Обсуждение: postgresql primarykeys foreignkeys tablenames screenfieldlength


postgresql primarykeys foreignkeys tablenames screenfieldlength

Kevin Gordon
Any suggestions or improvements to the following code would be much
appreciated. Please send me an email:

    function kgtables ()
        if ($this->connection)
            $tablelist = "";
            $sql = "SELECT " .
                        "ic.relname " .
                    "FROM " .
                        "pg_class ic " .
                    "WHERE " .
                        "ic.relname not like 'pg%' " .
                        "AND ic.relname not like '%pk' " .
                        "AND ic.relname not like '%idx' ";
            $tablelist = pg_query ($this->connection, $sql);
            $this->num_tables = pg_num_rows($tablelist);
            for ($i=0; $i < $this->num_tables; $i++)
                $r = pg_fetch_row($tablelist);
                $obj->{$i + 1} = $r[0];
            pg_free_result ($tablelist);
            return $obj;
            echo 'Error: failed to name the tables <br />';
            return 0;

    function kgprimarykeys ($tablename = "")
        if ( $this->connection && $tablename != "" )
            $keylist = "";
            $sql = "SELECT " .
                        "ic.relname AS index_name, " .
                        "bc.relname AS tab_name, " .
                        "ta.attname AS column_name, " .
                        "i.indisunique AS unique_key, " .
                        "i.indisprimary AS primary_key " .
                    "FROM " .
                        "pg_class bc, " .
                        "pg_class ic, " .
                        "pg_index i, " .
                        "pg_attribute ta, " .
                        "pg_attribute ia " .
                    "WHERE " .
                        "bc.oid = i.indrelid " .
                        "AND ic.oid = i.indexrelid " .
                        "AND ia.attrelid = i.indexrelid " .
                        "AND ta.attrelid = bc.oid " .
                        "AND bc.relname = '" . $tablename . "' " .
                        "AND ta.attrelid = i.indrelid " .
                        "AND ta.attnum = i.indkey[ia.attnum-1] " .
                    "ORDER BY " .
                        "index_name, tab_name, column_name";
            $keylist = pg_query ($this->connection, $sql);
            $this->num_primarykeys = pg_num_rows($keylist);
            $j = 1;
            for ($i=0; $i < $this->num_primarykeys; $i++)
                $r = pg_fetch_row($keylist);
//                echo "Primary Key: $r[0], $r[1], $r[2], $r[3], $r[4], </br>";
                if ( $r[4] == TRUE)
                    $obj->{$j} = $r[2];
            pg_free_result ($keylist);
            return $obj;
            echo 'Error: failed to name the primary keys in ' . $tablename . '<br
            return 0;

    function kgforeignkeys ($tablename = "" )
        if ( $this->connection && $tablename != "" )
            $keylist = "";
            $sql = "SELECT conname,
  pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(oid) as condef
                        FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint r
                        WHERE r.conrelid = (SELECT c.oid
                            FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
                            LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
                            ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
                            WHERE pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
                                  AND c.relname ~ '^" . $tablename . "$' )
                        AND r.contype = 'f'";

            $keylist = pg_query ($this->connection, $sql);
            $num_rows = pg_num_rows($keylist);
            for ($i=0; $i < $num_rows; $i++)
                $r = pg_fetch_row($keylist);
//                echo "Field: $r[0], $r[1] </br>";
                $phrase = split("\(|\)", $r[1]);
                echo "Phrase: $phrase[0], $phrase[1], $phrase[2], $phrase[3],
$phrase[4] </br>";
//                $obj->{$i} = $len[1];
                $kgArr[$i][0][0] = $tablename;
                $word1 = split(",", $phrase[1]);
                echo (count($word1));
                echo "Word: $word1[0]; $word1[1] </br>";
                for ($j=1; $j <= count($word1); $j++)
                    $kgArr[$i][0][$j] = trim($word1[$j - 1]);
                $kgArr[$i][1][0] = trim(Substr($phrase[2], strrpos($phrase[2], "
                $word2 = split(",", $phrase[3]);
                echo (count($word2));
                echo "Word: $word2[0]; $word2[1] </br>";
                for ($j=1; $j <= count($word2); $j++)
                    $kgArr[$i][1][$j] = trim($word2[$j - 1]);
            pg_free_result ($keylist);
            return $kgArr;
            echo 'Error: failed to obtain the foreign keys in ' . $tablename .
'<br />';
            return 0;

