Обсуждение: query looping?


query looping?

Brian Cox
The query shown below [select count(distinct...] seems to be looping
(99-101% CPU as shown by top for 11+ hours). This using postgres 8.3.5
on a dual quad core machine (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5460 @ 3.16GHz) with
32G RAM. Can I provide any other info to help investigate this issue? Or
any thoughts on how to prevent/avoid it?


top - 11:03:39 up 91 days, 22:39,  2 users,  load average: 3.73, 2.14, 1.42
Tasks: 135 total,   3 running, 132 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 27.3% us,  7.7% sy,  0.0% ni, 54.0% id, 11.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
Mem:  33264272k total, 33247780k used,    16492k free,    17232k buffers
Swap:  4088532k total,   334264k used,  3754268k free, 26760304k cached

24585 postgres  17   0  572m 494m 484m R   99  1.5 646:13.63 postmaster

cemdb=# select procpid,query_start,current_query from pg_stat_activity;
  procpid |          query_start          |

    13210 | 2010-01-04 10:54:04.490107-08 | <IDLE>
    24496 | 2010-01-04 10:56:14.982997-08 | <IDLE>
    30636 | 2010-01-04 10:54:04.488569-08 | <IDLE>
     5309 | 2010-01-04 10:56:22.850159-08 | select
procpid,query_start,current_query from pg_stat_activity;
    30637 | 2010-01-04 10:54:04.490152-08 | <IDLE>
    24500 | 2010-01-04 10:56:14.98354-08  | <IDLE>
    13213 | 2010-01-04 10:54:04.491743-08 | <IDLE>
    13214 | 2010-01-04 10:56:04.197887-08 | <IDLE>
    24499 | 2010-01-04 10:56:14.981709-08 | <IDLE>
    24502 | 2010-01-04 10:56:14.985027-08 | <IDLE>
    13217 | 2010-01-04 10:54:04.487039-08 | <IDLE>
    24504 | 2010-01-04 10:56:14.984631-08 | <IDLE>
    24505 | 2010-01-04 10:56:14.985248-08 | <IDLE>
    27938 | 2010-01-04 10:54:04.485782-08 | <IDLE>
     1104 | 2010-01-04 10:54:04.489896-08 | <IDLE>
    27941 | 2010-01-04 10:54:04.491925-08 | <IDLE>
    24585 | 2010-01-04 00:16:52.764899-08 | select count(distinct
b.ts_id) from ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly b,
ts_stats_transet_user_interval c, ts_transetgroup_transets_map m where
b.ts_transet_group_id = m.ts_transet_group_id and
m.ts_transet_incarnation_id = c.ts_transet_incarnation_id and
c.ts_user_incarnation_id = b.ts_user_incarnation_id and
c.ts_interval_start_time >= $1 and c.ts_interval_start_time < $2 and
b.ts_interval_start_time >= $3 and b.ts_interval_start_time < $4
    24586 | 2010-01-04 10:56:14.986201-08 | <IDLE>
    13224 | 2010-01-04 10:54:04.487762-08 | <IDLE>
    24591 | 2010-01-04 10:56:14.98333-08  | <IDLE>
    24592 | 2010-01-04 10:56:14.98157-08  | <IDLE>
(21 rows)

cemdb=# select
locktype,database,relation,virtualtransaction,mode,granted from pg_locks
where pid=24585;
   locktype  | database | relation | virtualtransaction |      mode
   | granted
  relation   |    74755 |    76064 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  virtualxid |          |          | 23/1037332         | ExclusiveLock
   | t
  relation   |    74755 |    75245 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76062 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76188 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    74822 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76187 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76186 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76189 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76057 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    75846 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76063 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76058 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76185 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    75874 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76061 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76191 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76059 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76363 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76364 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76192 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76362 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76190 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    75920 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    75343 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76193 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76060 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
  relation   |    74755 |    76065 | 23/1037332         |
AccessShareLock | t
(28 rows)

cemdb=> explain analyze select count(distinct b.ts_id) from
ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly b, ts_stats_transet_user_interval c,
ts_transetgroup_transets_map m where b.ts_transet_group_id =
m.ts_transet_group_id and m.ts_transet_incarnation_id =
c.ts_transet_incarnation_id and c.ts_user_incarnation_id =
b.ts_user_incarnation_id and c.ts_interval_start_time >= '2010-01-03
00:00' and c.ts_interval_start_time < '2010-01-03 08:00' and
b.ts_interval_start_time >= '2009-12-28 00:00' and
b.ts_interval_start_time < '2010-01-04 00:00';

