Обсуждение: 'No Current Record' using Access linked to Postgres via ODBC - A possible resolution


'No Current Record' using Access linked to Postgres via ODBC - A possible resolution


Using MS Access to read/write a Postgres database using ODBC get the error message 'No Current Record' when making a simple update to a table record through the Access default form interface. The table has a integer primary key and other fields including a timestamp field. The problem is experienced only on some rows.There is no obvious difference between rows that work and rows that don't.

Although this problem is similar to that mentioned in several earlier postings, I found no definitive answer through Google. I have posted the resolution here in case it helps others with a similar predicament.

When Access issues the update to Postgres though ODBC it creates an update SQL query that uses all fields in the row as the 'where' clause. This includes the timestamp field. However, in the roundtrip from Postgres to Access on row read and then back to Postgres on row update the timestamp field loses resolution. As a result the 'where' clause does not match the corresponding Postgres record on the timestamp field. The update fails and Access reports 'No Current Record'.  

The solution is to reduce the resolution of the timestamp stored in Postgres e.g. using a trigger and the date_trunc() function.

Laurie Burrow

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