    function kgfield_length ($field_name = "", $tablename = "" )
        if ( $this->connection && $tablename != "" )
            $keylist = "";
            $sql = "SELECT a.attname, pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid,
                        FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
                        WHERE a.attrelid = (SELECT c.oid
                            FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
                            LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
                            ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
                            WHERE pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
                                  AND c.relname ~ '^" . $tablename . "$' )
                        AND a.attnum > 0
                        AND NOT a.attisdropped
                        ORDER BY a.attnum";
            $keylist = pg_query ($this->connection, $sql);
            $this->num_fields = pg_num_rows($keylist);
            for ($i=0; $i < $this->num_fields; $i++)
                $tempLen = 0;
                $r = pg_fetch_row($keylist);
//                echo "Field: $r[0], $r[1] </br>";
                $len = split("\(|\)", $r[1]);
                echo "Length: $len[0], $len[1], $len[2], $len[3] </br>";
                if (trim($len[0]) == "character" || trim($len[0]) == "character
                    $tempLen = $len[1];
                    switch (trim($len[0]))
                        case "text":
                            $tempLen = 64;
                        case "boolean":
                            $tempLen = 1;
                        case "smallint":
                            $tempLen = 6;
                        case "integer":
                            $tempLen = 10;
                        case "bigint":
                            $tempLen = 18;
                        case "timestamp without time zone":
                            $tempLen = 20;
                        case "timestamp with time zone":
                            $tempLen = 32;
                        case "interval":
                            $tempLen = 10;
                        case "date":
                            $tempLen = 10;
                        case "numeric":
                            $tempLen = trim(Substr($len[1], 0, strpos($len[1], ",")));
                            echo $tempLen;
                        case "decimal":
                            $tempLen = trim(Substr($len[1], 0, strpos($len[1], ",")));
                        case "real":
                            $tempLen = 10;
                        case "double precision":
                            $tempLen = 20;
                $obj->{$r[0]} = $tempLen;
            pg_free_result ($keylist);
            return $obj;
            echo 'Error: failed to obtain the field length in ' . $tablename .
'<br />';
            return 0;

Re: postgresql primarykeys foreignkeys tablenames screenfieldlength

"Christopher Kings-Lynne"
I suggest looking at the source code for postgres's JDBC driver or WebDB


