debian announcement
> uses the term "Squeeze-LTS" it never talks about apt
> repo suites or the mechanics of how squeeze support
> will continue with respect to repos.


sorry if that was too terse. apt.postgresql.org will simply continue
supporting squeeze, i.e. new packages will appear in the
"squeeze-pgdg" suite there as before.

On the Debian side, the "squeeze" (standard Debian) and
"squeeze/updates" (standard Debian security) suite will stop getting
updated by Debian, but a new suite "squeeze-lts" will appear, which is
not fed by the Debian security team, but from individual Debian

So for pgapt users, nothing will change. People using PostgreSQL from
stock Debian squeeze will move to pgapt, though. To make people aware
of that fact, we will do one-time upload to squeeze-lts which will
show a debconf-style popup.

cb@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/

Re: Long term support for Debian 6.0 Announced

"Karl O. Pinc"
On 05/29/2014 12:43:31 PM, Christoph Berg wrote:
> Re: Karl O. Pinc 2014-05-28 <1401291227.4924.0@slate>
> > > > Long term support for Debian 6.0 Announced
> > > > https://lists.debian.org/debian-announce/2014/msg00002.html
> sorry if that was too terse. apt.postgresql.org will simply continue
> supporting squeeze, i.e. new packages will appear in the
> "squeeze-pgdg" suite there as before.
> On the Debian side, the "squeeze" (standard Debian) and
> "squeeze/updates" (standard Debian security) suite will stop getting
> updated by Debian, but a new suite "squeeze-lts" will appear, which
> is
> not fed by the Debian security team, but from individual Debian
> people.

Thanks.  This is all very clear.

> So for pgapt users, nothing will change. People using PostgreSQL from
> stock Debian squeeze will move to pgapt, though. To make people aware
> of that fact, we will do one-time upload to squeeze-lts which will
> show a debconf-style popup.

Ok.  To elaborate, there's no plan for any sort of backporting
of PG security fixes into the version of PG packaged with
squeeze (a-la a RH style of supporting very old PG versions
packaged in old RH distros).  Instead, squeeze users must
upgrade to newer versions of PG, supported by PG, as
older PG versions go out of support.  If, of course,
squeeze is supported long enough for it's version of PG
to go out of PG support.

I know you mentioned adding comments to the README.Debian file.
I don't recall the context but
it might be worth doing this in Jesse/Sid as well
since those people who will eventually be required
to rely on the pgapt repo might want to configure
their system that way from the get-go.  (I've
a unconsidered thought: Would it
be crazy for the Debian pg packages to add a
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgapt file so that
this happens automatically?)


Karl <kop@meme.com>
Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
                 -- Robert A. Heinlein

Re: Long term support for Debian 6.0 Announced

Christoph Berg
Re: Karl O. Pinc 2014-05-29 <1401392744.1042.2@slate>
> Ok.  To elaborate, there's no plan for any sort of backporting
> of PG security fixes into the version of PG packaged with
> squeeze (a-la a RH style of supporting very old PG versions
> packaged in old RH distros).  Instead, squeeze users must
> upgrade to newer versions of PG, supported by PG, as
> older PG versions go out of support.  If, of course,
> squeeze is supported long enough for it's version of PG
> to go out of PG support.

PG is always updated to new upstream versions in stable; we don't
cherry-pick changes. It's probably right to say that PG is the only
package in Debian that has this card blanche for stable update because
of its history of well-behaving minor updates. (There's other packages
that get updated to new versions, i.e. iceweasel/firefox, but that's
because cherry-picking would create an even bigger mess than just

So the only policy change would be that users need to use a different
repository. (For the PostgreSQL server packages, the pgapt repository
has more new software that wouldn't go into Debian stable, but people
don't have to use these.)

> I know you mentioned adding comments to the README.Debian file.
> I don't recall the context but
> it might be worth doing this in Jesse/Sid as well
> since those people who will eventually be required
> to rely on the pgapt repo might want to configure
> their system that way from the get-go.  (I've

Good point.

> a unconsidered thought: Would it
> be crazy for the Debian pg packages to add a
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgapt file so that
> this happens automatically?)

Too crazy. But we ship a
/usr/share/postgresql-common/pgdg/apt.postgresql.org.sh file in
postgresql-common that automates switching. That's only in jessie/sid
now, but we should push it into the squeeze-lts update too.

cb@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/