Обсуждение: How to check driver version from within an application ?


How to check driver version from within an application ?


how can I check actully used driver version from within an application?
I develop an application and I'd like to know I can read out the odbc
version to write into a log in case of errors.

Is there something like "SELECT ODBCVersion()"?
Probaply not.
How could I do it then?

Client application is MS Access on Windows XP.

Re: How to check driver version from within an application ?

Andrei Kovalevski
Hi Andreas,

ODBC is a client side middle-layer interface. You can't determine any
ODBC-related property with SQL query. There are special functions which
client application can call to get info about ODBC driver, such as:
    SQLDrivers, SQLGetInfo, etc...

You can start from this reference:

Andreas wrote:
> Hi,
> how can I check actully used driver version from within an application?
> I develop an application and I'd like to know I can read out the odbc
> version to write into a log in case of errors.
> Is there something like "SELECT ODBCVersion()"?
> Probaply not.
> How could I do it then?
> Client application is MS Access on Windows XP.

Andrei Kovalevski
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support
Managed Services, Shared and Dedicated Hosting
Co-Authors: PL/php, ODBCng - http://www.commandprompt.com/