                          QUERY PLAN

  Aggregate  (cost=1726281.28..1726281.29 rows=1 width=8) (actual
time=16690.541..16690.542 rows=1 loops=1)
    ->  Hash Join  (cost=43363.87..1725837.91 rows=354697 width=8)
(actual time=1343.960..14467.012 rows=1600000 loops=1)
          Hash Cond: ((b.ts_transet_group_id = m.ts_transet_group_id)
AND (c.ts_transet_incarnation_id = m.ts_transet_incarnation_id))
          ->  Hash Join  (cost=43362.03..1717697.04 rows=1697479
width=24) (actual time=1343.778..11432.270 rows=1600000 loops=1)
                Hash Cond: (c.ts_user_incarnation_id =
                ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on ts_stats_transet_user_interval c
  (cost=19014.73..1666918.08 rows=844436 width=16) (actual
time=950.097..8125.102 rows=800000 loops=1)
                      Recheck Cond: ((ts_interval_start_time >=
'2010-01-03 00:00:00-08'::timestamp with time zone) AND
(ts_interval_start_time < '2010-01-03 08:00:00-08'::timestamp with time
                      ->  Bitmap Index Scan on
ts_stats_transet_user_interval_starttime  (cost=0.00..18909.17
rows=844436 width=0) (actual time=930.036..930.036 rows=800000 loops=1)
                            Index Cond: ((ts_interval_start_time >=
'2010-01-03 00:00:00-08'::timestamp with time zone) AND
(ts_interval_start_time < '2010-01-03 08:00:00-08'::timestamp with time
                ->  Hash  (cost=23787.37..23787.37 rows=89590 width=24)
(actual time=393.570..393.570 rows=89758 loops=1)
                      ->  Seq Scan on ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly
b  (cost=0.00..23787.37 rows=89590 width=24) (actual time=0.040..295.414
rows=89758 loops=1)
                            Filter: ((ts_interval_start_time >=
'2009-12-28 00:00:00-08'::timestamp with time zone) AND
(ts_interval_start_time < '2010-01-04 00:00:00-08'::timestamp with time
          ->  Hash  (cost=1.33..1.33 rows=67 width=16) (actual
time=0.156..0.156 rows=67 loops=1)
                ->  Seq Scan on ts_transetgroup_transets_map m
(cost=0.00..1.33 rows=67 width=16) (actual time=0.022..0.080 rows=67
  Total runtime: 16691.964 ms
(15 rows)

Re: query looping?

Robert Haas
On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 2:41 PM, Brian Cox <brian.cox@ca.com> wrote:
> The query shown below [select count(distinct...] seems to be looping
> (99-101% CPU as shown by top for 11+ hours). This using postgres 8.3.5 on a
> dual quad core machine (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5460 @ 3.16GHz) with 32G RAM.
> Can I provide any other info to help investigate this issue? Or any thoughts
> on how to prevent/avoid it?

You posted an EXPLAIN ANALYZE showing almost the same query taking 17
seconds, but a crucial difference is that the EXPLAIN ANALYZE shows
the query with the parameters actually in the query, whereas the query
that's actually running for a long time uses bound parameters.
PostgreSQL won't take the particular values into account in planning
that version, which can sometimes lead to a markedly inferior plan.

What do you get if you do this?

PREPARE foo AS <the query, with the $x entries still in there>
EXPLAIN EXECUTE foo(<the values>);


Re: query looping?

Brian Cox
On 01/04/2010 04:53 PM, Robert Haas [robertmhaas@gmail.com] wrote:
> PREPARE foo AS <the query, with the $x entries still in there>
> EXPLAIN EXECUTE foo(<the values>);

Thanks for the response. Results below. Brian

cemdb=> prepare foo as select count(distinct b.ts_id) from
ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly b, ts_stats_transet_user_interval c,
ts_transetgroup_transets_map m where b.ts_transet_group_id =
m.ts_transet_group_id and m.ts_transet_incarnation_id =
c.ts_transet_incarnation_id and c.ts_user_incarnation_id =
b.ts_user_incarnation_id and c.ts_interval_start_time >= $1 and
c.ts_interval_start_time < $2 and b.ts_interval_start_time >= $3 and
b.ts_interval_start_time < $4;

cemdb=> explain execute foo('2010-01-03 00:00','2010-01-03
08:00','2009-12-28 00:00','2010-01-04 00:00');

