Обсуждение: Wrong version of libpq5 in squeeze/wheezy/lucid/precise on amd64


Wrong version of libpq5 in squeeze/wheezy/lucid/precise on amd64

Christoph Berg

due to a configuration error while 9.3beta was added to the
repository, 9.3's lib packages (libpq5, libpq-dev, various ecpg libs)
where copied to the "main" component of the squeeze-pgdg, wheezy-pgdg,
lucid-pgdg, and precise-pgdg distributions on apt.postgresql.org,
while they should have stayed in their separate "9.3" component. Only
amd64 is affected, not i386.

The mistake came into effect 2013-05-10 05:50 UTC, and was resolved
for the mirror push at 2013-05-11 05:18 UTC. The original packages are
now back in place.

If you installed PostgreSQL packages from apt.postgresql.org during
that time, or did an upgrade, you will likely be affected by this
issue. You can verify the version number of libpq5 using "dpkg -l
libpq5". "Good" versions will start with 9.2, "affected" ones with

If your system is affected, there is no need to rush, the packages are
compatible, and 9.3 will be releasing in the near future, at which
point we would have updated to this version of the package anyway. We
recommend to keep the 9.3 packages, in order to avoid the need for a
maintenance window. If you want to downgrade the packages back to the
9.2 state, the recommended procedure is:

dpkg -l | grep '^ii.*9.3~beta' | awk '{ print $2 "/wheezy-pgdg" }' | xargs sudo apt-get install

(replace "wheezy" with the actual distribution you are using)

We will reevaluate the repository layout to make sure this problem
will not reappear again. We would like to apologize to all users that
are affected by this.

cb@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/
