Обсуждение: Strange DELETE inconsistency


Strange DELETE inconsistency

Geert Janssens

Another issue with MS Access 2000, PostgreSQL 8.0.8 and psqlODBC

A have a bound form that manages a linked ODBC table (form=Artikels,
table=tarticles which is linked via psqlODBC).

When I delete a record via the access menu Edit->Delete record, everything
works fine: the record gets deleted, and the next or previous record is shown
(depending on the position of the cursor).

When I do the same via vba (a custom button in the menu bar that calls
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord), either nothing seems to happen, or the
currently visible record's fields all change to #Deleted#.

If I compare the Comm logs for these two different Delete actions, I see that
the first contains a DELETE, immediatly followed by a SELECT of other
records. The second contains a DELETE, immediatly followed by a number of
error messages, and no SELECT. Both are attached for reference.

What could cause this ? If required, I can also run the same tests with MyLog
enabled for more details.

Thank you,

Geert Janssens
Kobalt W.I.T.
Web & Information Technology
Brusselsesteenweg 152
1850 Grimbergen

Tel  : +32 479 339 655
Email: info@kobaltwit.be
