Обсуждение: RPM Spec problems & patch


RPM Spec problems & patch

"James A. Pattie"
I tried sending this patch to the list last week but Mozilla blew up on
me and claimed it was sent.  Since I haven't
seen anything I'm going to resend it.

I tried to rebuild PostgreSQL 7.1.3 rpms on a RH 7.0 box (with all the
latest updates applied) and encountered the
following problems:
    It requires python-devel to be installed even though I specified not
to build the python related packages.  The attached patch should fix
that (if it is valid that python-devel is not needed by any other packages).
    After retrying with my patch applied to the spec file, it then blew
up on the tk related packages as I didn't have X devel installed.  After
turning off building the tk related packages it then blew up trying to
install the pgaccess file which wasn't built.  Should the pgaccess
installation step be conditionally done?

    I don't have ssl, python, X or kerberos development packages
installed so I used the following line:
rpm --ba --define 'ssl 0' --define 'python 0' --define 'kerberos 0'
--define 'tkpkg 0' postgresql.spec

OT: does anyone know how to make an rpm package build for anything other
than i386?

P.S. I might have done the diff to create the patch backwards. :)  I
usually just apply patches not create them.

James A. Pattie

Linux  --  SysAdmin / Programmer
PC & Web Xperience, Inc.

--- postgresql.spec    Fri Aug 17 18:19:39 2001
+++ postgresql.spec.new    Mon Sep 17 20:41:29 2001
@@ -64,7 +64,10 @@
 Patch3: %{name}-7.1.s390x.patch
 Buildrequires: perl glibc-devel
 Prereq: /sbin/ldconfig initscripts
-BuildPrereq: python-devel perl tcl /lib/cpp
+BuildPrereq: perl tcl /lib/cpp
+%if %python
+BuildPrereq: python-devel
 %if %ssl
 BuildPrereq: openssl-devel