Обсуждение: Slow query with backwards index scan


Slow query with backwards index scan

Tilmann Singer
Dear list,

I am having problems selecting the 10 most recent rows from a large
table (4.5M rows), sorted by a date column of that table. The large
table has a column user_id which either should match a given user_id,
or should match the column contact_id in a correlated table where the
user_id of that correlated table must match the given user_id.

The user_id values in the large table are distributed in such a way
that in the majority of cases for a given user_id 10 matching rows can
be found very early when looking at the table sorted by the date -
propably within the first 1%. Sometimes the given user_id however
would match any rows only very far towards the end of the sorted large
table, or not at all.

The query works fine for the common cases when matching rows are found
early in the sorted large table, like this:

SELECT * FROM large_table lt
LEFT JOIN relationships r ON lt.user_id=r.contact_id
WHERE r.user_id = 55555 OR lt.user_id = 55555
ORDER BY lt.created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
                                                                                    QUERY PLAN

 Limit  (cost=0.00..33809.31 rows=10 width=646) (actual time=0.088..69.448 rows=10 loops=1)
   ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.00..156983372.66 rows=46432 width=646) (actual time=0.082..69.393 rows=10
         Filter: ((r.user_id = 55555) OR (lt.user_id = 55555))
         ->  Index Scan Backward using large_created_at_index on large_table lt  (cost=0.00..914814.94 rows=4382838
width=622)(actual time=0.028..0.067 rows=13 loops=1) 
         ->  Index Scan using relationships_contact_id_index on relationships r  (cost=0.00..35.33 rows=16 width=24)
(actualtime=0.017..2.722 rows=775 loops=13) 
               Index Cond: (lt.user_id = r.contact_id)
 Total runtime: 69.640 ms

but for the following user_id there are 3M rows in the large table
which are more recent then the 10th matching one. The query then does
not perform so well:

SELECT * FROM large_table lt
LEFT JOIN relationships r ON lt.user_id=r.contact_id
WHERE r.user_id = 12345 OR lt.user_id = 12345
ORDER BY lt.created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
                                                                                        QUERY PLAN

 Limit  (cost=0.00..33809.31 rows=10 width=646) (actual time=203454.353..425978.718 rows=10 loops=1)
   ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.00..156983372.66 rows=46432 width=646) (actual time=203454.347..425978.662
         Filter: ((r.user_id = 12345) OR (lt.user_id = 12345))
         ->  Index Scan Backward using large_created_at_index on large_table lt  (cost=0.00..914814.94 rows=4382838
width=622)(actual time=0.031..78386.769 rows=3017547 loops=1) 
         ->  Index Scan using relationships_contact_id_index on relationships r  (cost=0.00..35.33 rows=16 width=24)
(actualtime=0.006..0.060 rows=18 loops=3017547) 
               Index Cond: (lt.user_id = r.contact_id)
 Total runtime: 425978.903 ms

When split it up into the two following queries it performs much
better for that user_id. Since the results of the two could be
combined into the desired result, I'm assuming it could also be done
efficiently within one query, if only a better plan would be used.

SELECT * FROM large_table lt
WHERE lt.user_id = 12345
ORDER BY lt.created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
                                                                                   QUERY PLAN

 Limit  (cost=0.00..33.57 rows=10 width=622) (actual time=64.030..71.720 rows=10 loops=1)
   ->  Index Scan Backward using large_user_id_created_at_index on large_table lt  (cost=0.00..7243.59 rows=2158
width=622)(actual time=64.023..71.662 rows=10 loops=1) 
         Index Cond: (user_id = 12345)
 Total runtime: 71.826 ms

SELECT * FROM large_table lt
WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE user_id=12345)
ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
                                                                                   QUERY PLAN

 Limit  (cost=6902.52..6902.54 rows=10 width=622) (actual time=0.232..0.262 rows=4 loops=1)
   ->  Sort  (cost=6902.52..6905.57 rows=1220 width=622) (actual time=0.225..0.237 rows=4 loops=1)
         Sort Key: lt.created_at
         ->  Nested Loop  (cost=42.78..6839.98 rows=1220 width=622) (actual time=0.090..0.185 rows=4 loops=1)
               ->  HashAggregate  (cost=42.78..42.79 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.059..0.062 rows=1 loops=1)
                     ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on relationships  (cost=4.34..42.75 rows=11 width=4) (actual
time=0.038..0.041rows=1 loops=1) 
                           Recheck Cond: (user_id = 12345)
                           ->  Bitmap Index Scan on relationships_user_id_index  (cost=0.00..4.34 rows=11 width=0)
(actualtime=0.027..0.027 rows=1 loops=1) 
                                 Index Cond: (user_id = 12345)
               ->  Index Scan using large_user_id_started_at_index on large_table lt  (cost=0.00..6768.48 rows=2297
width=622)(actual time=0.020..0.087 rows=4 loops=1) 
                     Index Cond: (lt.user_id = relationships.contact_id)
 Total runtime: 0.439 ms

