Обсуждение: A query retrieving many rows crashes with psqlodbc-09.05.0100


A query retrieving many rows crashes with psqlodbc-09.05.0100

"Tsunakawa, Takayuki"

Some (perhaps simple) query which retrieves many rows crashes with psqlodbc-09.05.0100.  The same query succeeds with

The call stack is as follows:

>    msvcr120.dll!strtoxl(localeinfo_struct * plocinfo=0x72b51870, const char * nptr=0x0808391c, const char * *
endptr=0x00000000,int ibase=10, int flags=0)  行 100 + 0x8 バイト    C++ 
     msvcr120.dll!strtol(const char * nptr=0x0808391c, char * * endptr=0x00000000, int ibase=10)  行 236 + 0x7 バイト
     msvcr120.dll!atol(const char * nptr=0x0808391c)  行 56 + 0xc バイト    C
     psqlodbc35w.dll!copy_and_convert_field(StatementClass_ * stmt=0x72b51870, unsigned int field_type=4294967280, int
atttypmod=44187360,void * valuei=0x0808391c, short fCType=-16, int precision=0, void * rgbValue=0x01770360, long
cbValueMax=4,long * pcbValue=0x0177035c, long * pIndicator=0x0177035c)  行 1710 + 0xc バイト    C 
     psqlodbc35w.dll!copy_and_convert_field_bindinfo(StatementClass_ * stmt=0x72b51870, unsigned int
field_type=4294967280,int atttypmod=44187476, void * value=0x0808391c, int col=14)  行 732 + 0x3e バイト    C 
     psqlodbc35w.dll!SC_fetch(StatementClass_ * self=0x72b51870)  行 1742 + 0x12 バイト    C
     psqlodbc35w.dll!PGAPI_ExtendedFetch(void * hstmt=0x72b51870, unsigned short fFetchType=65520, long irow=1,
unsignedlong * pcrow=0x019e569c, unsigned short * rgfRowStatus=0x007f3b30, long bookmark_offset=0, long rowsetSize=1)
行1752 + 0xe バイト    C 
     psqlodbc35w.dll!SQLFetchScroll(void * StatementHandle=0x007f3b30, short FetchOrientation=5, long
FetchOffset=27326472) 行 225 + 0x15 バイト    C 
     odbc32.dll!_SQLFetchScroll@12()  + 0x296 バイト
     msdasql.dll!CFetchRowsFetchScrollBmk::FetchRows()  + 0x383 バイト
     msdasql.dll!CImpIRowsetScroll::GetRowsAtBookmark()  + 0x32b バイト
     msdasql.dll!CImpIRowsetScroll::GetRowsAt()  + 0x341 バイト
     msadrh15.dll!CRowsetHelper::GetRowsAt()  + 0x9b バイト
     msado15.dll!CRecordset::MoveAbsolute()  + 0x523 バイト
     msado15.dll!CMemStream::SetModificationTime()  + 0x2c188 バイト
     msado15.dll!CRecordset::get_EOF()  + 0x1c5 バイト

The same query also crashes with the unofficial psqlodbc-09.05.0101 that Inoue-san posted on his web site.

Could you investigate the cause?  I'll go into the code, too.

Regars, Takayuki Tsunakawa