> -----Original Message-----
> From: pgsql-php-owner@postgresql.org
> [mailto:pgsql-php-owner@postgresql.org]On Behalf Of Kevin Gordon
> Sent: Tuesday, 21 January 2003 2:58 PM
> To: pgsql-php@postgresql.org
> Subject: [PHP] postgresql primarykeys foreignkeys tablenames
> screenfieldlength
> Any suggestions or improvements to the following code would be much
> appreciated. Please send me an email:
>     function kgtables ()
>         {
>         if ($this->connection)
>             {
>             $tablelist = "";
>             $sql = "SELECT " .
>                         "ic.relname " .
>                     "FROM " .
>                         "pg_class ic " .
>                     "WHERE " .
>                         "ic.relname not
> like 'pg%' " .
>                         "AND ic.relname not
> like '%pk' " .
>                         "AND ic.relname not
> like '%idx' ";
>             $tablelist = pg_query ($this->connection, $sql);
>             $this->num_tables = pg_num_rows($tablelist);
>             for ($i=0; $i < $this->num_tables; $i++)
>                 {
>                 $r = pg_fetch_row($tablelist);
>                 $obj->{$i + 1} = $r[0];
>                 }
>             pg_free_result ($tablelist);
>             return $obj;
>             }
>         else
>             {
>             echo 'Error: failed to name the tables <br />';
>             return 0;
>             }
>         }
>     function kgprimarykeys ($tablename = "")
>         {
>         if ( $this->connection && $tablename != "" )
>             {
>             $keylist = "";
>             $sql = "SELECT " .
>                         "ic.relname AS
> index_name, " .
>                         "bc.relname AS
> tab_name, " .
>                         "ta.attname AS
> column_name, " .
>                         "i.indisunique AS
> unique_key, " .
>                         "i.indisprimary AS
> primary_key " .
>                     "FROM " .
>                         "pg_class bc, " .
>                         "pg_class ic, " .
>                         "pg_index i, " .
>                         "pg_attribute ta, " .
>                         "pg_attribute ia " .
>                     "WHERE " .
>                         "bc.oid = i.indrelid " .
>                         "AND ic.oid =
> i.indexrelid " .
>                         "AND ia.attrelid =
> i.indexrelid " .
>                         "AND ta.attrelid =
> bc.oid " .
>                         "AND bc.relname =
> '" . $tablename . "' " .
>                         "AND ta.attrelid =
> i.indrelid " .
>                         "AND ta.attnum =
> i.indkey[ia.attnum-1] " .
>                     "ORDER BY " .
>                         "index_name,
> tab_name, column_name";
>             $keylist = pg_query ($this->connection, $sql);
>             $this->num_primarykeys = pg_num_rows($keylist);
>             $j = 1;
>             for ($i=0; $i < $this->num_primarykeys; $i++)
>                 {
>                 $r = pg_fetch_row($keylist);
> //                echo "Primary Key: $r[0], $r[1],
> $r[2], $r[3], $r[4], </br>";
>                 if ( $r[4] == TRUE)
>                     {
>                     $obj->{$j} = $r[2];
>                     $j++;
>                     }
>                 }
>             pg_free_result ($keylist);
>             return $obj;
>             }
>         else
>             {
>             echo 'Error: failed to name the primary
> keys in ' . $tablename . '<br
> />';
>             return 0;
>             }
>         }
>     function kgforeignkeys ($tablename = "" )
>         {
>         if ( $this->connection && $tablename != "" )
>             {
>             $keylist = "";
>             $sql = "SELECT conname,
>   pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(oid) as condef
>                         FROM
> pg_catalog.pg_constraint r
>                         WHERE r.conrelid =
> (SELECT c.oid
>                             FROM
> pg_catalog.pg_class c
>                             LEFT JOIN
> pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
>                             ON n.oid =
> c.relnamespace
>                             WHERE
> pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
>                                   AND
> c.relname ~ '^" . $tablename . "$' )
>                         AND r.contype = 'f'";
>             $keylist = pg_query ($this->connection, $sql);
>             $num_rows = pg_num_rows($keylist);
>             for ($i=0; $i < $num_rows; $i++)
>                 {
>                 $r = pg_fetch_row($keylist);
> //                echo "Field: $r[0], $r[1] </br>";
>                 $phrase = split("\(|\)", $r[1]);
>                 echo "Phrase: $phrase[0],
> $phrase[1], $phrase[2], $phrase[3],
> $phrase[4] </br>";
> //                $obj->{$i} = $len[1];
>                 $kgArr[$i][0][0] = $tablename;
>                 $word1 = split(",", $phrase[1]);
