Обсуждение: ODBC error and concurrent connections question


ODBC error and concurrent connections question

"Francesco Lilley"
Hello everyone!
I've just installed postgres 8.1 on my pc whcih runs Windows 2000 Professional.
But i have a problem: i've created a  Test table, and then installed and created the Odbc on another pc different from the pc on which i installed the Postgres Server.
I created a C-like program and the first time it was all ok, but after i can't connect to the machine through Odbc, so i create new odbc, but nothing, now i'm not able to connect to the sever. The program returns me an ODBC error! Why? It's very strange!
I've installed Postgres because i ha ve the necessity to have a Db able to manage multiple concurrent connections, but i'm new and i don't know how to program and set the Postgres DB in order to do this. Ehat i have to do in order to have automatic serialization with concurrent connections?
Please Help me!!
Thank you very much in advance!!

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Re: ODBC error and concurrent connections question

Ludek Finstrle
> But i have a problem: i've created a Test table, and then installed
> and created the Odbc on another pc different from the pc on which
> i installed the Postgres Server.
> I created a C-like program and the first time it was all ok, but
> after i can't connect to the machine through Odbc, so i create new

After what you can't connect? I think this is postgresql related question.
Can you connect server through psql command line client?
If you can't connect with psql then the problem is on server side.

Could you ping to the server? Does ODBC and C program work on server?
Do you have well filled datasource parameters like server name,
server port, SSL mode, database name, user name and password?

> odbc, but nothing, now i'm not able to connect to the sever.
> The program returns me an ODBC error! Why? It's very strange!

What error do you get? We're not crystal gazers ...
Could you post mylog output?

> Ehat i have to do in order to have automatic serialization with
> concurrent connections?

Isn't it again postgresql related question? I think there is pgsql-novice
mailing list for these question. It isn't ODBC related.
You can try study transaction isolation ... It's well documented on

