Обсуждение: PLS Help. Linked tables in MS Access


PLS Help. Linked tables in MS Access

hengky liwandouw

Dear all,

I am new to Postgre SQL, and have serious performance problem with Postgre SQL 8.1 as backend and MS Access 2000 / 2003 as front end application. After searching archive in this maiing list, i found usefull information like below. But i still have some big question :
1. How can i know my ODBC driver version ?
2. How to run tcpdump ?
3. How to see Postgre SQL log, to see how fast it runs  Access sql command ?
4. Some times when user input data, my application show "#delete" records while no user delete record. How can this error appear ?
5. Could someone share his VBA code to connect from Access to PGSQL ? I think maybe something wrong with my VBA code that caused the "#delete" problem.
The application run on both Access 2000 and Access 2003. So i use MS Access 2000 file format MDB, running on A2000 and A2003, connect to PostgreSQL 8.2.3
Thank you !!!
Re: linked tables in MS Access

pgsql-odbc-owner ( at ) postgresql (dot ) org wrote:    > Hello,  >   > I've read a post [1] about how MS Access is enjoyable and efficient  > when tables are connected to MS SQL.   >   > But I have MS Access front end containing linked tables to Postgres  > via ODBC. And I'm struggling with slow performance. When I want to  > open a table which contains about 8000 records it takes more then 20  > sec. When I want to move cursor at the last record it takes more than  > 60 extra seconds. I'm not able to bind comboboxes directly to larger  > (more than 60 records) linked table because unrolling takes 20 sec.    > All tables has defined primary key, of course.  > I was trying to change indexes without any result.  >   > I've already checked Postgres server log and MS Access queries are  > executed quickly (<500 ms).   >   > Is this normal behavior? Does MS Access cooperates with MS SQL such  > better than with other DBMS via odbc?   >   > Doesanybody have better experience?  >   > I was trying to communicate from ASP.NET with Postgres via OLE DB  > driver and it was without any performance problems.     Hi,    I'm using MS Access, ODBC and Postgresql in several places, with big tables as well, and I don't have any performance problem.    I have always been using the default driver parameters, and it always worked for me. But maybe you should play with that a little bit. And I think a few performance tuning tips have been discussed in this list in the past.    One thing you have to check, is wether you are using the MS Access 2000 format, under MS Access 2003. There is huge performance loss in this configuration. Convert your database into the 2003 format, and problems will disappear.    Second thing: have you the opportunity to run tcpdump somewhere between the server and the client? You can activate the log of the server, too. This should give you useful "timing" informations.    Cheers,    Philippe   

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Re: PLS Help. Linked tables in MS Access

hengky liwandouw wrote:
> 1. How can i know my ODBC driver version ?
My win is not in english, so the following is approximative : Go to the
windows configuration panel -> administration tools -> database sources
(ODBC) and look in the the ODBC driver tab.

> 2. How to run tcpdump ?
From your *nix server ? Or from windows, install wireshark.

> 3. How to see Postgre SQL log, to see how fast it runs  Access sql command ?
you have to tweak your psql config file in your server. if it is an
*nix, logs are probably in /var/log

> 4. Some times when user input data, my application show "#delete"
> records while no user delete record. How can this error appear ?
This is a really recurrent bug. There are plenty of information about
this in the ml.
Personnaly, I only use integer primary key, NOT NULL boolean and other
stuff I don't remember.
Access return #deleted because each time it insert or update a table's
entry , it check it :
- If it knows the PK, it will check with a "select * from yourTable
where PK=X"
- If it doesn't know it, it will do a select with all the datas it has :
if more than one entry or no entry are returned by psql, it will be
printed as #deleted in MSAccess.

Sorry if I'm not clear, but just run wireshark a study what's append,
you should anderstand quickly.

> 5. Could someone share his VBA code to connect from Access to PGSQL ? I
> think maybe something wrong with my VBA code that caused the "#delete"
> problem.

Dim qry As QueryDef
qry.Connect = "ODBC;DATABASE=dbName;DSN=ODBCName;UID=user;PWD=pass"