          QUERY PLAN

  Aggregate  (cost=325382.51..325382.51 rows=1 width=8)
    ->  Hash Join  (cost=3486.00..325382.00 rows=406 width=8)
          Hash Cond: ((b.ts_transet_group_id = m.ts_transet_group_id)
AND (c.ts_transet_incarnation_id = m.ts_transet_incarnation_id))
          ->  Hash Join  (cost=3484.17..325370.84 rows=1944 width=24)
                Hash Cond: (c.ts_user_incarnation_id =
                ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on ts_stats_transet_user_interval c
  (cost=2177.34..322486.61 rows=96473 width=16)
                      Recheck Cond: ((ts_interval_start_time >= $1) AND
(ts_interval_start_time < $2))
                      ->  Bitmap Index Scan on
ts_stats_transet_user_interval_starttime  (cost=0.00..2165.28 rows=96473
                            Index Cond: ((ts_interval_start_time >= $1)
AND (ts_interval_start_time < $2))
                ->  Hash  (cost=1301.21..1301.21 rows=898 width=24)
                      ->  Index Scan using
ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly_starttimeindex on
ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly b  (cost=0.00..1301.21 rows=898 width=24)
                            Index Cond: ((ts_interval_start_time >= $3)
AND (ts_interval_start_time < $4))
          ->  Hash  (cost=1.33..1.33 rows=67 width=16)
                ->  Seq Scan on ts_transetgroup_transets_map m
(cost=0.00..1.33 rows=67 width=16)
(14 rows)

Re: query looping?

Robert Haas
On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Brian Cox <brian.cox@ca.com> wrote:
> On 01/04/2010 04:53 PM, Robert Haas [robertmhaas@gmail.com] wrote:
>> PREPARE foo AS <the query, with the $x entries still in there>
>> EXPLAIN EXECUTE foo(<the values>);
> Thanks for the response. Results below. Brian
> cemdb=> prepare foo as select count(distinct b.ts_id) from
> ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly b, ts_stats_transet_user_interval c,
> ts_transetgroup_transets_map m where b.ts_transet_group_id =
> m.ts_transet_group_id and m.ts_transet_incarnation_id =
> c.ts_transet_incarnation_id and c.ts_user_incarnation_id =
> b.ts_user_incarnation_id and c.ts_interval_start_time >= $1 and
> c.ts_interval_start_time < $2 and b.ts_interval_start_time >= $3 and
> b.ts_interval_start_time < $4;
> cemdb=> explain execute foo('2010-01-03 00:00','2010-01-03
> 08:00','2009-12-28 00:00','2010-01-04 00:00');
>         QUERY PLAN
>  Aggregate  (cost=325382.51..325382.51 rows=1 width=8)
>   ->  Hash Join  (cost=3486.00..325382.00 rows=406 width=8)
>         Hash Cond: ((b.ts_transet_group_id = m.ts_transet_group_id) AND
> (c.ts_transet_incarnation_id = m.ts_transet_incarnation_id))
>         ->  Hash Join  (cost=3484.17..325370.84 rows=1944 width=24)
>               Hash Cond: (c.ts_user_incarnation_id =
> b.ts_user_incarnation_id)
>               ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on ts_stats_transet_user_interval c
>  (cost=2177.34..322486.61 rows=96473 width=16)
>                     Recheck Cond: ((ts_interval_start_time >= $1) AND
> (ts_interval_start_time < $2))
>                     ->  Bitmap Index Scan on
> ts_stats_transet_user_interval_starttime  (cost=0.00..2165.28 rows=96473
> width=0)
>                           Index Cond: ((ts_interval_start_time >= $1) AND
> (ts_interval_start_time < $2))
>               ->  Hash  (cost=1301.21..1301.21 rows=898 width=24)
>                     ->  Index Scan using
> ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly_starttimeindex on
> ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly b  (cost=0.00..1301.21 rows=898 width=24)
>                           Index Cond: ((ts_interval_start_time >= $3) AND
> (ts_interval_start_time < $4))
>         ->  Hash  (cost=1.33..1.33 rows=67 width=16)
>               ->  Seq Scan on ts_transetgroup_transets_map m
> (cost=0.00..1.33 rows=67 width=16)
> (14 rows)

Hmm.  Looks like the same plan.

It's not obvious to me what is wrong.  Maybe it would make sense to
start by checking the row count estimates for the different rows in
this plan.  For example:

SELECT SUM(1) FROM ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly b WHERE
ts_interval_start_time > [value] AND ts_interval_start_time < [value];

...and similarly for the bitmap index scan.


Re: query looping?