>                 echo (count($word1));
>                 echo "Word: $word1[0]; $word1[1] </br>";
>                 for ($j=1; $j <= count($word1); $j++)
>                     {
>                     $kgArr[$i][0][$j] =
> trim($word1[$j - 1]);
>                     }
>                 $kgArr[$i][1][0] =
> trim(Substr($phrase[2], strrpos($phrase[2], "
> ")));
>                 $word2 = split(",", $phrase[3]);
>                 echo (count($word2));
>                 echo "Word: $word2[0]; $word2[1] </br>";
>                 for ($j=1; $j <= count($word2); $j++)
>                     {
>                     $kgArr[$i][1][$j] =
> trim($word2[$j - 1]);
>                     }
>                 }
>             pg_free_result ($keylist);
>             return $kgArr;
>             }
>         else
>             {
>             echo 'Error: failed to obtain the foreign
> keys in ' . $tablename .
> '<br />';
>             return 0;
>             }
>         }
>     function kgfield_length ($field_name = "", $tablename = "" )
>         {
>         if ( $this->connection && $tablename != "" )
>             {
>             $keylist = "";
>             $sql = "SELECT a.attname,
> pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid,
> a.atttypmod)
>                         FROM
> pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
>                         WHERE a.attrelid =
> (SELECT c.oid
>                             FROM
> pg_catalog.pg_class c
>                             LEFT JOIN
> pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
>                             ON n.oid =
> c.relnamespace
>                             WHERE
> pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
>                                   AND
> c.relname ~ '^" . $tablename . "$' )
>                         AND a.attnum > 0
>                         AND NOT a.attisdropped
>                         ORDER BY a.attnum";
>             $keylist = pg_query ($this->connection, $sql);
>             $this->num_fields = pg_num_rows($keylist);
>             for ($i=0; $i < $this->num_fields; $i++)
>                 {
>                 $tempLen = 0;
>                 $r = pg_fetch_row($keylist);
> //                echo "Field: $r[0], $r[1] </br>";
>                 $len = split("\(|\)", $r[1]);
>                 echo "Length: $len[0], $len[1],
> $len[2], $len[3] </br>";
>                 if (trim($len[0]) == "character" ||
> trim($len[0]) == "character
> varying")
>                     {
>                     $tempLen = $len[1];
>                     }
>                 else
>                     {
>                     switch (trim($len[0]))
>                         {
>                         case "text":
>                             $tempLen = 64;
>                             break;
>                         case "boolean":
>                             $tempLen = 1;
>                             break;
>                         case "smallint":
>                             $tempLen = 6;
>                             break;
>                         case "integer":
>                             $tempLen = 10;
>                             break;
>                         case "bigint":
>                             $tempLen = 18;
>                             break;
>                         case "timestamp
> without time zone":
>                             $tempLen = 20;
>                             break;
>                         case "timestamp
> with time zone":
>                             $tempLen = 32;
>                             break;
>                         case "interval":
>                             $tempLen = 10;
>                             break;
>                         case "date":
>                             $tempLen = 10;
>                             break;
>                         case "numeric":
>                             $tempLen =
> trim(Substr($len[1], 0, strpos($len[1], ",")));
>                             echo $tempLen;
>                             break;
>                         case "decimal":
>                             $tempLen =
> trim(Substr($len[1], 0, strpos($len[1], ",")));
>                             break;
>                         case "real":
>                             $tempLen = 10;
>                             break;
>                         case "double precision":
>                             $tempLen = 20;
>                             break;
>                         }
>                     }
>                 $obj->{$r[0]} = $tempLen;
>                 }
>             pg_free_result ($keylist);
>             return $obj;
>             }
>         else
>             {
>             echo 'Error: failed to obtain the field
> length in ' . $tablename .
> '<br />';
>             return 0;
>             }
>         }
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)

