Обсуждение: Many-to-many performance problem


Many-to-many performance problem

Rowan Seymour
In our Django app we have messages (currently about 7 million in table msgs_message) and labels (about 300), and a join table to associate messages with labels (about 500,000 in msgs_message_labels). Not sure you'll need them, but here are the relevant table schemas:

CREATE TABLE msgs_message
    text TEXT NOT NULL,
    is_archived BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
    contact_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    org_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    case_id INTEGER,
    backend_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    is_handled BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
    is_flagged BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
    is_active BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
    has_labels BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT msgs_message_contact_id_5c8e3f216c115643_fk_contacts_contact_id FOREIGN KEY (contact_id) REFERENCES contacts_contact (id),
    CONSTRAINT msgs_message_org_id_81a0adfcc99151d_fk_orgs_org_id FOREIGN KEY (org_id) REFERENCES orgs_org (id),
    CONSTRAINT msgs_message_case_id_51998150f9629c_fk_cases_case_id FOREIGN KEY (case_id) REFERENCES cases_case (id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX msgs_message_backend_id_key ON msgs_message (backend_id);
CREATE INDEX msgs_message_6d82f13d ON msgs_message (contact_id);
CREATE INDEX msgs_message_9cf869aa ON msgs_message (org_id);
CREATE INDEX msgs_message_7f12ca67 ON msgs_message (case_id);

CREATE TABLE msgs_message_labels
    message_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    label_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT msgs_message_lab_message_id_1dfa44628fe448dd_fk_msgs_message_id FOREIGN KEY (message_id) REFERENCES msgs_message (id),
    CONSTRAINT msgs_message_labels_label_id_77cbdebd8d255b7a_fk_msgs_label_id FOREIGN KEY (label_id) REFERENCES msgs_label (id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX msgs_message_labels_message_id_label_id_key ON msgs_message_labels (message_id, label_id);
CREATE INDEX msgs_message_labels_4ccaa172 ON msgs_message_labels (message_id);
CREATE INDEX msgs_message_labels_abec2aca ON msgs_message_labels (label_id);

Users can search for messages, and they are returned page by page in reverse chronological order. There are several partial multi-column indexes on the message table, but the one used for the example queries below is

CREATE INDEX msgs_inbox ON msgs_message(org_id, created_on DESC)
WHERE is_active = TRUE AND is_handled = TRUE AND is_archived = FALSE AND has_labels = TRUE;

So a typical query for the latest page of messages looks like (https://explain.depesz.com/s/G9ew):

SELECT "msgs_message".* 
FROM "msgs_message" 
WHERE ("msgs_message"."org_id" = 7 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_active" = true 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_handled" = true 
    AND "msgs_message"."has_labels" = true 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_archived" = false 
    AND "msgs_message"."created_on" < '2016-06-10T07:11:06.381000+00:00'::timestamptz
) ORDER BY "msgs_message"."created_on" DESC LIMIT 50

But users can also search for messages that have one or more labels, leading to queries that look like:

SELECT DISTINCT "msgs_message".* 
FROM "msgs_message" 
INNER JOIN "msgs_message_labels" ON ( "msgs_message"."id" = "msgs_message_labels"."message_id" ) 
WHERE ("msgs_message"."org_id" = 7 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_active" = true 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_handled" = true 
    AND "msgs_message_labels"."label_id" IN (127, 128, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 143, 144) 
    AND "msgs_message"."has_labels" = true 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_archived" = false 
    AND "msgs_message"."created_on" < '2016-06-10T07:11:06.381000+00:00'::timestamptz
) ORDER BY "msgs_message"."created_on" DESC LIMIT 50

Most of time, this query performs like https://explain.depesz.com/s/ksOC (~15ms). It's no longer using the using the msgs_inbox index, but it's plenty fast. However, sometimes it performs like https://explain.depesz.com/s/81c (67000ms)

And if you run it again, it'll be fast again. Am I correct in interpreting that second explain as being slow because msgs_message_pkey isn't cached? It looks like it read from that index 3556 times, and each time took 18.559 (?) ms, and that adds up to 65,996ms. The database server says it has lots of free memory so is there something I should be doing to keep that index in memory?