Brian Cox
> SELECT SUM(1) FROM ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly b WHERE
> ts_interval_start_time > [value] AND ts_interval_start_time < [value];
> ...and similarly for the bitmap index scan.
cemdb=> SELECT SUM(1) FROM ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly b WHERE
ts_interval_start_time >= '2009-12-28' AND ts_interval_start_time <
(1 row)

cemdb=> select sum(1) from ts_stats_transet_user_interval where
ts_interval_start_time >= '2009-01-03' and ts_interval_start_time <
'2009-01-03 08:00';

(1 row)

cemdb=> select sum(1) from ts_stats_transet_user_interval where
ts_interval_start_time >= '2010-01-03' and ts_interval_start_time <
'2010-01-03 08:00';
(1 row)

the estimates in the 1st query plan are OK (since they are the "same").
The 2nd, however, look to be too low. FYI, this query finally completed,
so it wasn't looping but the query plan is very poor:

[24585-cemdb-admin-2010-01-05 10:54:49.511 PST]LOG:  duration:
124676746.863 ms  execute <unnamed>: select count(distinct b.ts_id) from
ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly b, ts_stats_transet_user_interval c,
ts_transetgroup_transets_map m where b.ts_transet_group_id =
m.ts_transet_group_id and m.ts_transet_incarnation_id =
c.ts_transet_incarnation_id and c.ts_user_incarnation_id =
b.ts_user_incarnation_id and c.ts_interval_start_time >= $1 and
c.ts_interval_start_time < $2 and b.ts_interval_start_time >= $3 and
b.ts_interval_start_time < $4
[24585-cemdb-admin-2010-01-05 10:54:49.511 PST]DETAIL:  parameters: $1 =
'2010-01-03 00:00:00-08', $2 = '2010-01-03 08:00:00-08', $3 =
'2010-01-01 00:00:00-08', $4 = '2010-01-04 00:00:00-08'

compare to:

[root@rdl64xeoserv01 log]# time PGPASSWORD=**** psql -U admin -d cemdb
-c "select count(distinct b.ts_id) from
ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly b, ts_stats_transet_user_interval c,
ts_transetgroup_transets_map m where b.ts_transet_group_id =
m.ts_transet_group_id and m.ts_transet_incarnation_id =
c.ts_transet_incarnation_id and c.ts_user_incarnation_id =
b.ts_user_incarnation_id and c.ts_interval_start_time >= '2010-01-03
00:00' and c.ts_interval_start_time < '2010-01-03 08:00' and
b.ts_interval_start_time >= '2009-12-28 00:00' and
b.ts_interval_start_time < '2010-01-04 00:00'"
(1 row)

real    0m3.804s
user    0m0.001s
sys     0m0.003s

so why the former ~40,000 times slower?


Re: query looping?

Brian Cox
also compare:

[4258-cemdb-admin-2010-01-05 13:11:42.913 PST]LOG:  duration: 6401.314
ms  statement: execute foo('2010-01-03 00:00','2010-01-03
08:00','2009-12-28 00:00','2010-01-04 00:00');
[4258-cemdb-admin-2010-01-05 13:11:42.913 PST]DETAIL:  prepare: prepare
foo as select count(distinct b.ts_id) from
ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly b, ts_stats_transet_user_interval c,
ts_transetgroup_transets_map m where b.ts_transet_group_id =
m.ts_transet_group_id and m.ts_transet_incarnation_id =
c.ts_transet_incarnation_id and c.ts_user_incarnation_id =
b.ts_user_incarnation_id and c.ts_interval_start_time >= $1 and
c.ts_interval_start_time < $2 and b.ts_interval_start_time >= $3 and
b.ts_interval_start_time < $4;

still the original query is ~20,000 times slower. Here's the explain foo
output for the execute above:

cemdb=> explain execute foo('2010-01-03 00:00','2010-01-03
08:00','2009-12-28 00:00','2010-01-04 00:00');
                                                        QUERY PLAN

  Aggregate  (cost=347318.10..347318.11 rows=1 width=8)
    ->  Hash Join  (cost=3836.14..347317.41 rows=549 width=8)
          Hash Cond: ((b.ts_transet_group_id = m.ts_transet_group_id)
AND (c.ts_transet_incarnation_id = m.ts_transet_incarnation_id))
          ->  Hash Join  (cost=3834.30..347302.98 rows=2628 width=24)
                Hash Cond: (c.ts_user_incarnation_id =
                ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on ts_stats_transet_user_interval c
  (cost=2199.30..343132.02 rows=103500 width=16)
                      Recheck Cond: ((ts_interval_start_time >= $1) AND
(ts_interval_start_time < $2))
                      ->  Bitmap Index Scan on
ts_stats_transet_user_interval_starttime  (cost=0.00..2186.36
rows=103500 width=0)
                            Index Cond: ((ts_interval_start_time >= $1)
AND (ts_interval_start_time < $2))
                ->  Hash  (cost=1627.99..1627.99 rows=1122 width=24)
                      ->  Index Scan using
ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly_starttimeindex on
ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly b  (cost=0.00..1627.99 rows=1122 width=24)
                            Index Cond: ((ts_interval_start_time >= $3)
AND (ts_interval_start_time < $4))
          ->  Hash  (cost=1.33..1.33 rows=67 width=16)
                ->  Seq Scan on ts_transetgroup_transets_map m
(cost=0.00..1.33 rows=67 width=16)
(14 rows)