Re: postgresql primarykeys foreignkeys tablenames

Kevin Gordon
Many thanks Chris for your suggestion re phppgadmin. The code very
interesting. I could not find any code re foreign keys but a good source
of examples and techique. My code works ok. Just thought it may be
improved. Thanks again.

On Tue, 2003-01-21 at 20:25, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
> I suggest looking at the source code for postgres's JDBC driver or WebDB
> (http://phpgpadmin.sourceforge.net/).
> Chris
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: pgsql-php-owner@postgresql.org
> > [mailto:pgsql-php-owner@postgresql.org]On Behalf Of Kevin Gordon
> > Sent: Tuesday, 21 January 2003 2:58 PM
> > To: pgsql-php@postgresql.org
> > Subject: [PHP] postgresql primarykeys foreignkeys tablenames
> > screenfieldlength
> >
> >
> > Any suggestions or improvements to the following code would be much
> > appreciated. Please send me an email:
> >
> >     function kgtables ()
> >         {
> >         if ($this->connection)
> >             {
> >             $tablelist = "";
> >             $sql = "SELECT " .
> >                         "ic.relname " .
> >                     "FROM " .
> >                         "pg_class ic " .
> >                     "WHERE " .
> >                         "ic.relname not
> > like 'pg%' " .
> >                         "AND ic.relname not
> > like '%pk' " .
> >                         "AND ic.relname not
> > like '%idx' ";
> >             $tablelist = pg_query ($this->connection, $sql);
> >             $this->num_tables = pg_num_rows($tablelist);
> >             for ($i=0; $i < $this->num_tables; $i++)
> >                 {
> >                 $r = pg_fetch_row($tablelist);
> >                 $obj->{$i + 1} = $r[0];
> >                 }
> >             pg_free_result ($tablelist);
> >             return $obj;
> >             }
> >         else
> >             {
> >             echo 'Error: failed to name the tables <br />';
> >             return 0;
> >             }
> >         }
> >
> >     function kgprimarykeys ($tablename = "")
> >         {
> >         if ( $this->connection && $tablename != "" )
> >             {
> >             $keylist = "";
> >             $sql = "SELECT " .
> >                         "ic.relname AS
> > index_name, " .
> >                         "bc.relname AS
> > tab_name, " .
> >                         "ta.attname AS
> > column_name, " .
> >                         "i.indisunique AS
> > unique_key, " .
> >                         "i.indisprimary AS
> > primary_key " .
> >                     "FROM " .
> >                         "pg_class bc, " .
> >                         "pg_class ic, " .
> >                         "pg_index i, " .
> >                         "pg_attribute ta, " .
> >                         "pg_attribute ia " .
> >                     "WHERE " .
> >                         "bc.oid = i.indrelid " .
> >                         "AND ic.oid =
> > i.indexrelid " .
> >                         "AND ia.attrelid =
> > i.indexrelid " .
> >                         "AND ta.attrelid =
> > bc.oid " .
> >                         "AND bc.relname =
> > '" . $tablename . "' " .
> >                         "AND ta.attrelid =
> > i.indrelid " .
> >                         "AND ta.attnum =
> > i.indkey[ia.attnum-1] " .
> >                     "ORDER BY " .
> >                         "index_name,
> > tab_name, column_name";
> >             $keylist = pg_query ($this->connection, $sql);
> >             $this->num_primarykeys = pg_num_rows($keylist);
> >             $j = 1;
> >             for ($i=0; $i < $this->num_primarykeys; $i++)
> >                 {
> >                 $r = pg_fetch_row($keylist);
> > //                echo "Primary Key: $r[0], $r[1],
> > $r[2], $r[3], $r[4], </br>";
> >                 if ( $r[4] == TRUE)
> >                     {
> >                     $obj->{$j} = $r[2];
> >                     $j++;
> >                     }
> >                 }
> >             pg_free_result ($keylist);
> >             return $obj;
> >             }
> >         else
> >             {
> >             echo 'Error: failed to name the primary
> > keys in ' . $tablename . '<br
> > />';
> >             return 0;
> >             }
> >         }
> >
> >     function kgforeignkeys ($tablename = "" )
> >         {
> >         if ( $this->connection && $tablename != "" )
> >             {
> >             $keylist = "";
> >             $sql = "SELECT conname,
> >   pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(oid) as condef
> >                         FROM
> > pg_catalog.pg_constraint r
> >                         WHERE r.conrelid =
> > (SELECT c.oid
> >                             FROM
> > pg_catalog.pg_class c
> >                             LEFT JOIN
> > pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
> >                             ON n.oid =
> > c.relnamespace
> >                             WHERE
> > pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
> >                                   AND
> > c.relname ~ '^" . $tablename . "$' )
> >                         AND r.contype = 'f'";
> >
> >             $keylist = pg_query ($this->connection, $sql);
> >             $num_rows = pg_num_rows($keylist);
> >             for ($i=0; $i < $num_rows; $i++)
> >                 {
> >                 $r = pg_fetch_row($keylist);
> > //                echo "Field: $r[0], $r[1] </br>";
> >                 $phrase = split("\(|\)", $r[1]);
> >                 echo "Phrase: $phrase[0],