I'm not very experienced reading query plans and don't know how to go
about this from here - is it theoretically possible to have a query
that performs well with the given data in both cases or is there a
conceptual problem?

The database was freshly imported and ANALYZEd before running the
above tests.

I also tried the following for every involved column: increase
statistics target, analyze the table, explain analyze the slow query,
but the plan never changed.

The relevant schema and indices portions are:

testdb=# \d large_table
                                   Table "public.large_table"
   Column    |            Type             |                       Modifiers
 id          | integer                     | not null default nextval('large_id_seq'::regclass)
 user_id     | integer                     | not null
 created_at  | timestamp without time zone |
    "large_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "large_created_at_index" btree (created_at)
    "large_user_id_created_at_index" btree (user_id, created_at)

testdb=# \d relationships
                                     Table "public.relationships"
   Column   |            Type             |                         Modifiers
 id         | integer                     | not null default nextval('relationships_id_seq'::regclass)
 user_id    | integer                     |
 contact_id | integer                     |
    "relationships_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "relationships_contact_id_index" btree (contact_id)
    "relationships_user_id_index" btree (user_id, contact_id)

testdb=# select tablename, attname, null_frac, avg_width, n_distinct, correlation from pg_stats where tablename in
    tablename    |   attname   | null_frac  | avg_width | n_distinct | correlation
 relationships   | id          |          0 |         4 |         -1 |    0.252015
 relationships   | user_id     |          0 |         4 |       3872 |     0.12848
 relationships   | contact_id  |          0 |         4 |       3592 |      0.6099
 large_table     | id          |          0 |         4 |         -1 |    0.980048
 large_table     | user_id     |          0 |         4 |       1908 |    0.527973
 large_table     | created_at  |          0 |         8 |      87636 |    0.973318

select version();
 PostgreSQL 8.2.4 on i486-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC cc (GCC) 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)
(1 row)

grateful for any advice, Til

Re: Slow query with backwards index scan

Nis Jørgensen
Tilmann Singer skrev:

> The query works fine for the common cases when matching rows are found
> early in the sorted large table, like this:
> SELECT * FROM large_table lt
> LEFT JOIN relationships r ON lt.user_id=r.contact_id
> WHERE r.user_id = 55555 OR lt.user_id = 55555
> ORDER BY lt.created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
>                                                                                     QUERY PLAN
> but for the following user_id there are 3M rows in the large table
> which are more recent then the 10th matching one. The query then does
> not perform so well:
> SELECT * FROM large_table lt
> LEFT JOIN relationships r ON lt.user_id=r.contact_id
> WHERE r.user_id = 12345 OR lt.user_id = 12345
> ORDER BY lt.created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
>                                                                                         QUERY PLAN
> When split it up into the two following queries it performs much
> better for that user_id. Since the results of the two could be
> combined into the desired result, I'm assuming it could also be done
> efficiently within one query, if only a better plan would be used.
> SELECT * FROM large_table lt
> WHERE lt.user_id = 12345
> ORDER BY lt.created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
>                                                                                    QUERY PLAN
> SELECT * FROM large_table lt
> WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE user_id=12345)
> ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
>                                                                                    QUERY PLAN
> I'm not very experienced reading query plans and don't know how to go
> about this from here - is it theoretically possible to have a query
> that performs well with the given data in both cases or is there a
> conceptual problem?

How does the "obvious" UNION query do - ie:

SELECT * FROM large_table lt
WHERE lt.user_id = 12345


SELECT * FROM large_table lt
WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE user_id=12345)
) q

ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;


How about

SELECT * FROM large_table lt
WHERE lt.user_id = 12345 OR user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM
relationships WHERE user_id=12345)
ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;


I am missing a unique constraint on (user_id, contact_id) - otherwise
the subselect is not equivalent to the join.

