Обсуждение: COPY FROM



"Bart Degryse"

I need to do a bulk upload (2,600,000 records) of data into a PostgreSQL (v8.0.3) table. I'm trying to achieve this from Visual Basic with ADO and psqlODBC (v8.1.2) but I can't get it working. Currently my code looks like this.

    Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection   Dim query As String
   'DSN less connection   query = "DRIVER={PostgreSQL Unicode};SERVER=;PORT=2345;DATABASE=bigdb;BoolsAsChar=0;TrueIsMinus1=1;Debug=0;CommLog=0"   conn.CursorLocation = adUseClient   conn.Open query, "bad", "xxxxxxxx"
   query = "COPY dunn_main (duns, company, company_short, zip, phone, employee_number, legal_id, sic_id, source_id) " & _           "FROM STDIN WITH NULL AS 'NULL' DELIMITER AS ','"   conn.Execute query, , adCmdText + adExecuteNoRecords + adAsyncExecute

In the driver logging I can see that it's waiting for the data now, but I can't really figure out how to deliver it. Since the source data (as a text file with fixed length fields) is only available on client side and needs some processing before being ready to import I'm using something like this to prepare the data:

    Private Type Dunn_Record       CO_NAME As String * 90       PCODE As String * 8       DUNS As String * 9       EMPS_COMP As String * 9       LE As String * 2       L As String * 1       TEL_NBR As String * 14       US72 As String * 4       crlf As String * 2   End Type   Dim record As Dunn_Record   Dim filehandle As Integer   Dim filename As String   Dim numLines as long   Dim line As Long   filehandle = FreeFile   filename = "E:\source.txt"   Open filename For Random Access Read Lock Read Write As #filehandle Len = Len(record)   numLines = LOF(1) / Len(record)   For line = 2 to numLines       Get #filehandle, line, record       With record           query = query & CLng(.DUNS) & ","           query = query & "'" & Replace(Trim(.CO_NAME), "'", "''") & "',"           query = query & "'" & ascii_easy(.CO_NAME) & "',"           query = query & "'" & Trim(.PCODE) & "',"           query = query & phone(.TEL_NBR) & ","           If Len(Trim(.EMPS_COMP)) Then query = query & CLng(.EMPS_COMP) Else query = query & "NULL"           query = query & ","           If Len(Trim(.LE)) Then query = query & CLng(.LE) Else query = query & "NULL"           query = query & ","           query = query & CLng(.US72) & ","           query = query & rs!source_id       End With       'DELIVER THE DATA IN query TO THE DRIVER   Next line
I have tried several methods to deliver the prepared data to the driver but without any succes.

  • Writing to STDOUT
        Private Declare Function GetStdHandle Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal nStdHandle As Long) As Long   Private Declare Function WriteFile Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long, lpOverlapped As Any) As Long   Private Const STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11&   Dim stdhandle As Long   Dim llResult As Long   stdhandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)   WriteFile stdhandle, query, Len(query), llResult, ByVal 0&
  • Writing to a socket
        Dim socket As New Winsock   With socket       .Protocol = sckUDPProtocol       .RemoteHost = ""       .RemotePort = 2345       .Connect   End With   socket.SendData query
  • Executing it
        conn.Execute query
  • Writing to some stream
        Dim str As New Stream   With str       .Mode = adModeWrite       .Open   End With   str.WriteText query

So basically my question is : how do I deliver the prepared data to the driver? Any help (tips, working code, example, ...) would be appreciated.

Best regards


"Bart Degryse"
Hi Miguel,
I had the same idea, but I don't have (and will not get) access to the server. So I can't copy or ftp the file to the server. That is why I was trying to use the STDIN way.
So your idea doesn't help me, but thanks anyway for sharing it.
Best regards

>>> "Miguel Juan" <mjuan@cibal.es> 2006-02-08 14:57 >>>
Hello Bart,
I have done it using a temp File. First you must copy the file with the data to a shared folder in the database server. Then you have to execute the comand "COPY FROM file xxxxxx", where "file" is referencing the path+filename as it is seen by the server.
I hope this helps you,
Miguel Juan
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 11:03 AM

I need to do a bulk upload (2,600,000 records) of data into a PostgreSQL (v8.0.3) table. I'm trying to achieve this from Visual Basic with ADO and psqlODBC (v8.1.2) but I can't get it working. Currently my code looks like this.

    Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection   Dim query As String
   'DSN less connection   query = "DRIVER={PostgreSQL Unicode};SERVER=;PORT=2345;DATABASE=bigdb;BoolsAsChar=0;TrueIsMinus1=1;Debug=0;CommLog=0"   conn.CursorLocation = adUseClient   conn.Open query, "bad", "xxxxxxxx"
   query = "COPY dunn_main (duns, company, company_short, zip, phone, employee_number, legal_id, sic_id, source_id) " & _           "FROM STDIN WITH NULL AS 'NULL' DELIMITER AS ','"   conn.Execute query, , adCmdText + adExecuteNoRecords + adAsyncExecute

In the driver logging I can see that it's waiting for the data now, but I can't really figure out how to deliver it. Since the source data (as a text file with fixed length fields) is only available on client side and needs some processing before being ready to import I'm using something like this to prepare the data:

    Private Type Dunn_Record       CO_NAME As String * 90       PCODE As String * 8       DUNS As String * 9       EMPS_COMP As String * 9       LE As String * 2       L As String * 1       TEL_NBR As String * 14       US72 As String * 4       crlf As String * 2   End Type   Dim record As Dunn_Record   Dim filehandle As Integer   Dim filename As String   Dim numLines as long   Dim line As Long   filehandle = FreeFile   filename = "E:\source.txt"   Open filename For Random Access Read Lock Read Write As #filehandle Len = Len(record)   numLines = LOF(1) / Len(record)   For line = 2 to numLines       Get #filehandle, line, record       With record           query = query & CLng(.DUNS) & ","           query = query & "'" & Replace(Trim(.CO_NAME), "'", "''") & "',"           query = query & "'" & ascii_easy(.CO_NAME) & "',"           query = query & "'" & Trim(.PCODE) & "',"           query = query & phone(.TEL_NBR) & ","           If Len(Trim(.EMPS_COMP)) Then query = query & CLng(.EMPS_COMP) Else query = query & "NULL"           query = query & ","           If Len(Trim(.LE)) Then query = query & CLng(.LE) Else query = query & "NULL"           query = query & ","           query = query & CLng(.US72) & ","           query = query & rs!source_id       End With       'DELIVER THE DATA IN query TO THE DRIVER   Next line
I have tried several methods to deliver the prepared data to the driver but without any succes.

  • Writing to STDOUT
        Private Declare Function GetStdHandle Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal nStdHandle As Long) As Long   Private Declare Function WriteFile Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long, lpOverlapped As Any) As Long   Private Const STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11&   Dim stdhandle As Long   Dim llResult As Long   stdhandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)   WriteFile stdhandle, query, Len(query), llResult, ByVal 0&
  • Writing to a socket
        Dim socket As New Winsock   With socket       .Protocol = sckUDPProtocol       .RemoteHost = ""       .RemotePort = 2345       .Connect   End With   socket.SendData query
  • Executing it
        conn.Execute query
  • Writing to some stream
        Dim str As New Stream   With str       .Mode = adModeWrite       .Open   End With   str.WriteText query

So basically my question is : how do I deliver the prepared data to the driver? Any help (tips, working code, example, ...) would be appreciated.

Best regards


"Thomas Holschen"
Hi Bart,

Just create an ODBC Entry on your local computer,
add a Refernce to ActiveX Dataobjects 2.8 oder 2.7 to your vbp
open an ADODB.connection to the Server and send SQL-Insert Statements.

Little Example
Private Function Insert()
    Dim DBS As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim SQLString As String
    DBS.Open "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Extended

    SQLString = "Insert into SomeTable (Field1,Field2,Field3) Values
    DBS.Execute SQLString
End Function

Hope that helps... Your Mail is a little bit "unreadable" ;-)

regards, Thomas.


