Обсуждение: Problem with query, server totally unresponsive


Problem with query, server totally unresponsive

Bendik Rognlien Johansen
Hello, I have a big problem with one of my databases. When i run my
query, after a few minutes, the postmaster shows 99% mem i top, and
the server becomes totally unresponsive.

I get this message when I try to cancel the query:

server closed the connection unexpectedly
         This probably means the server terminated abnormally
         before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.

This works fine on a different machine with the same database
settings and about 30% less records. The other machine is running
PostgreSQL 8.0.3
The troubled one is running 8.1.2

Any help is greatly appreciated!


The machine has 2x Intel dual core processors (3GHz) and 2 Gigs of ram.


# - Memory -

shared_buffers = 8192                   # min 16 or
max_connections*2, 8KB each
#temp_buffers = 1000                    # min 100, 8KB each
#max_prepared_transactions = 5          # can be 0 or more
# note: increasing max_prepared_transactions costs ~600 bytes of
shared memory
# per transaction slot, plus lock space (see max_locks_per_transaction).
work_mem = 4096                 # min 64, size in KB
maintenance_work_mem = 262144           # min 1024, size in KB
#max_stack_depth = 2048                 # min 100, size in KB

My query:

SELECT r.id AS id, max(r.name) AS name, max(companyid) AS companyid,
max(extract(epoch from r.updated)) as r_updated, hydra.join(co.value)
AS contacts, hydra.join(ad.postalsite) AS postalsites FROM records r
LEFT OUTER JOIN contacts co ON(r.id = co.record AND co.type IN
(1,11,101,3)) LEFT OUTER JOIN addresses ad ON(r.id = ad.record) WHERE
r.original IS NULL GROUP BY r.id;

The hydra.join function
-- Aggregates a column to an array

DROP FUNCTION hydra.join_aggregate(text, text) CASCADE;
DROP FUNCTION hydra.join_aggregate_to_array(text);

CREATE FUNCTION hydra.join_aggregate(text, text) RETURNS text
   AS 'select $1 || ''|'' || $2'

CREATE FUNCTION hydra.join_aggregate_to_array(text) RETURNS text[]
   AS 'SELECT string_to_array($1, ''|'')'

   BASETYPE = text
,SFUNC = hydra.join_aggregate
,STYPE = text
,FINALFUNC = hydra.join_aggregate_to_array

records: 757278 rows
contacts: 2256253 rows
addresses: 741536 rows


                                              QUERY PLAN
GroupAggregate  (cost=636575.63..738618.40 rows=757278 width=75)
    ->  Merge Left Join  (cost=636575.63..694469.65 rows=1681120
          Merge Cond: ("outer".id = "inner".record)
          ->  Merge Left Join  (cost=523248.93..552247.54
rows=1681120 width=63)
                Merge Cond: ("outer".id = "inner".record)
                ->  Sort  (cost=164044.73..165937.93 rows=757278
                      Sort Key: r.id
                      ->  Seq Scan on records r  (cost=0.00..19134.78
rows=757278 width=48)
                            Filter: (original IS NULL)
                ->  Sort  (cost=359204.20..363407.00 rows=1681120
                      Sort Key: co.record
                      ->  Seq Scan on contacts co
(cost=0.00..73438.06 rows=1681120 width=19)
                            Filter: (("type" = 1) OR ("type" = 11) OR
("type" = 101) OR ("type" = 3))
          ->  Sort  (cost=113326.70..115180.54 rows=741536 width=16)
                Sort Key: ad.record
                ->  Seq Scan on addresses ad  (cost=0.00..20801.36
rows=741536 width=16)
(16 rows)

se_companies=# \d records;
                                       Table "public.records"
      Column      |           Type           |
id              | integer                  | not null default nextval
companyid       | character varying(16)    | default ''::character
categories      | integer[]                |
nace            | integer[]                |
name            | character varying(255)   | default ''::character
updated         | timestamp with time zone | default
('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone
updater         | integer                  |
owner           | integer                  |
loaner          | integer                  |
info            | text                     |
original        | integer                  |
active          | boolean                  | default true
categoryquality | integer                  | not null default 0
searchwords     | character varying(128)[] |
priority        | integer                  |
categorized     | timestamp with time zone |
infopage        | boolean                  |
national        | boolean                  |
password        | character varying(32)    |
login           | boolean                  |
deleted         | boolean                  | not null default false
reference       | integer[]                |
nuinfo          | text                     |
brands          | integer[]                |
volatile        | boolean                  | not null default false
     "records_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) CLUSTER
     "original_is_null" btree (original) WHERE original IS NULL
     "records_category_rdtree_idx" gist (categories)
     "records_categoryquality_idx" btree (categoryquality)
     "records_lower_name_idx" btree (lower(name::text))
     "records_original_idx" btree (original)
     "records_owner" btree ("owner")
     "records_updated_idx" btree (updated)
Foreign-key constraints:
     "records_original_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (original) REFERENCES records