Probably you also should have foreign key constraints on
relationships.user_id and relationships.contact_id. These are unlikely
to affect performance though, in my experience.

It might be good to know whether contact_id = user_id is possible -
since this would rule out the possibility of a row satisfying both
branches of the union.


Re: Slow query with backwards index scan

Tilmann Singer
* Nis Jørgensen <nis@superlativ.dk> [20070727 20:31]:
> How does the "obvious" UNION query do - ie:
> SELECT * FROM large_table lt
> WHERE lt.user_id = 12345
> SELECT * FROM large_table lt
> WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE user_id=12345)
> ) q
> ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;

Great for the user with little data:

SELECT * FROM large_table lt
WHERE lt.user_id = 12345
SELECT * FROM large_table lt
WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE user_id=12345)
) q
ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
                                                                                             QUERY PLAN

 Limit  (cost=14673.77..14673.80 rows=10 width=3140) (actual time=133.877..133.946 rows=10 loops=1)
   ->  Sort  (cost=14673.77..14682.22 rows=3378 width=3140) (actual time=133.870..133.894 rows=10 loops=1)
         Sort Key: q.created_at
         ->  Unique  (cost=14315.34..14442.01 rows=3378 width=622) (actual time=133.344..133.705 rows=38 loops=1)
               ->  Sort  (cost=14315.34..14323.78 rows=3378 width=622) (actual time=133.337..133.432 rows=38 loops=1)
                     Sort Key: id, user_id, plaze_id, device, started_at, updated_at, status, "type", duration,
permission,created_at, mac_address, subnet, msc 
                     ->  Append  (cost=0.00..14117.35 rows=3378 width=622) (actual time=39.144..133.143 rows=38
                           ->  Index Scan using large_user_id_started_at_index on large_table lt  (cost=0.00..7243.59
rows=2158width=622) (actual time=39.138..109.831 rows=34 loops=1) 
                                 Index Cond: (user_id = 12345)
                           ->  Nested Loop  (cost=42.78..6839.98 rows=1220 width=622) (actual time=14.859..23.112
                                 ->  HashAggregate  (cost=42.78..42.79 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=8.092..8.095 rows=1
                                       ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on relationships  (cost=4.34..42.75 rows=11 width=4)
(actualtime=8.067..8.070 rows=1 loops=1) 
                                             Recheck Cond: (user_id = 12345)
                                             ->  Bitmap Index Scan on relationships_user_id_index  (cost=0.00..4.34
rows=11width=0) (actual time=8.057..8.057 rows=1 loops=1) 
                                                   Index Cond: (user_id = 12345)
                                 ->  Index Scan using large_user_id_started_at_index on large_table lt
(cost=0.00..6768.48rows=2297 width=622) (actual time=6.751..14.970 rows=4 loops=1) 
                                       Index Cond: (lt.user_id = relationships.contact_id)
 Total runtime: 134.220 ms

Not so great for the user with many early matches:

SELECT * FROM large_table lt
WHERE lt.user_id = 55555
SELECT * FROM large_table lt
WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE user_id=55555)
) q
ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
                                                                                               QUERY PLAN

 Limit  (cost=14673.77..14673.80 rows=10 width=3140) (actual time=3326.304..3326.367 rows=10 loops=1)
   ->  Sort  (cost=14673.77..14682.22 rows=3378 width=3140) (actual time=3326.297..3326.318 rows=10 loops=1)
         Sort Key: q.created_at
         ->  Unique  (cost=14315.34..14442.01 rows=3378 width=622) (actual time=2413.070..3019.385 rows=69757 loops=1)
               ->  Sort  (cost=14315.34..14323.78 rows=3378 width=622) (actual time=2413.062..2590.354 rows=69757
                     Sort Key: id, user_id, plaze_id, device, started_at, updated_at, status, "type", duration,
permission,created_at, mac_address, subnet, msc 
                     ->  Append  (cost=0.00..14117.35 rows=3378 width=622) (actual time=0.067..1911.626 rows=69757
                           ->  Index Scan using large_user_id_started_at_index on large_table lt  (cost=0.00..7243.59
rows=2158width=622) (actual time=0.062..3.440 rows=739 loops=1) 
                                 Index Cond: (user_id = 55555)
                           ->  Nested Loop  (cost=42.78..6839.98 rows=1220 width=622) (actual time=0.451..1557.901
                                 ->  HashAggregate  (cost=42.78..42.79 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.404..0.580
                                       ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on relationships  (cost=4.34..42.75 rows=11 width=4)
(actualtime=0.075..0.241 rows=40 loops=1) 
                                             Recheck Cond: (user_id = 55555)
                                             ->  Bitmap Index Scan on relationships_user_id_index  (cost=0.00..4.34
rows=11width=0) (actual time=0.053..0.053 rows=40 loops=1) 
                                                   Index Cond: (user_id = 55555)
                                 ->  Index Scan using large_user_id_started_at_index on large_table lt
(cost=0.00..6768.48rows=2297 width=622) (actual time=0.048..28.033 rows=1725 loops=40) 
                                       Index Cond: (lt.user_id = relationships.contact_id)
 Total runtime: 3327.744 ms