Hela Gewürzwerk Hermann Laue GmbH & Co.KG
Thomas Holschen
Beimoorweg 11
22926 Ahrensburg

Tel. : +49 4102/496-381

>>> "Bart Degryse" <Bart.Degryse@indicator.be> schrieb am Mittwoch, 8.
Februar 2006
um 11:03 in Nachricht <s3e9d02f.034@webaccess.indicator.be>:

> Dear,
> I need to do a bulk upload (2,600,000 records) of data into a
> (v8.0.3) table. I'm trying to achieve this from Visual Basic with ADO
> psqlODBC (v8.1.2) but I can't get it working. Currently my code looks
> this.    Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection    Dim query As String
'DSN less
> connection    query = "DRIVER={PostgreSQL
> us1=1;Debug=0;CommLog=0"    conn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
> query, "bad", "xxxxxxxx"    query = "COPY dunn_main (duns, company,
> company_short, zip, phone, employee_number, legal_id, sic_id,
source_id) " & _
> query, , adCmdText + adExecuteNoRecords + adAsyncExecute
> In the driver logging I can see that it's waiting for the data now,
but I
> can't really figure out how to deliver it. Since the source data (as
a text
> file with fixed length fields) is only available on client side and
> some processing before being ready to import I'm using something like
this to
> prepare the data:
>     Private Type Dunn_Record        CO_NAME As String * 90
> String * 8        DUNS As String * 9        EMPS_COMP As String * 9
> As String * 2        L As String * 1        TEL_NBR As String * 14

> US72 As String * 4        crlf As String * 2    End Type    Dim
record As
> Dunn_Record    Dim filehandle As Integer    Dim filename As String
> numLines as long    Dim line As Long    filehandle = FreeFile
filename =
> "E:\source.txt"    Open filename For Random Access Read Lock Read
Write As
> #filehandle Len = Len(record)    numLines = LOF(1) / Len(record)
For line
> = 2 to numLines        Get #filehandle, line, record        With
>      query = query & CLng(.DUNS) & ","            query = query & "'"
> Replace(Trim(.CO_NAME), "'", "''") & "',"            query = query &
"'" &
> ascii_easy(.CO_NAME) & "',"            query = query & "'" &
Trim(.PCODE) & "',"
>           query = query & phone(.TEL_NBR) & ","            If
> Len(Trim(.EMPS_COMP)) Then query = query & CLng(.EMPS_COMP) Else
query = query
> & "NULL"            query = query & ","            If Len(Trim(.LE))
Then query
> = query & CLng(.LE) Else query = query & "NULL"            query =
query & ","
>          query = query & CLng(.US72) & ","            query = query &

> rs!source_id        End With        'DELIVER THE DATA IN query TO THE
>   Next lineI have tried several methods to deliver the prepared data
to the
> driver but without any succes.
> Writing to STDOUT
>     Private Declare Function GetStdHandle Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal
> As Long) As Long    Private Declare Function WriteFile Lib "Kernel32"
> hFile As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As St
ring, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite
As Long,
> lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long, lpOverlapped As Any) As Long
Private Const
> STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11&    Dim stdhandle As Long    Dim llResult As
> stdhandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)    WriteFile stdhandle,
> Len(query), llResult, ByVal 0&Writing to a socket
>     Dim socket As New Winsock    With socket        .Protocol =
> sckUDPProtocol        .RemoteHost = ""        .RemotePort
= 2345
>      .Connect    End With    socket.SendData queryExecuting it
>     conn.Execute queryWriting to some stream
>     Dim str As New Stream    With str        .Mode = adModeWrite

> .Open    End With    str.WriteText query
> So basically my question is : how do I deliver the prepared data to
> driver? Any help (tips, working code, example, ...) would be
> Best regards
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Ludek Finstrle
> In the driver logging I can see that it's waiting for the data now,
> but I can't really figure out how to deliver it. Since the source
> data (as a text file with fixed length fields) is only available
> on client side and needs some processing before being ready to import

I think ODBC doesn't support something like standard input ...
Or maybe it does? Do you try print the prepared data to the standard

> So basically my question is : how do I deliver the prepared data
> to the driver? Any help (tips, working code, example, ...)
> would be appreciated.