comparing this to the 1st explain foo output shows some minor
differences in row estimates -- but nothing, I assume, that could
explain the huge time difference. Of course, the 1st plan may not (and
probably? wasn't) the plan that was used to take 124M ms.

Any thoughts on how to avoid this?


Re: query looping?

Robert Haas
On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Brian Cox <brian.cox@ca.com> wrote:
> comparing this to the 1st explain foo output shows some minor differences in
> row estimates -- but nothing, I assume, that could explain the huge time
> difference. Of course, the 1st plan may not (and probably? wasn't) the plan
> that was used to take 124M ms.
> Any thoughts on how to avoid this?

The incorrect row estimates can only foul up the plan; they can't
directly make anything slow.  Comparing the two plans line by line,
the only difference I see is the fast plan has:

->  Seq Scan on ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly b
(cost=0.00..23787.37 rows=89590 width=24) (actual time=0.040..295.414
rows=89758 loops=1)
  Filter: ((ts_interval_start_time >= '2009-12-28
00:00:00-08'::timestamp with time zone) AND  (ts_interval_start_time <
'2010-01-04 00:00:00-08'::timestamp with time zone))

...while the slow one has:

Index Scan using  ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly_starttimeindex on
ts_stats_transetgroup_user_weekly b  (cost=0.00..1301.21 rows=898
                            Index Cond: ((ts_interval_start_time >=
$3) AND (ts_interval_start_time < $4))

So it looks like using that index to fetch the data is a LOT slower
than just scanning the whole table.  In terms of fixing this problem,
I have two ideas:

- If you don't have any queries where this index makes things faster,
then you can just drop the index.

- If you have other queries where this index helps (even though it is
hurting this one), then you're going to have to find a way to execute
the query without using bound parameters - i.e. with the actual values
in there instead of $1 through $4.  That will allow the planner to see
that the index scan is a loser because it will see that there are a
lot of rows in the specified range of ts_interval_start_times.


Re: query looping?

Brian Cox
On 01/05/2010 08:34 PM, Robert Haas [robertmhaas@gmail.com] wrote:
> - If you have other queries where this index helps (even though it is
> hurting this one), then you're going to have to find a way to execute
> the query without using bound parameters - i.e. with the actual values
> in there instead of $1 through $4. That will allow the planner to see
> that the index scan is a loser because it will see that there are a
> lot of rows in the specified range of ts_interval_start_times.
I think that this is possible without too much work.

FYI - this test is still running and the same query has been executed at
least 2 more times (it gets done 1-24 times per day) since it took 124M
ms with acceptable response times (several secs). I don't see how either
of the 2 query plans posted could've taken that long (and the actually
execution times I posted confirm this), so I'm assuming that some other
plan was used for the 124M ms execution. Seems like it must have been
some NxM plan. Do you think that autovacuuming more frequently would
prevent the query planner from making this poor choice?


Re: query looping?

Robert Haas
On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Brian Cox <brian.cox@ca.com> wrote:
> On 01/05/2010 08:34 PM, Robert Haas [robertmhaas@gmail.com] wrote:
>> - If you have other queries where this index helps (even though it is
>> hurting this one), then you're going to have to find a way to execute
>> the query without using bound parameters - i.e. with the actual values
>> in there instead of $1 through $4. That will allow the planner to see
>> that the index scan is a loser because it will see that there are a
>> lot of rows in the specified range of ts_interval_start_times.
> I think that this is possible without too much work.

Oh, good.

> FYI - this test is still running and the same query has been executed at
> least 2 more times (it gets done 1-24 times per day) since it took 124M ms
> with acceptable response times (several secs). I don't see how either of the
> 2 query plans posted could've taken that long (and the actually execution
> times I posted confirm this), so I'm assuming that some other plan was used
> for the 124M ms execution. Seems like it must have been some NxM plan. Do
> you think that autovacuuming more frequently would prevent the query planner
> from making this poor choice?

That seems pretty speculative...  I'm not really sure.