Generally speaking, is there a good strategy for optimising queries like these which involve two tables?
  • I tried moving the label references into an int array on msgs_message, and then using btree_gin to create a multi-column index involving the array column, but that doesn't appear to be very useful for these ordered queries because it's not an ordered index.
  • I tried adding created_on to msgs_message_labels table but I couldn't find a way of avoiding the in-memory sort.
  • Have thought about dynamically creating partial indexes for each label using an array column on msgs_message to hold label ids, and index condition like WHERE label_ids && ARRAY[123] but not sure what other problems I'll run into with hundreds of indexes on the same table.
Server is an Amazon RDS instance with default settings and Postgres 9.3.10, with one other database in the instance.

All advice very much appreciated, thanks

Rowan Seymour | +260 964153686

Re: Many-to-many performance problem

Tom Lane
Rowan Seymour <rowanseymour@gmail.com> writes:
> Most of time, this query performs like https://explain.depesz.com/s/ksOC
> (~15ms). It's no longer using the using the msgs_inbox index, but it's
> plenty fast. However, sometimes it performs like
> https://explain.depesz.com/s/81c (67000ms)
> And if you run it again, it'll be fast again.

It looks like everything is fine as long as all the data the query needs
is already in PG's shared buffers.  As soon as it has to go to disk,
you're hurting, because disk reads seem to be taking ~10ms on average.

> Server is an Amazon RDS instance with default settings and Postgres 9.3.10,

And I think you just explained your problem.  Did you spring for adequate
guaranteed IOPS on this instance?  If not, you need to, or else live with
erratic performance.  If you did, you have a beef to raise with AWS that
you're not getting the performance you paid for.

You might be able to ameliorate matters by raising shared_buffers, but
unless your database isn't growing that approach has limited future.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Many-to-many performance problem

Yves Dorfsman
I thought this was a really interesting case, and would love to learn from it, please bare with me if my questions are

On 2016-06-10 08:13, Tom Lane wrote:
> Rowan Seymour <rowanseymour@gmail.com> writes:
>> Most of time, this query performs like https://explain.depesz.com/s/ksOC
>> (~15ms). It's no longer using the using the msgs_inbox index, but it's
>> plenty fast. However, sometimes it performs like
>> https://explain.depesz.com/s/81c (67000ms)
>> And if you run it again, it'll be fast again.
> It looks like everything is fine as long as all the data the query needs
> is already in PG's shared buffers.  As soon as it has to go to disk,
> you're hurting, because disk reads seem to be taking ~10ms on average.

                    ->  Index Scan using msgs_message_pkey on msgs_message  (cost=0.43..8.04 rows=1 width=47) (actual
time=18.550..18.559rows=0 loops=3556) 
                          Index Cond: (id = msgs_message_labels.message_id)
                          Filter: (is_active AND is_handled AND has_labels AND (NOT is_archived) AND (created_on <
'2016-06-1007:11:06.381+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (org_id = 7)) 
                          Rows Removed by Filter: 1
                          Buffers: shared hit=11032 read=3235 dirtied=5

Do you mean that it reads the index from disk? Or that it looks things up in the index, and fetch data on disk (based
onthat lookup)? 
Is the 18ms from the Buffers: read=3235? That's 3235 rows read from disk?

gpg: 4096R/32B0F416

Re: Many-to-many performance problem

Tom Lane
Yves Dorfsman <yves@zioup.com> writes:
> On 2016-06-10 08:13, Tom Lane wrote:
>> It looks like everything is fine as long as all the data the query needs
>> is already in PG's shared buffers.  As soon as it has to go to disk,
>> you're hurting, because disk reads seem to be taking ~10ms on average.

>                     ->  Index Scan using msgs_message_pkey on msgs_message  (cost=0.43..8.04 rows=1 width=47) (actual
time=18.550..18.559rows=0 loops=3556) 
>                           Index Cond: (id = msgs_message_labels.message_id)
>                           Filter: (is_active AND is_handled AND has_labels AND (NOT is_archived) AND (created_on <
'2016-06-1007:11:06.381+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (org_id = 7)) 
>                           Rows Removed by Filter: 1
>                           Buffers: shared hit=11032 read=3235 dirtied=5

> Do you mean that it reads the index from disk? Or that it looks things up in the index, and fetch data on disk (based
onthat lookup)? 