> How about
> SELECT * FROM large_table lt
> WHERE lt.user_id = 12345 OR user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM
> relationships WHERE user_id=12345)
> ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;

Not good for the one with few matches:

testdb=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM large_table lt
WHERE lt.user_id = 12345 OR user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM
relationships WHERE user_id=12345)
ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
                                                                                     QUERY PLAN

 Limit  (cost=42.78..47.05 rows=10 width=622) (actual time=38360.090..62008.336 rows=10 loops=1)
   ->  Index Scan Backward using large_created_at_index on large_table lt  (cost=42.78..935924.84 rows=2192498
width=622)(actual time=38360.084..62008.269 rows=10 loops=1) 
         Filter: ((user_id = 12345) OR (hashed subplan))
           ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on relationships  (cost=4.34..42.75 rows=11 width=4) (actual time=0.031..0.034 rows=1
                 Recheck Cond: (user_id = 12345)
                 ->  Bitmap Index Scan on relationships_user_id_index  (cost=0.00..4.34 rows=11 width=0) (actual
time=0.020..0.020rows=1 loops=1) 
                       Index Cond: (user_id = 12345)
 Total runtime: 62008.500 ms

Good for the one with many early matches:

testdb=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM large_table lt
WHERE lt.user_id = 55555 OR user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM
relationships WHERE user_id=55555)
ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
                                                                                 QUERY PLAN

 Limit  (cost=42.78..47.05 rows=10 width=622) (actual time=0.473..0.572 rows=10 loops=1)
   ->  Index Scan Backward using large_created_at_index on large_table lt  (cost=42.78..935924.84 rows=2192498
width=622)(actual time=0.467..0.512 rows=10 loops=1) 
         Filter: ((user_id = 55555) OR (hashed subplan))
           ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on relationships  (cost=4.34..42.75 rows=11 width=4) (actual time=0.070..0.264 rows=40
                 Recheck Cond: (user_id = 55555)
                 ->  Bitmap Index Scan on relationships_user_id_index  (cost=0.00..4.34 rows=11 width=0) (actual
time=0.047..0.047rows=40 loops=1) 
                       Index Cond: (user_id = 55555)
 Total runtime: 0.710 ms

> I am missing a unique constraint on (user_id, contact_id) - otherwise
> the subselect is not equivalent to the join.
> It might be good to know whether contact_id = user_id is possible -
> since this would rule out the possibility of a row satisfying both
> branches of the union.

Thanks for the hint - this is a rails project with the validations
starting out in the application only, so sometimes we forget to also
check the data integrity in the database. There were in fact a couple
of duplicate user_id/contact_id pairs and a couple of rows where
user_id=contact_id although those shouldn't be allowed.

I added a unique index on (user_id, contact_id) and a check constraint
to prevent (user_id=contact_id), vacuumed, and ran the 4 above query
variants again - but it did not result in changed plans or substantial
differences in execution time.

> Probably you also should have foreign key constraints on
> relationships.user_id and relationships.contact_id. These are unlikely
> to affect performance though, in my experience.

They are there, I just removed them from the schema output before
posting, also assuming that they are not relevant for join


Re: Slow query with backwards index scan

Tilmann Singer <tils-pgsql@tils.net> wrote ..
> * Nis J�rgensen <nis@superlativ.dk> [20070727 20:31]:
> > How does the "obvious" UNION query do - ie:
> >
> > SELECT * FROM large_table lt
> > WHERE lt.user_id = 12345
> >
> >
> > SELECT * FROM large_table lt
> > WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE user_id=12345)
> > ) q
> >
> > ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;

Let's try putting the sort/limit in each piece of the UNION to speed them up separately.

