Обсуждение: Problem with 8.2.x MSM ODBC drivers in Windows


Problem with 8.2.x MSM ODBC drivers in Windows

"Adam M"
Hello all,

This problem seems very weird unless the MSI and MSM drivers are build
differently and/or separately. Starting with the 8.2.x branch of MSM
drivers, the date data they return seems to be incorrect. Using the
latest 8.1.x MSM driver, and the application works again correctly.
When I use the MSI driver, it works correctly as well.

The error seems to occur when I have more than 1 date field returned
in a row where the later is NULL. For example,

  date_a = '2007-01-01'
  date_b = NULL
  date_c = NULL

The application seems to think that date_b and date_c are
'2007-01-01'. If the scenario is,

  date_a = '2000-01-01'
  date_b = '2001-01-01'
  date_c = NULL

date_c will be '2001-01-01'


  date_a = '2000-01-01'
  date_b = date_c = NULL

the last two will be set to the first date.

Now, this is all just preliminary as the application is Qt 3.x based
so there are many layers to unravel or at least to write a C based
ODBC test case. I'll do that over the weekend, but in the mean time I
am wandering if this behaviour was seen by anyone else?

- Adam

PS. All MSI deployed ODBC drivers work correctly. MSM drivers prior to
8.2.x work correctly as well... This actually cased a lot of confusion
for myself as I believed the two drivers just have a different
installer but are the same binaries...