The "reads" here might be either index pages or table pages; we can't tell
from EXPLAIN's statistics.  It's probably a good bet that more of them are
table pages than index pages though, just because the index should be a
lot smaller than the table and more fully represented in cache.

As for the numbers, we see that 18.559 * 3556 = 65995 ms were spent in
this indexscan plan node, versus negligible time for the same plan node
when no reads happened.  So we can blame pretty much all that time on
the 3235 disk reads, giving an average per read of just over 20ms.  Some
of the other plan nodes show lower averages, though, so I was conservative
and said "~10 ms".

            regards, tom lane

Re: Many-to-many performance problem

Alex Ignatov

On 10.06.2016 16:04, Rowan Seymour wrote:
In our Django app we have messages (currently about 7 million in table msgs_message) and labels (about 300), and a join table to associate messages with labels (about 500,000 in msgs_message_labels). Not sure you'll need them, but here are the relevant table schemas:

CREATE TABLE msgs_message
    text TEXT NOT NULL,
    is_archived BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
    contact_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    org_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    case_id INTEGER,
    backend_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    is_handled BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
    is_flagged BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
    is_active BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
    has_labels BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT msgs_message_contact_id_5c8e3f216c115643_fk_contacts_contact_id FOREIGN KEY (contact_id) REFERENCES contacts_contact (id),
    CONSTRAINT msgs_message_org_id_81a0adfcc99151d_fk_orgs_org_id FOREIGN KEY (org_id) REFERENCES orgs_org (id),
    CONSTRAINT msgs_message_case_id_51998150f9629c_fk_cases_case_id FOREIGN KEY (case_id) REFERENCES cases_case (id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX msgs_message_backend_id_key ON msgs_message (backend_id);
CREATE INDEX msgs_message_6d82f13d ON msgs_message (contact_id);
CREATE INDEX msgs_message_9cf869aa ON msgs_message (org_id);
CREATE INDEX msgs_message_7f12ca67 ON msgs_message (case_id);

CREATE TABLE msgs_message_labels
    message_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    label_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT msgs_message_lab_message_id_1dfa44628fe448dd_fk_msgs_message_id FOREIGN KEY (message_id) REFERENCES msgs_message (id),
    CONSTRAINT msgs_message_labels_label_id_77cbdebd8d255b7a_fk_msgs_label_id FOREIGN KEY (label_id) REFERENCES msgs_label (id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX msgs_message_labels_message_id_label_id_key ON msgs_message_labels (message_id, label_id);
CREATE INDEX msgs_message_labels_4ccaa172 ON msgs_message_labels (message_id);
CREATE INDEX msgs_message_labels_abec2aca ON msgs_message_labels (label_id);

Users can search for messages, and they are returned page by page in reverse chronological order. There are several partial multi-column indexes on the message table, but the one used for the example queries below is

CREATE INDEX msgs_inbox ON msgs_message(org_id, created_on DESC)
WHERE is_active = TRUE AND is_handled = TRUE AND is_archived = FALSE AND has_labels = TRUE;

So a typical query for the latest page of messages looks like (https://explain.depesz.com/s/G9ew):

SELECT "msgs_message".* 
FROM "msgs_message" 
WHERE ("msgs_message"."org_id" = 7 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_active" = true 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_handled" = true 
    AND "msgs_message"."has_labels" = true 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_archived" = false 
    AND "msgs_message"."created_on" < '2016-06-10T07:11:06.381000+00:00'::timestamptz
) ORDER BY "msgs_message"."created_on" DESC LIMIT 50

But users can also search for messages that have one or more labels, leading to queries that look like:

SELECT DISTINCT "msgs_message".* 
FROM "msgs_message" 
INNER JOIN "msgs_message_labels" ON ( "msgs_message"."id" = "msgs_message_labels"."message_id" ) 
WHERE ("msgs_message"."org_id" = 7 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_active" = true 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_handled" = true 
    AND "msgs_message_labels"."label_id" IN (127, 128, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 143, 144) 
    AND "msgs_message"."has_labels" = true 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_archived" = false 
    AND "msgs_message"."created_on" < '2016-06-10T07:11:06.381000+00:00'::timestamptz
) ORDER BY "msgs_message"."created_on" DESC LIMIT 50

Most of time, this query performs like https://explain.depesz.com/s/ksOC (~15ms). It's no longer using the using the msgs_inbox index, but it's plenty fast. However, sometimes it performs like https://explain.depesz.com/s/81c (67000ms)

And if you run it again, it'll be fast again. Am I correct in interpreting that second explain as being slow because msgs_message_pkey isn't cached? It looks like it read from that index 3556 times, and each time took 18.559 (?) ms, and that adds up to 65,996ms. The database server says it has lots of free memory so is there something I should be doing to keep that index in memory?