se_companies=# \d contacts;
                                    Table "public.contacts"
    Column    |          Type          |                       Modifiers
id          | integer                | not null default nextval
record      | integer                |
type        | integer                |
value       | character varying(128) |
description | character varying(255) |
priority    | integer                |
itescotype  | integer                |
original    | integer                |
source      | integer                |
reference   | character varying(32)  |
quality     | integer                |
deleted     | boolean                | not null default false
searchable  | boolean                | not null default true
visible     | boolean                | not null default true
     "contacts_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
     "contacts_original_idx" btree (original)
     "contacts_quality_idx" btree (quality)
     "contacts_record_idx" btree (record)
     "contacts_source_reference_idx" btree (source, reference)
     "contacts_value_idx" btree (value)
Foreign-key constraints:
     "contacts_original_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (original) REFERENCES

se_companies=# \d addresses;
                                      Table "public.addresses"
     Column    |           Type           |
id           | integer                  | not null default nextval
record       | integer                  |
address      | character varying(128)   |
extra        | character varying(32)    |
postalcode   | character varying(16)    |
postalsite   | character varying(64)    |
description  | character varying(255)   |
position     | point                    |
uncertainty  | integer                  | default 99999999
priority     | integer                  |
type         | integer                  |
place        | character varying(64)    |
floor        | integer                  |
side         | character varying(8)     |
housename    | character varying(64)    |
original     | integer                  |
source       | integer                  |
reference    | character varying(64)    |
quality      | integer                  |
deleted      | boolean                  | not null default false
searchable   | boolean                  | not null default true
visible      | boolean                  | not null default true
municipality | integer                  |
map          | boolean                  | not null default true
geocoded     | timestamp with time zone | default now()
     "addresses_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
     "addresses_lower_address_postalcode" btree (lower
(address::text), lower(postalcode::text))
     "addresses_original_idx" btree (original)
     "addresses_record_idx" btree (record)
     "addresses_source_reference_idx" btree (source, reference)
Foreign-key constraints:
     "addresses_original_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (original) REFERENCES

Re: Problem with query, server totally unresponsive

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 01:12:08PM +0100, Bendik Rognlien Johansen wrote:
> Hello, I have a big problem with one of my databases. When i run my
> query, after a few minutes, the postmaster shows 99% mem i top, and
> the server becomes totally unresponsive.

You've got a bunch of sorts going on; could you be pushing the machine
into swapping?

> I get this message when I try to cancel the query:
> server closed the connection unexpectedly
>         This probably means the server terminated abnormally
>         before or while processing the request.
> The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.

Did you send a kill of some kind to the backend?

> The machine has 2x Intel dual core processors (3GHz) and 2 Gigs of ram.

Unless I missed some big news recently, no such CPU exists.
Hyperthreading is absolutely not the same as dual core, and many people
have found that it's best to disable hyperthreading on database servers.
Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant      jnasby@pervasive.com
Pervasive Software      http://pervasive.com    work: 512-231-6117
vcard: http://jim.nasby.net/pervasive.vcf       cell: 512-569-9461

Re: Problem with query, server totally unresponsive

"Dave Dutcher"

> From: pgsql-performance-owner@postgresql.org
> owner@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Jim C. Nasby
> Subject: Re: [PERFORM] Problem with query, server totally unresponsive
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 01:12:08PM +0100, Bendik Rognlien Johansen
> > Hello, I have a big problem with one of my databases. When i run my
> > query, after a few minutes, the postmaster shows 99% mem i top, and
> > the server becomes totally unresponsive.
> You've got a bunch of sorts going on; could you be pushing the machine
> into swapping?
> > I get this message when I try to cancel the query:
> >
> > server closed the connection unexpectedly
> >         This probably means the server terminated abnormally
> >         before or while processing the request.
> > The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.
> Did you send a kill of some kind to the backend?
> > The machine has 2x Intel dual core processors (3GHz) and 2 Gigs of
> Unless I missed some big news recently, no such CPU exists.
> Hyperthreading is absolutely not the same as dual core, and many
> have found that it's best to disable hyperthreading on database

Maybe I'm confused by the marketing, but I think those CPUs do exist.
According to New Egg the Pentium D 830 and the Pentium D 930 both are
dual core Pentiums that run at 3Ghz.  It also specifically says these
processors don't support hyper threading, so I believe they really have
two cores.   Maybe you are thinking he was talking about a 3Ghz Core



Re: Problem with query, server totally unresponsive

"Jim C. Nasby"
On Fri, Mar 24, 2006 at 08:46:54AM -0600, Dave Dutcher wrote:
> > > The machine has 2x Intel dual core processors (3GHz) and 2 Gigs of
> ram.
> >
> > Unless I missed some big news recently, no such CPU exists.
> > Hyperthreading is absolutely not the same as dual core, and many
> people
> > have found that it's best to disable hyperthreading on database
> servers.
> Maybe I'm confused by the marketing, but I think those CPUs do exist.
> According to New Egg the Pentium D 830 and the Pentium D 930 both are
> dual core Pentiums that run at 3Ghz.  It also specifically says these
> processors don't support hyper threading, so I believe they really have
> two cores.   Maybe you are thinking he was talking about a 3Ghz Core
> Duo.

A quick google shows I'm just behind the times; Intel does have true
dual-core CPUs now.
Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant      jnasby@pervasive.com
Pervasive Software      http://pervasive.com    work: 512-231-6117
vcard: http://jim.nasby.net/pervasive.vcf       cell: 512-569-9461