Обсуждение: partition query using Seq Scan even when index is present


partition query using Seq Scan even when index is present

"Kenneth Cox"
With postgresql-8.3.6, I have many partitions inheriting a table.  SELECT
min() on the parent performs a Seq Scan, but SELECT min() on a child uses
the index.  Is this another case where the planner is not aware enough to
come up with the best plan?  I tried creating an index on the parent table
to no avail.  Is there a way to formulate the query so that it uses the
index?  Here is the general flavor:

create table calls (caller text, ts timestamptz);
create table calls_partition_2009_08 (check (ts >= '2009-08-01' and ts <
'2009-09-01')) inherits (calls);
create index calls_partition_2009_08_ts on calls_partition_2009_08 (ts);
insert into calls_partition_2009_08 (ts)
   select to_timestamp(unix_time)
     from generate_series(extract(epoch from
                          extract(epoch from '2009-08-31
23:59'::timestamptz)::int, 60) as unix_time;
analyze calls_partition_2009_08;
explain select min(ts) from calls;

                                           QUERY PLAN
  Aggregate  (cost=780.50..780.51 rows=1 width=8)
    ->  Append  (cost=0.00..666.00 rows=45800 width=8)
          ->  Seq Scan on calls  (cost=0.00..21.60 rows=1160 width=8)
          ->  Seq Scan on calls_partition_2009_08 calls  (cost=0.00..644.40
rows=44640 width=8)
(4 rows)

explain select min(ts) from calls_partition_2009_08;

                                                           QUERY PLAN

  Result  (cost=0.03..0.04 rows=1 width=0)
      ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..0.03 rows=1 width=8)
            ->  Index Scan using calls_partition_2009_08_ts on
calls_partition_2009_08  (cost=0.00..1366.85 rows=44640 width=8)
                  Filter: (ts IS NOT NULL)
(5 rows)

Re: partition query using Seq Scan even when index is present

Greg Jaman

Yep.... I ran into the exact same problem.
My solution was to create a pl/pgsql function to query the child tables: ( http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-performance/2008-11/msg00284.php)
If you find a better solution please share.

-Greg Jaman

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Kenneth Cox <kenstir@gmail.com> wrote:
With postgresql-8.3.6, I have many partitions inheriting a table.  SELECT min() on the parent performs a Seq Scan, but SELECT min() on a child uses the index.  Is this another case where the planner is not aware enough to come up with the best plan?  I tried creating an index on the parent table to no avail.  Is there a way to formulate the query so that it uses the index?  Here is the general flavor:

create table calls (caller text, ts timestamptz);
create table calls_partition_2009_08 (check (ts >= '2009-08-01' and ts < '2009-09-01')) inherits (calls);
create index calls_partition_2009_08_ts on calls_partition_2009_08 (ts);
insert into calls_partition_2009_08 (ts)
 select to_timestamp(unix_time)
   from generate_series(extract(epoch from '2009-08-01'::timestamptz)::int,
                        extract(epoch from '2009-08-31 23:59'::timestamptz)::int, 60) as unix_time;
analyze calls_partition_2009_08;
explain select min(ts) from calls;

                                         QUERY PLAN
 Aggregate  (cost=780.50..780.51 rows=1 width=8)
  ->  Append  (cost=0.00..666.00 rows=45800 width=8)
        ->  Seq Scan on calls  (cost=0.00..21.60 rows=1160 width=8)
        ->  Seq Scan on calls_partition_2009_08 calls  (cost=0.00..644.40 rows=44640 width=8)
(4 rows)

explain select min(ts) from calls_partition_2009_08;

                                                         QUERY PLAN
 Result  (cost=0.03..0.04 rows=1 width=0)
    ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..0.03 rows=1 width=8)
          ->  Index Scan using calls_partition_2009_08_ts on calls_partition_2009_08  (cost=0.00..1366.85 rows=44640 width=8)
                Filter: (ts IS NOT NULL)
(5 rows)

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Re: partition query using Seq Scan even when index is present

Merlin Moncure
On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Kenneth Cox<kenstir@gmail.com> wrote:
> With postgresql-8.3.6, I have many partitions inheriting a table.  SELECT
> min() on the parent performs a Seq Scan, but SELECT min() on a child uses
> the index.  Is this another case where the planner is not aware enough to
> come up with the best plan?  I tried creating an index on the parent table
> to no avail.  Is there a way to formulate the query so that it uses the
> index?  Here is the general flavor:
> create table calls (caller text, ts timestamptz);
> create table calls_partition_2009_08 (check (ts >= '2009-08-01' and ts <
> '2009-09-01')) inherits (calls);
> create index calls_partition_2009_08_ts on calls_partition_2009_08 (ts);
> insert into calls_partition_2009_08 (ts)
>  select to_timestamp(unix_time)
>    from generate_series(extract(epoch from '2009-08-01'::timestamptz)::int,
>                         extract(epoch from '2009-08-31
> 23:59'::timestamptz)::int, 60) as unix_time;
> analyze calls_partition_2009_08;
> explain select min(ts) from calls;

ATM, constraint exclusion mainly only supports queries of the form:
SELECT ... WHERE 'x', with x being an expression in the check
constraint.  Table partitioning unfortunately is not a free lunch, you
have to be aware of it at all times when writing queries vs your
partitioned tables.


Re: partition query using Seq Scan even when index is present

"Kenneth Cox"
Thank you, Greg!  I tweaked your function to use recursion to search all
inherited tables; my inheritance structure is two levels deep.

This function is for integers only; I will copy/waste to create one for
timestamps.  Extra credit for anyone who can rewrite it to be polymorphic.

-- Same as max(_colname) from _relname but much faster for inherited
-- tables with an index on _colname.  In postgresql-8.3.6 a naive query
-- on a parent table will not use the indexes on the child tables.
create or replace function partition_max_int(_relname text, _colname text)
returns int AS
   childtable RECORD;
   childres RECORD;
   maxval int;
   tmpval int;
   sql text;
   -- find max in this table (only)
   sql := 'select max('||_colname||') from only '||quote_ident(_relname);
   execute sql into maxval;

   -- recurse to find max in descendants
   FOR childtable in
       select pc.relname as relname
         from pg_class pc
         join pg_inherits pi on pc.oid=pi.inhrelid
         where inhparent=(select oid from pg_class where relname=_relname)
     tmpval := partition_max_int(childtable.relname, _colname);
     IF tmpval is not NULL and (tmpval > maxval or maxval is null) THEN
       maxval := tmpval;
     END IF;

   return maxval;
language 'plpgsql' STABLE;