Обсуждение: Driver could not be loaded (0) SQLSTATE=IM002


Driver could not be loaded (0) SQLSTATE=IM002

Srimathi Chandrasekaran
i am using the following versions for building rls server against

I want to know whether my installation was correct.
1.I have set the environmental varaibles as follows
setenv GLOBUS_LOCATION0/usr/local/globus-4.0.1
# setenv ODBCINI $GLOBUS_LOCATION/var/odbc.ini
 2. for libiodbc-3.52.4
I have done everything as a root

% ./configure --prefix=$GLOBUS_IODBC_PATH --disable-gtktest --with-pthreads
--disable-gui --with-iodbc-inidir=$ODBCINIDIR (i have set ODBCINDIR variable
make install
everything is successfully built.
2. i have created odbc.ini in  $GLOBUS_LOCATION/var and copied that to
odbcinst.ini which is in the same directory itself
and my odbc.ini file looks like this

[ODBC Data Sources]
 lrc1000=lrc database
 rli1000=rli database

 Description  = LRC database
 DSN          = lrc1000
 Driver       =/usr/local/globus-4.0.1/lib/psqlodbc.so
 Servertype   = postgres
 SERVER       = localhost
 USER         = dbuser
 Password     =
 Database     = lrc1000
 OPTION       = 3
 Trace        = off
   port        =5432

 Description  = RLI database
 DSN          = rli1000
 Driver       = /usr/local/globus-4.0.1/lib/psqlodbc.so

 Servertype   = postgres
 SERVER       = localhost
 USER         = dbuser
 Password     =
 Database     = rli1000
 OPTION       = 3
 Trace        = off


3.i have installed postgresql
./configure --prefix=$GLOBUS_LOCATION--without readline(if i didnt give this
--without readline then it wasnot  able to configure)
make install
this was built sucessfully
chown -R postgres:postgres /usr/local/globus-4.0.1
 su - postgres

cd /usr/local/globus-4.0.1
bin/initdb -D ./data
bin/pg_ctl -D ./data -l data/logfile start
bin/createdb -O dbuser  -U dbuser  -W lrc1000
bin/createdb -O dbuser  -U dbuser  -W rli1000
bin/psql -l
it also listed the databases whatever i have
then i created the database schema by using the commands
psql -W -U dbuser  -d lrc1000  -f
psql -W -U dbuser  -d rli1000  -f

4. i have installed psqlODBC
./configure --prefix=$GLOBUS_LOCATION--enable threads
make install
this was installed properly

But when i run the iodbctest
$GLOBUS_IODBC_PATH/bin/iodbctest "DSN=lrc1000;UID=dbuser;PWD="
iODBC Demonstration program
This program shows an interactive SQL processor
Driver Manager: 03.52.0406.0126
1: SQLDriverConnect = [iODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found and no
default driver specified. Driver could not be loaded (0) SQLSTATE=IM002
1: ODBC_Connect = [iODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found and no
default driver specified. Driver could not be loaded (0) SQLSTATE=IM002
i have gone through email archive but i couldn't get much of it
i am having sleepless nights because of this.
whether anybody can tell me whether my installa tion procedure  is correct?
IF u have any rough idea on what direction i proceed it will be great help to
thanks for your time and consideration

Re: Driver could not be loaded (0) SQLSTATE=IM002

Ludek Finstrle
> psqlodbc-07.03.0200

quite old. You could try 07.03.026X version from pgfoundry.org.

> I want to know whether my installation was correct.
> 1.I have set the environmental varaibles as follows
> setenv GLOBUS_LOCATION0/usr/local/globus-4.0.1
> # setenv ODBCINI $GLOBUS_LOCATION/var/odbc.ini

The # char mean comment out the line?
Do you specify it in each session? Or do you specify only for install?

>  2. for libiodbc-3.52.4
> I have done everything as a root
> % ./configure --prefix=$GLOBUS_IODBC_PATH --disable-gtktest --with-pthreads
> --disable-gui --with-iodbc-inidir=$ODBCINIDIR (i have set ODBCINDIR variable

I see no $ODBCINIDIR definition. I see only definition of $ODBCINI.

> But when i run the iodbctest

Do you have specified in this session $ODBCINI?

> $GLOBUS_IODBC_PATH/bin/iodbctest "DSN=lrc1000;UID=dbuser;PWD="
> iODBC Demonstration program
> This program shows an interactive SQL processor
> Driver Manager: 03.52.0406.0126
> 1: SQLDriverConnect = [iODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found and no
> default driver specified. Driver could not be loaded (0) SQLSTATE=IM002

FAQ for iODBC says:

[iODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found and no default driver specified. Driver could not be loaded,

There are several reasons why this message could occur. The best solution
is to trace through what's happening: your application has been linked
against libiodbc, which has tried to find an odbc.ini file one way or
another - either through the ODBCINI environment variable or the fall-back
paths (typically /etc/odbc.ini, depending on how it was compiled). You
should check that such a file exists in a suitable location, and that
it is accessible (particularly if your application runs with different
user privileges - such as apache/php running as a www-data user).

Additionally, it could be that iODBC has found a suitable odbc.ini file,
but none of the file(s) found contain the DSN you've requested. Check
the syntax of your request - is the ODBC connect-string correct, and
does the DSN you're requesting exist? See also the section of this
FAQ, above, entitled `What's an odbc.ini and what do I put in it?'.



Re: Driver could not be loaded (0) SQLSTATE=IM002

Ludek Finstrle
> I have set the environmental variables for each session.
> I have set the ODBCINIDIR as $GLOBUS_LOCATION/var
> I have specified the odbcini for the session in which i have iodbctest
>  echo $ODBCINI
> /usr/local/globus-4.0.1/var/odbc.ini
> Enter ODBC connect string (? shows list): rli1000

Is it typo error? You define lrc1000 or do I remember it wrong?
BTW what is showed when you enter "?"?

> Whether i have to create another odbc.ini in /etc directory (copy of odbc.ini
> that is located in /usr/local/globus-4.0.1/var/odbc.ini
> )?

It isn't final solution. But let's try it. If it helps you have got good
start point.

BTW you specified DSN = whatever. I think it couldn't be there.
My suggestion is minimize the odbc.ini. See the example at

