Обсуждение: Making things 'tamper proof'


Making things 'tamper proof'

"Chris Ruprecht"
Hi all,

I am busy developing some applications which will be sold, once complete.
The .php files, as far as I know, have to be distributed as they are (in
source code). Is there any way to protect the application so that it can not
be tampered with? Can I write some stored procedure of some sort which
prevents people from messing with the code?

Best regards,

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Re: Making things 'tamper proof'

And this has *what* to do with PostgreSQL?

On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 09:57:13AM -0500, some SMTP stream spewed forth:
> The .php files, as far as I know, have to be distributed as they are (in
> source code). Is there any way to protect the application so that it can not
> be tampered with?


> Can I write some stored procedure of some sort which
> prevents people from messing with the code?

No, I don't even know what you are thinking here. The PHP code would have
essentially nothing to do with the database.

You can obscure PHP source code through the use of the PHP "compiler" by
Zend. I do not how difficult it is to reverse engineer code obscured in
this manner. "Compiling" PHP code also improves performance also. IIRC, the
"compiled" code must still be executed by `PHP`.


> Best regards,
> Chris

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Re: Making things 'tamper proof'

Phil Davey
On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, Chris Ruprecht wrote:
> I am busy developing some applications which will be sold, once complete.
> The .php files, as far as I know, have to be distributed as they are (in
> source code). Is there any way to protect the application so that it can not
> be tampered with? Can I write some stored procedure of some sort which
> prevents people from messing with the code?

Zend Encoder seems to be what you're after.

Phil Davey
E-mail pod@pod-designs.net                          ICQ 46295740
Just because you're smart, doesn't mean you can't act stupid....

RE: Making things 'tamper proof'

The Zend encoder will convert your source files into byte code. You need the
Zend Optimizer installed for it to read these files, but it's also cross
platform code, it'll run anywhere the proper version of PHP/Optmiizer is
installed. Check out http://www.zend.com

-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-php-owner@postgresql.org
[mailto:pgsql-php-owner@postgresql.org]On Behalf Of Chris Ruprecht
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2001 10:57 AM
To: p-php
Subject: [PHP] Making things 'tamper proof'

Hi all,

I am busy developing some applications which will be sold, once complete.
The .php files, as far as I know, have to be distributed as they are (in
source code). Is there any way to protect the application so that it can not
be tampered with? Can I write some stored procedure of some sort which
prevents people from messing with the code?

Best regards,

Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: Making things 'tamper proof'

And this has *what* to do with PostgreSQL?

On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 09:57:13AM -0500, some SMTP stream spewed forth:
> The .php files, as far as I know, have to be distributed as they are (in
> source code). Is there any way to protect the application so that it can not
> be tampered with?


> Can I write some stored procedure of some sort which
> prevents people from messing with the code?

No, I don't even know what you are thinking here. The PHP code would have
essentially nothing to do with the database.

You can obscure PHP source code through the use of the PHP "compiler" by
Zend. I do not how difficult it is to reverse engineer code obscured in
this manner. "Compiling" PHP code also improves performance also. IIRC, the
"compiled" code must still be executed by `PHP`.


> Best regards,
> Chris

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