If you can't find the way you can try to use insert statements.
You may collect multiple insert statements into one transaction
to speed up the data loading.




Kevin Puetz
Ludek Finstrle wrote:

>> In the driver logging I can see that it's waiting for the data now,
>> but I can't really figure out how to deliver it. Since the source
>> data (as a text file with fixed length fields) is only available
>> on client side and needs some processing before being ready to import
> I think ODBC doesn't support something like standard input ...
> Or maybe it does? Do you try print the prepared data to the standard
> output?

I don't know about ODBC at the low level, but I've certainly never found a
way to do this with DAO or ADO. I don't *think* it's possible.

>> So basically my question is : how do I deliver the prepared data
>> to the driver? Any help (tips, working code, example, ...)
>> would be appreciated.
> If you can't find the way you can try to use insert statements.
> You may collect multiple insert statements into one transaction
> to speed up the data loading.

The fastest approach I've found that *is* VB-friendly is to ship the data
over as a bound parameter to a stored procedure that unpacks it into rows
on the server side (writing a suitable function returning SETOF RECORD to
split apart the string or blob). I don't actually know if there's an upper
limit on the size of such arguments, but I've pushed 30k rows or so (~1MiB
of total data) without difficulty using psqlodbc and ADO.Command objects.
Since that's past 64kiB, and computer programmers not being terribly
creative folk with it comes to max sizes, I suspect this means it'll be
safe up to at least 2GiB if you have the memory to prepare and receive such
a behemoth.

I have a trivial split-on-delimiter char routine for simple stuff, and a
from_csv written in PL/perl using Text::CSV for multi-column data or
anything that needs to potentially quote the delimiter appearing in the
contained data. I'm not actually sure the 'simple' version is even faster
in any meaningful sense, but I wrote it first so it's still around. If
there's interest I should be able to post them, but it's a work project so
I don't have it handy tonight.

For the CSV version, I implemented everything except multi-line values,
which I had no need for - the concept would certainly allow it with a
little more work in the parser function. It streams through the input
splitting consuming lines of input and using return_next to build the
result set, so if the query is able to consume rows as they come out (no
sort or similar) it shouldn't ever need to have both the argument and the
full recordset in memory. But, with my strings only in the megabyte range I
haven't every really tested carefully to prove that it doesn't.

Usage looks roughly like the following

INSERT INTO tbl_foo (foo,bar,baz)
SELECT * FROM from_csv(?) AS t(foo int4, bar text, baz date)

with the arg bound to a string like

IIRC, this took the time to load the data from ~45 seconds (using a series
of INSERTs within a single txn) to about 500ms (seemingly pretty much
network constrained), so the difference is pretty dang dramatic.

You have to be careful to stringify non-text values in a way that postgres
is happy with when you pack the argument, and then the type statements in
the AS clause will coerce things so the rest of the query can ignore the
fact they were delivered packed in text. YMMV. One could also use something
other than CSV as the serialization, and the typesafety and
serialization/parsing efficiency might be better if you did, but this was
good enough for me and is nicely generic. Someday I mifhr also do one for
the QDataStream's packing shipped over in a blob, since that would let my
other C++/Qt apps have a more type-strict container, but that hasn't
happened yet.

This technique also allows you to materialize tabular 'immediate' data for a
query in its FROM statement, which can be quite handy. I've actually
replaced quite a few instances where I used to prepare a temp table or loop
repeating a prepared SELECT varying the arguments by doing so. It avoids
the repeated network latency (important in my case, though obviously not if
the DB is local) and lets me feed in all the search data on one shot, so
the db can often switch techniques from a series of hash or index lookups
to something that shows better locality - depending on the structure of the
query it can be an enormous win (one important operation went from 90s to

> Regards,
> Luf