Generally speaking, is there a good strategy for optimising queries like these which involve two tables?
  • I tried moving the label references into an int array on msgs_message, and then using btree_gin to create a multi-column index involving the array column, but that doesn't appear to be very useful for these ordered queries because it's not an ordered index.
  • I tried adding created_on to msgs_message_labels table but I couldn't find a way of avoiding the in-memory sort.
  • Have thought about dynamically creating partial indexes for each label using an array column on msgs_message to hold label ids, and index condition like WHERE label_ids && ARRAY[123] but not sure what other problems I'll run into with hundreds of indexes on the same table.
Server is an Amazon RDS instance with default settings and Postgres 9.3.10, with one other database in the instance.

All advice very much appreciated, thanks

Rowan Seymour | +260 964153686
Hello! What do you mean by
"Server is an Amazon RDS instance with default settings and Postgres 9.3.10, with one other database in the instance."
PG is with default config or smth else?
Is it  with default config as it is as from compile version? If so you should definitely have to do some tuning on it.
By looking on plan i saw a lot of disk read. It can be linked to small shared memory dedicated to PG exactly what Tom said.
Can you share pg config or raise for example shared_buffers parameter?

Alex Ignatov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

Re: Many-to-many performance problem

Rowan Seymour
When you create an Postgres RDS instance, it's comes with a "default.postgres9.3" parameter group which contains substitutions based on the server size. The defaults for the memory related settings are:

effective_cache_size = {DBInstanceClassMemory/16384}
maintenance_work_mem = GREATEST({DBInstanceClassMemory/63963136*1024},65536)
shared_buffers = {DBInstanceClassMemory/32768}
temp_buffers = <not set>
work_mem = <not set>

According to http://www.davidmkerr.com/2013/11/tune-your-postgres-rds-instance-via.html, the units for effective_cache_size on AWS RDS, are 8kb blocks (am not sure why this is...), so DBInstanceClassMemory/16384 = DBInstanceClassMemory/(2 * 8kb) = 50% of system memory.

We upgraded the server over the weekend which doubled the system memory and increased the available IOPS, and that appears to have greatly improved the situation, but there have still been a few timeouts. I'm wondering now if activity on the other database in this instance doesn't occasionally push our indexes out of memory.

Thanks, Rowan

On 10 June 2016 at 18:11, Alex Ignatov <a.ignatov@postgrespro.ru> wrote:

On 10.06.2016 16:04, Rowan Seymour wrote:
In our Django app we have messages (currently about 7 million in table msgs_message) and labels (about 300), and a join table to associate messages with labels (about 500,000 in msgs_message_labels). Not sure you'll need them, but here are the relevant table schemas:

CREATE TABLE msgs_message
    text TEXT NOT NULL,
    is_archived BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
    contact_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    org_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    case_id INTEGER,
    backend_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    is_handled BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
    is_flagged BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
    is_active BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
    has_labels BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT msgs_message_contact_id_5c8e3f216c115643_fk_contacts_contact_id FOREIGN KEY (contact_id) REFERENCES contacts_contact (id),
    CONSTRAINT msgs_message_org_id_81a0adfcc99151d_fk_orgs_org_id FOREIGN KEY (org_id) REFERENCES orgs_org (id),
    CONSTRAINT msgs_message_case_id_51998150f9629c_fk_cases_case_id FOREIGN KEY (case_id) REFERENCES cases_case (id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX msgs_message_backend_id_key ON msgs_message (backend_id);
CREATE INDEX msgs_message_6d82f13d ON msgs_message (contact_id);
CREATE INDEX msgs_message_9cf869aa ON msgs_message (org_id);
CREATE INDEX msgs_message_7f12ca67 ON msgs_message (case_id);