 (SELECT * FROM large_table lt
 WHERE lt.user_id = 12345
 ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10) AS q1
 (SELECT * FROM large_table lt
 WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE user_id=12345)
 ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10) AS q2
ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;

Re: Slow query with backwards index scan

Tilmann Singer
* andrew@pillette.com <andrew@pillette.com> [20070728 21:05]:
> Let's try putting the sort/limit in each piece of the UNION to speed them up separately.
>  (SELECT * FROM large_table lt
>  WHERE lt.user_id = 12345
>  ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10) AS q1
>  (SELECT * FROM large_table lt
>  WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE user_id=12345)
>  ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10) AS q2
> ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;

It's not possible to use ORDER BY or LIMIT within unioned queries.


Would that make sense at all given the way the postgresql planner
works?  Does that work in other DB's?


Re: Slow query with backwards index scan

Craig James
Tilmann Singer wrote:
> * andrew@pillette.com <andrew@pillette.com> [20070728 21:05]:
>> Let's try putting the sort/limit in each piece of the UNION to speed them up separately.
>>  (SELECT * FROM large_table lt
>>  WHERE lt.user_id = 12345
>>  ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10) AS q1
>>  (SELECT * FROM large_table lt
>>  WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE user_id=12345)
>>  ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10) AS q2
>> ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
> It's not possible to use ORDER BY or LIMIT within unioned queries.
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/sql-select.html#SQL-UNION

If I'm reading this documentation correctly, it *is* possible, as long as they're inside of a sub-select, as in this


Re: Slow query with backwards index scan

Jeremy Harris
Tilmann Singer wrote:
> * andrew@pillette.com <andrew@pillette.com> [20070728 21:05]:
>> Let's try putting the sort/limit in each piece of the UNION to speed them up separately.
>>  (SELECT * FROM large_table lt
>>  WHERE lt.user_id = 12345
>>  ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10) AS q1
>>  (SELECT * FROM large_table lt
>>  WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE user_id=12345)
>>  ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10) AS q2
>> ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
> It's not possible to use ORDER BY or LIMIT within unioned queries.
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/sql-select.html#SQL-UNION

"ORDER BY and LIMIT can be attached to a subexpression if it is enclosed in parentheses"

Re: Slow query with backwards index scan

As other posters have pointed out, you can overcome the ORDER BY/LIMIT restriction on UNIONs with parentheses. I think
Imisbalanced the parentheses in my original post, which would have caused an error if you just copied and pasted. 

I don't think the limitation has to do with planning--just parsing the query.

Re: Slow query with backwards index scan

Tilmann Singer
* Craig James <craig_james@emolecules.com> [20070728 22:00]:
> >> (SELECT * FROM large_table lt
> >> WHERE lt.user_id = 12345
> >> ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10) AS q1
> >> UNION
> >> (SELECT * FROM large_table lt
> >> WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE
> >> user_id=12345)
> >> ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10) AS q2
> >>ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
> >
> >It's not possible to use ORDER BY or LIMIT within unioned queries.
> >
> >http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/sql-select.html#SQL-UNION
> If I'm reading this documentation correctly, it *is* possible, as long as
> they're inside of a sub-select, as in this case.

I completely overlooked that obvious note in the documentation,
sorry. I tried it only with the aliases which fooled me into thinking
that doesn't work at all:

testdb=# (select 1 limit 1) as q1 union (select 2) as q2;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "as"
LINE 1: (select 1 limit 1) as q1 union (select 2) as q2;
but this works:

testdb=# (select 1 limit 1) union (select 2);

Great - that works!

What I didn't realize in the original post is that the problem
actually seems to be how to retrieve the rows from large_table for the
correlated relationships in an efficient way - the second of the two
queries that could be UNIONed.

Using a subselect is efficient for the user with few relationships and
matched rows at the end of the sorted large_table:

testdb=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM large_table lt
 WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE
 ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
                                                                                    QUERY PLAN