> > $phrase[1], $phrase[2], $phrase[3],
> > $phrase[4] </br>";
> > //                $obj->{$i} = $len[1];
> >                 $kgArr[$i][0][0] = $tablename;
> >                 $word1 = split(",", $phrase[1]);
> >                 echo (count($word1));
> >                 echo "Word: $word1[0]; $word1[1] </br>";
> >                 for ($j=1; $j <= count($word1); $j++)
> >                     {
> >                     $kgArr[$i][0][$j] =
> > trim($word1[$j - 1]);
> >                     }
> >                 $kgArr[$i][1][0] =
> > trim(Substr($phrase[2], strrpos($phrase[2], "
> > ")));
> >                 $word2 = split(",", $phrase[3]);
> >                 echo (count($word2));
> >                 echo "Word: $word2[0]; $word2[1] </br>";
> >                 for ($j=1; $j <= count($word2); $j++)
> >                     {
> >                     $kgArr[$i][1][$j] =
> > trim($word2[$j - 1]);
> >                     }
> >                 }
> >             pg_free_result ($keylist);
> >             return $kgArr;
> >             }
> >         else
> >             {
> >             echo 'Error: failed to obtain the foreign
> > keys in ' . $tablename .
> > '<br />';
> >             return 0;
> >             }
> >         }
> >
> >     function kgfield_length ($field_name = "", $tablename = "" )
> >         {
> >         if ( $this->connection && $tablename != "" )
> >             {
> >             $keylist = "";
> >             $sql = "SELECT a.attname,
> > pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid,
> > a.atttypmod)
> >                         FROM
> > pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
> >                         WHERE a.attrelid =
> > (SELECT c.oid
> >                             FROM
> > pg_catalog.pg_class c
> >                             LEFT JOIN
> > pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
> >                             ON n.oid =
> > c.relnamespace
> >                             WHERE
> > pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
> >                                   AND
> > c.relname ~ '^" . $tablename . "$' )
> >                         AND a.attnum > 0
> >                         AND NOT a.attisdropped
> >                         ORDER BY a.attnum";
> >             $keylist = pg_query ($this->connection, $sql);
> >             $this->num_fields = pg_num_rows($keylist);
> >             for ($i=0; $i < $this->num_fields; $i++)
> >                 {
> >                 $tempLen = 0;
> >                 $r = pg_fetch_row($keylist);
> > //                echo "Field: $r[0], $r[1] </br>";
> >                 $len = split("\(|\)", $r[1]);
> >                 echo "Length: $len[0], $len[1],
> > $len[2], $len[3] </br>";
> >                 if (trim($len[0]) == "character" ||
> > trim($len[0]) == "character
> > varying")
> >                     {
> >                     $tempLen = $len[1];
> >                     }
> >                 else
> >                     {
> >                     switch (trim($len[0]))
> >                         {
> >                         case "text":
> >                             $tempLen = 64;
> >                             break;
> >                         case "boolean":
> >                             $tempLen = 1;
> >                             break;
> >                         case "smallint":
> >                             $tempLen = 6;
> >                             break;
> >                         case "integer":
> >                             $tempLen = 10;
> >                             break;
> >                         case "bigint":
> >                             $tempLen = 18;
> >                             break;
> >                         case "timestamp
> > without time zone":
> >                             $tempLen = 20;
> >                             break;
> >                         case "timestamp
> > with time zone":
> >                             $tempLen = 32;
> >                             break;
> >                         case "interval":
> >                             $tempLen = 10;
> >                             break;
> >                         case "date":
> >                             $tempLen = 10;
> >                             break;
> >                         case "numeric":
> >                             $tempLen =
> > trim(Substr($len[1], 0, strpos($len[1], ",")));
> >                             echo $tempLen;
> >                             break;
> >                         case "decimal":
> >                             $tempLen =
> > trim(Substr($len[1], 0, strpos($len[1], ",")));
> >                             break;
> >                         case "real":
> >                             $tempLen = 10;
> >                             break;
> >                         case "double precision":
> >                             $tempLen = 20;
> >                             break;
> >                         }
> >                     }
> >                 $obj->{$r[0]} = $tempLen;
> >                 }
> >             pg_free_result ($keylist);
> >             return $obj;
> >             }
> >         else
> >             {
> >             echo 'Error: failed to obtain the field
> > length in ' . $tablename .
> > '<br />';
> >             return 0;
> >             }
> >         }
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> > TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
> >     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)
> >