CREATE TABLE msgs_message_labels
    message_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    label_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT msgs_message_lab_message_id_1dfa44628fe448dd_fk_msgs_message_id FOREIGN KEY (message_id) REFERENCES msgs_message (id),
    CONSTRAINT msgs_message_labels_label_id_77cbdebd8d255b7a_fk_msgs_label_id FOREIGN KEY (label_id) REFERENCES msgs_label (id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX msgs_message_labels_message_id_label_id_key ON msgs_message_labels (message_id, label_id);
CREATE INDEX msgs_message_labels_4ccaa172 ON msgs_message_labels (message_id);
CREATE INDEX msgs_message_labels_abec2aca ON msgs_message_labels (label_id);

Users can search for messages, and they are returned page by page in reverse chronological order. There are several partial multi-column indexes on the message table, but the one used for the example queries below is

CREATE INDEX msgs_inbox ON msgs_message(org_id, created_on DESC)
WHERE is_active = TRUE AND is_handled = TRUE AND is_archived = FALSE AND has_labels = TRUE;

So a typical query for the latest page of messages looks like (https://explain.depesz.com/s/G9ew):

SELECT "msgs_message".* 
FROM "msgs_message" 
WHERE ("msgs_message"."org_id" = 7 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_active" = true 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_handled" = true 
    AND "msgs_message"."has_labels" = true 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_archived" = false 
    AND "msgs_message"."created_on" < '2016-06-10T07:11:06.381000+00:00'::timestamptz
) ORDER BY "msgs_message"."created_on" DESC LIMIT 50

But users can also search for messages that have one or more labels, leading to queries that look like:

SELECT DISTINCT "msgs_message".* 
FROM "msgs_message" 
INNER JOIN "msgs_message_labels" ON ( "msgs_message"."id" = "msgs_message_labels"."message_id" ) 
WHERE ("msgs_message"."org_id" = 7 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_active" = true 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_handled" = true 
    AND "msgs_message_labels"."label_id" IN (127, 128, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 143, 144) 
    AND "msgs_message"."has_labels" = true 
    AND "msgs_message"."is_archived" = false 
    AND "msgs_message"."created_on" < '2016-06-10T07:11:06.381000+00:00'::timestamptz
) ORDER BY "msgs_message"."created_on" DESC LIMIT 50

Most of time, this query performs like https://explain.depesz.com/s/ksOC (~15ms). It's no longer using the using the msgs_inbox index, but it's plenty fast. However, sometimes it performs like https://explain.depesz.com/s/81c (67000ms)

And if you run it again, it'll be fast again. Am I correct in interpreting that second explain as being slow because msgs_message_pkey isn't cached? It looks like it read from that index 3556 times, and each time took 18.559 (?) ms, and that adds up to 65,996ms. The database server says it has lots of free memory so is there something I should be doing to keep that index in memory?

Generally speaking, is there a good strategy for optimising queries like these which involve two tables?
  • I tried moving the label references into an int array on msgs_message, and then using btree_gin to create a multi-column index involving the array column, but that doesn't appear to be very useful for these ordered queries because it's not an ordered index.
  • I tried adding created_on to msgs_message_labels table but I couldn't find a way of avoiding the in-memory sort.
  • Have thought about dynamically creating partial indexes for each label using an array column on msgs_message to hold label ids, and index condition like WHERE label_ids && ARRAY[123] but not sure what other problems I'll run into with hundreds of indexes on the same table.
Server is an Amazon RDS instance with default settings and Postgres 9.3.10, with one other database in the instance.

All advice very much appreciated, thanks

Rowan Seymour | +260 964153686
Hello! What do you mean by
"Server is an Amazon RDS instance with default settings and Postgres 9.3.10, with one other database in the instance."
PG is with default config or smth else?
Is it  with default config as it is as from compile version? If so you should definitely have to do some tuning on it.
By looking on plan i saw a lot of disk read. It can be linked to small shared memory dedicated to PG exactly what Tom said.
Can you share pg config or raise for example shared_buffers parameter?

Alex Ignatov
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

Rowan Seymour | +260 964153686 | @rowanseymour