 Limit  (cost=6963.94..6963.96 rows=10 width=621) (actual time=94.598..94.629 rows=4 loops=1)
   ->  Sort  (cost=6963.94..6966.96 rows=1211 width=621) (actual time=94.592..94.602 rows=4 loops=1)
         Sort Key: lt.created_at
         ->  Nested Loop  (cost=39.52..6901.92 rows=1211 width=621) (actual time=85.670..94.547 rows=4 loops=1)
               ->  HashAggregate  (cost=39.52..39.53 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=23.549..23.552 rows=1 loops=1)
                     ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on relationships  (cost=4.33..39.49 rows=10 width=4) (actual
time=23.526..23.530rows=1 loops=1) 
                           Recheck Cond: (user_id = 12345)
                           ->  Bitmap Index Scan on relationships_user_id_contact_id_index  (cost=0.00..4.33 rows=10
width=0)(actual time=0.027..0.027 rows=1 loops=1) 
                                 Index Cond: (user_id = 12345)
               ->  Index Scan using large_user_id_started_at_index on large_table lt  (cost=0.00..6834.04 rows=2268
width=621)(actual time=62.108..70.952 rows=4 loops=1) 
                     Index Cond: (lt.user_id = relationships.contact_id)
 Total runtime: 94.875 ms

But the subselect is not fast for the user with many relationships and
matched rows at the beginning of the sorted large_table:

testdb=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM large_table lt
 WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE
 ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
                                                                                       QUERY PLAN

 Limit  (cost=6963.94..6963.96 rows=10 width=621) (actual time=53187.349..53187.424 rows=10 loops=1)
   ->  Sort  (cost=6963.94..6966.96 rows=1211 width=621) (actual time=53187.341..53187.360 rows=10 loops=1)
         Sort Key: lt.created_at
         ->  Nested Loop  (cost=39.52..6901.92 rows=1211 width=621) (actual time=201.728..52673.800 rows=69018 loops=1)
               ->  HashAggregate  (cost=39.52..39.53 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=178.777..178.966 rows=40 loops=1)
                     ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on relationships  (cost=4.33..39.49 rows=10 width=4) (actual
time=47.049..178.560rows=40 loops=1) 
                           Recheck Cond: (user_id = 55555)
                           ->  Bitmap Index Scan on relationships_user_id_contact_id_index  (cost=0.00..4.33 rows=10
width=0)(actual time=28.721..28.721 rows=40 loops=1) 
                                 Index Cond: (user_id = 55555)
               ->  Index Scan using large_user_id_started_at_index on large_table lt  (cost=0.00..6834.04 rows=2268
width=621)(actual time=21.994..1301.375 rows=1725 loops=40) 
                     Index Cond: (lt.user_id = relationships.contact_id)
 Total runtime: 53188.584 ms

Using a join now the query for matches for the user with little data is slow:

testdb=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM large_table lt
 JOIN relationships r ON lt.user_id=r.contact_id WHERE
 ORDER BY lt.created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
                                                                                         QUERY PLAN

 Limit  (cost=0.00..24116.65 rows=10 width=645) (actual time=100348.436..145552.633 rows=4 loops=1)
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..28751864.52 rows=11922 width=645) (actual time=100348.429..145552.602 rows=4 loops=1)
         ->  Index Scan Backward using large_created_at_index on large_table lt  (cost=0.00..824833.09 rows=4384343
width=621)(actual time=28.961..82448.167 rows=4384064 loops=1) 
         ->  Index Scan using relationships_user_id_contact_id_index on relationships r  (cost=0.00..6.36 rows=1
width=24)(actual time=0.009..0.009 rows=0 loops=4384064) 
               Index Cond: ((r.user_id = 12345) AND (lt.user_id = r.contact_id))
 Total runtime: 145552.809 ms

And for the user with much data it's fast:

testdb=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM large_table lt
 JOIN relationships r ON lt.user_id=r.contact_id WHERE
 ORDER BY lt.created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
                                                                                    QUERY PLAN

 Limit  (cost=0.00..24116.65 rows=10 width=645) (actual time=0.068..0.428 rows=10 loops=1)
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..28751864.52 rows=11922 width=645) (actual time=0.063..0.376 rows=10 loops=1)
         ->  Index Scan Backward using large_created_at_index on large_table lt  (cost=0.00..824833.09 rows=4384343
width=621)(actual time=0.028..0.064 rows=13 loops=1) 
         ->  Index Scan using relationships_user_id_contact_id_index on relationships r  (cost=0.00..6.36 rows=1
width=24)(actual time=0.010..0.013 rows=1 loops=13) 
               Index Cond: ((r.user_id = 55555) AND (lt.user_id = r.contact_id))
 Total runtime: 0.609 ms

Any ideas?

tia, Til

Re: Slow query with backwards index scan

Nis Jørgensen
Tilmann Singer skrev:

> But the subselect is not fast for the user with many relationships and
> matched rows at the beginning of the sorted large_table:
> testdb=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM large_table lt
>  WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE
>  user_id=55555)
>  ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
>                                                                                        QUERY PLAN
>  Limit  (cost=6963.94..6963.96 rows=10 width=621) (actual time=53187.349..53187.424 rows=10 loops=1)
>    ->  Sort  (cost=6963.94..6966.96 rows=1211 width=621) (actual time=53187.341..53187.360 rows=10 loops=1)
>          Sort Key: lt.created_at
>          ->  Nested Loop  (cost=39.52..6901.92 rows=1211 width=621) (actual time=201.728..52673.800 rows=69018
>                ->  HashAggregate  (cost=39.52..39.53 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=178.777..178.966 rows=40 loops=1)
>                      ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on relationships  (cost=4.33..39.49 rows=10 width=4) (actual
time=47.049..178.560rows=40 loops=1) 
>                            Recheck Cond: (user_id = 55555)
>                            ->  Bitmap Index Scan on relationships_user_id_contact_id_index  (cost=0.00..4.33 rows=10
width=0)(actual time=28.721..28.721 rows=40 loops=1) 
>                                  Index Cond: (user_id = 55555)
>                ->  Index Scan using large_user_id_started_at_index on large_table lt  (cost=0.00..6834.04 rows=2268
width=621)(actual time=21.994..1301.375 rows=1725 loops=40) 
>                      Index Cond: (lt.user_id = relationships.contact_id)
>  Total runtime: 53188.584 ms
> Using a join now the query for mat

> Any ideas?

It seems to me the subselect plan would benefit quite a bit from not
returning all rows, but only the 10 latest for each user. I believe the
problem is similar to what is discussed for UNIONs here:


which got implemented here:


It seems to me the planner in this case would actually need to push the
limit into the nested loop, since we want the plan to take advantage of
the index (using a backwards index scan). I am ready to be corrected though.

You could try this (quite hackish) attempt at forcing the query planner
to use this plan:

SELECT * FROM large_table lt
 WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE
 user_id=55555) AND created_at in (SELECT created_at FROM large_table
lt2 WHERE lt2.user_id = lt.user_id ORDER BY created_at DESC limit 10)
 ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;

If that doesn't work, you might have reached the point where you need to
use some kind of record-keeping system to keep track of which records to
look at.


Re: Slow query with backwards index scan

Tilmann Singer
* Nis Jørgensen <nis@superlativ.dk> [20070730 18:33]:
> It seems to me the subselect plan would benefit quite a bit from not
> returning all rows, but only the 10 latest for each user. I believe the
> problem is similar to what is discussed for UNIONs here:
> which got implemented here:
> It seems to me the planner in this case would actually need to push the
> limit into the nested loop, since we want the plan to take advantage of
> the index (using a backwards index scan). I am ready to be corrected though.

If I understand that correctly than this means that it would benefit
the planning for something like


if any of q1 or q2 would satisfy the rows requested by limit early,
instead of planning q1 and q2 without having the limit of the outer
query an influence.

Unfortunately I'm having problems making my q2 reasonably efficient in
the first place, even before UNIONing it.

> You could try this (quite hackish) attempt at forcing the query planner
> to use this plan:
> SELECT * FROM large_table lt
>  WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE
>  user_id=55555) AND created_at in (SELECT created_at FROM large_table
> lt2 WHERE lt2.user_id = lt.user_id ORDER BY created_at DESC limit 10)
>  ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;

No for the user with many matches at the beginning:

SELECT * FROM large_table lt
 WHERE user_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM relationships WHERE
 user_id=55555) AND created_at IN (SELECT created_at FROM large_table lt2
   WHERE lt2.user_id = lt.user_id ORDER BY created_at DESC limit 10)
 ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 10;
                                                                                                 QUERY PLAN

