Обсуждение: ODBC Driver for Windows server 2008


ODBC Driver for Windows server 2008

Mathias Zajaczkowski
Hi,<br /><br /> Could you tell me how to install a Postgres ODBC driver on Windows Server 2008 for Postgres 8.4.<br />
I'veused psqlodbc.msi from psqlodbc_08_04_0200.zip however the driver does not show up in ODBC Data Source
Administrator.<br/><br /><br /><img alt="" src="cid:part1.08030300.05090201@ubik.ch" /><br /><br /> Then I've used
psqlodbc.msifrom psqlodbc_09_00_0200-x64.zip and when I try to connect using DSN file I receive the following
message<br/><br /><img alt="" src="cid:part2.02060805.02060807@ubik.ch" /><br /><br /> Here is the content of my dsn
file:<br/><br /><font color="#000099">[ODBC]<br /> DRIVER=PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)<br /> UID=postgres<br /> XaOpt=1<br
/>GssAuthUseGSS=0<br /> LowerCaseIdentifier=0<br /> UseServerSidePrepare=0<br /> ByteaAsLongVarBinary=0<br /> BI=0<br
/>TrueIsMinus1=0<br /> DisallowPremature=0<br /> UpdatableCursors=1<br /> LFConversion=1<br />
ExtraSysTablePrefixes=dd_<br/> CancelAsFreeStmt=0<br /> Parse=0<br /> BoolsAsChar=1<br /> UnknownsAsLongVarchar=0<br />
TextAsLongVarchar=1<br/> UseDeclareFetch=0<br /> Ksqo=1<br /> Optimizer=0<br /> CommLog=0<br /> Debug=0<br />
MaxLongVarcharSize=8190<br/> MaxVarcharSize=255<br /> UnknownSizes=0<br /> Socket=4096<br /> Fetch=100<br />
ConnSettings=<br/> ShowSystemTables=0<br /> RowVersioning=0<br /> ShowOidColumn=0<br /> FakeOidIndex=0<br />
Protocol=7.4<br/> ReadOnly=0<br /> SSLmode=disable<br /> PORT=5432<br /> SERVER=localhost<br />
DATABASE=Affaires</font><br/><br /><br /> Any advice / help would be appreciated.<br /><br /> Thanks in advance<br
/><preclass="moz-signature" cols="72">-- 
Mathias Zajaczkowski
Ubik S.A.
Chemin du Signal 22
1296 Coppet
(+) 41 22 960 03 91
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:mathias.zajaczkowski@ubik.ch">mathias.zajaczkowski@ubik.ch</a>

Re: ODBC Driver for Windows server 2008

Hiroshi Inoue
Hi Mathias,

(2011/01/26 1:03), Mathias Zajaczkowski wrote:
> Hi,
> Could you tell me how to install a Postgres ODBC driver on Windows
> Server 2008 for Postgres 8.4.
> I've used psqlodbc.msi from psqlodbc_08_04_0200.zip however the driver
> does not show up in ODBC Data Source Administrator.
> Then I've used psqlodbc.msi from psqlodbc_09_00_0200-x64.zip and when I
> try to connect using DSN file I receive the following message

There are 2 kinds of applications on 64bit Windows, 32bit ones and
64bit ones.

32bit applications requires 32bit ODBC drivers and 32bit ODBC
DataSource Adminstrator is needed to manage DSNs.
64bit applications requires 64bit ODBC drivers and 64bit ODBC
DataSource Adminstrator is needed to manage DSNs.
Maybe ODBC DataSource Administrator which you are using is the 64bit
one and the application you use to connect via DSN file is the 32bit
please look at
You can find a FAQ 6.8) Installing psqlODBC on 64bit Windows.

Hiroshi Inoue