 Limit  (cost=45555.94..45555.97 rows=10 width=621) (actual time=70550.549..70550.616 rows=10 loops=1)
   ->  Sort  (cost=45555.94..45557.46 rows=605 width=621) (actual time=70550.542..70550.569 rows=10 loops=1)
         Sort Key: lt.created_at
         ->  Nested Loop  (cost=39.52..45527.99 rows=605 width=621) (actual time=2131.501..70548.313 rows=321 loops=1)
               ->  HashAggregate  (cost=39.52..39.53 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.406..0.615 rows=40 loops=1)
                     ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on relationships  (cost=4.33..39.49 rows=10 width=4) (actual
time=0.075..0.248rows=40 loops=1) 
                           Recheck Cond: (user_id = 55555)
                           ->  Bitmap Index Scan on relationships_user_id_contact_id_index  (cost=0.00..4.33 rows=10
width=0)(actual time=0.052..0.052 rows=40 loops=1) 
                                 Index Cond: (user_id = 55555)
               ->  Index Scan using large_user_id_started_at_index on large_table lt  (cost=0.00..45474.29 rows=1134
width=621)(actual time=1762.067..1763.637 rows=8 loops=40) 
                     Index Cond: (lt.user_id = relationships.contact_id)
                     Filter: (subplan)
                       ->  Limit  (cost=0.00..34.04 rows=10 width=8) (actual time=0.048..0.147 rows=10 loops=69018)
                             ->  Index Scan Backward using large_user_id_created_at_index on large_table lt2
(cost=0.00..7721.24rows=2268 width=8) (actual time=0.040..0.087 rows=10 loops=69018) 
                                   Index Cond: (user_id = $0)
 Total runtime: 70550.847 ms

The same plan is generated for the user with few matches and executes
very fast.

> If that doesn't work, you might have reached the point where you need to
> use some kind of record-keeping system to keep track of which records to
> look at.

Yes, I'm considering that unfortunately.

Seeing however that there are 2 different queries which result in very
efficient plans for one of the 2 different cases, but not the other,
makes me hope there is a way to tune the planner into always coming up
with the right plan. I'm not sure if I explained the problem well
enough and will see if I can come up with a reproduction case with
generated data.


Re: Slow query with backwards index scan

Nis Jørgensen
Tilmann Singer skrev:
> * Nis Jørgensen <nis@superlativ.dk> [20070730 18:33]:
>> It seems to me the subselect plan would benefit quite a bit from not
>> returning all rows, but only the 10 latest for each user. I believe the
>> problem is similar to what is discussed for UNIONs here:
>> which got implemented here:
>> It seems to me the planner in this case would actually need to push the
>> limit into the nested loop, since we want the plan to take advantage of
>> the index (using a backwards index scan). I am ready to be corrected though.
> If I understand that correctly than this means that it would benefit
> the planning for something like
> if any of q1 or q2 would satisfy the rows requested by limit early,
> instead of planning q1 and q2 without having the limit of the outer
> query an influence.
> Unfortunately I'm having problems making my q2 reasonably efficient in
> the first place, even before UNIONing it.

The "second branch" of your UNION is really equivalent to the following

contacts = SELECT contact_id FROM relations WHERE user_id = $id

sql = SELECT * FROM (
    SELECT * FROM lt WHERE user_id = contacts[0]
    SELECT * FROM lt WHERE user_id = contacts[1]
) ORDER BY created_at LIMIT 10;

Currently, it seems the "subqueries" are fetching all rows.

Thus a plan which makes each of the subqueries aware of the LIMIT  might
be able to improve performance. Unlike the UNION case, it seems this
means making the subqueries aware that the plan is valid, not just
changing the cost estimate.

How does this "imperative approach" perform? I realize you probably
don't want to use this, but it would give us an idea whether we would be
able to get the speed we need by forcing this plan on pg.

>> If that doesn't work, you might have reached the point where you need to
>> use some kind of record-keeping system to keep track of which records to
>> look at.
> Yes, I'm considering that unfortunately.
> Seeing however that there are 2 different queries which result in very
> efficient plans for one of the 2 different cases, but not the other,
> makes me hope there is a way to tune the planner into always coming up
> with the right plan. I'm not sure if I explained the problem well
> enough and will see if I can come up with a reproduction case with
> generated data.

I think the problem is that Postgresql does not have the necessary
statistics to determine which of the two plans will perform well. There
are basically two unknowns in the query:

- How many uninteresting records do we have to scan through before get
to the interesting ones (if using plan 1).
- How many matching rows do we find in "relations"

The first one it is not surprising that pg cannot estimate.

I am a little surprised that pg is not able to estimate the second one
better. Increasing the statistics settings might help in getting a
different plan.

I am also slightly surprised that the two equivalent formulations of the
query yield such vastly different query plans. In my experience, pg is
quite good at coming up with similar query plans for equivalent queries.
 You might want to fiddle with DISTINCT or indexing to make sure that
they are indeed logically equivalent.

Anyway, it seems likely that you will at some point run into the query
for many matches at the end of the table - which none of your plans will
be good at supplying. So perhaps you can just as well prepare for it now.
