Обсуждение: Need community help about ODBC .---- Can't fetch the data resource from server.


Need community help about ODBC .---- Can't fetch the data resource from server.

"Elvis Guo"

I got some ODBC connection trouble. If u had even met this situation,please kindly tell me how your solved the proble.

1.My Runtime envionment:

OS:Windows XP Pro
CPU:1.5G P4 Intel

ODBC Pakage src:
compressed:        psqlodbc-07_03_0200.zip  3,781,611
uncompressed:    psqlodbc.exe             4,183,040

2.PostgreSQL version:
xjy=> select version();
 PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.2.3

My Database "xjy" have one table "employees"

xjy=> \z
      Access privileges for database "xjy"
 Schema |   Table   |     Access privileges
 public | employees | {=,guoxf=arwdRxt,test=arw}
 public | my_seq    |

xjy=> select * from employees ;
 id  | ic  | last_name | first_name
 104 | 105 | testb     | foo
 103 | 104 | ***       | foo

3.After Install the ODBC driver  "psqlodbc.exe",the system tell me OK.

4.Click xp control panel to install user  DSN, input the correct parameters .

5.My PostgreSQL server have granted the access privilege. I can use PgAdminIII access My database "xjy" successfully.I
knewPgAdminIII used libpq.dll for querying. It did not use ODBC to connect the server . 

6.So, I star Excell to test If I can get the data from my postgreSQL data base.Click "Data" menu,then "import data"..,
dothe step Excell told me. 

7. I can use the Excell test database connection. Its told me OK. But at the final step, I got the message, Excell
can'tget the data source. 

8. I enable psqlodbc_xxx.log and mylog_xxx.log , please read the following detail content. If u can find what's going
onthere, please tell me how to solve this problem . I had checked all documentation. I still couldn't find any
answere.Pleasehelp me . 

conn=60503800, PGAPI_DriverConnect( in)='DSN=PostgreSQL30;', fDriverCompletion=3
DSN info: DSN='PostgreSQL30',server='',port='5432',dbase='xjy',user='guoxf',passwd='xxxxx'
Global Options: Version='07.03.0200', fetch=100, socket=4096, unknown_sizes=0, max_varchar_size=254,
                disable_optimizer=1, ksqo=1, unique_index=1, use_declarefetch=0
                text_as_longvarchar=1, unknowns_as_longvarchar=0, bools_as_char=1 NAMEDATALEN=64
                extra_systable_prefixes='pg_;', conn_settings='' conn_encoding='OTHER'
conn=60503800, query=' '
conn=60503800, query='select version()'
    [ fetched 1 rows ]
    [ PostgreSQL version string = 'PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.2.3' ]
    [ PostgreSQL version number = '7.3' ]
conn=60503800, query='set DateStyle to 'ISO''
conn=60503800, query='set geqo to 'OFF''
conn=60503800, query='select oid from pg_type where typname='lo''
    [ fetched 0 rows ]
conn=60503800, query='select pg_client_encoding()'
    [ fetched 1 rows ]
conn=60503800, query='set client_encoding to 'GBK''
conn=60503800, query='select relname, nspname, relkind from pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace where relkind
in('r', 'v') and relname !~ '^pg_|^pg_' and pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace order by nspname, relname' 
    [ fetched 1 rows ]

[3604]globals.extra_systable_prefixes = 'dd_;'
[3604][[SQLAllocHandle]][3604]**** in PGAPI_AllocEnv **
[3604]** exit PGAPI_AllocEnv: phenv = 60497808 **
[3604][[SQLSetEnvAttr]] att=200,2
[3604][[SQLAllocHandle]][3604]PGAPI_AllocConnect: entering...
[3604]**** PGAPI_AllocConnect: henv = 60497808, conn = 60503800
[3604]EN_add_connection: self = 60497808, conn = 60503800
[3604]       added at i =0, conn->henv = 60497808, conns[i]->henv = 60497808
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=77
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='03.00', len=0, value=0, cbMax=12
[3604][SQLDriverConnect][3604]PGAPI_DriverConnect: entering...
[3604]**** PGAPI_DriverConnect: fDriverCompletion=3, connStrIn='DSN=PostgreSQL30;'
[3604]our_connect_string = 'DSN=PostgreSQL30;'
[3604]attribute = 'DSN', value = 'PostgreSQL30'
[3604]globals.extra_systable_prefixes = 'pg_;'
[3604]our_connect_string = 'DSN=PostgreSQL30;'
[3604]attribute = 'DSN', value = 'PostgreSQL30'
[3604]CC_connect(): DSN = 'PostgreSQL30', server = '', port = '5432', database = 'xjy', username = 'guoxf',
[3604]connecting to the server socket...
[3604]connection to the server socket succeeded.
[3604]sizeof startup packet = 292
[3604]sent the authentication block.
[3604]sent the authentication block successfully.
[3604]gonna do authentication
[3604]read 15, global_socket_buffersize=4096
[3604]auth got 'R'
[3604]areq = 0
[3604]auth got 'K'
[3604]auth got 'Z'
[3604]sending an empty query...
[3604]send_query(): conn=60503800, query=' '
[3604]send_query: done sending query
[3604]in QR_Constructor
[3604]exit QR_Constructor
[3604]read 3, global_socket_buffersize=4096
[3604]send_query: got id = 'I'
[3604]send_query: got id = 'Z'
[3604]QResult: in DESTRUCTOR
[3604]QResult: free memory in, fcount=0
[3604]QResult: free memory out
[3604]QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR
[3604]empty query seems to be OK.
[3604]CC_lookup_pg_version: entering...
[3604]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering...
[3604]**** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 60503800, stmt = 60498248
[3604]CC_add_statement: self=60503800, stmt=60498248
[3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: entering...
[3604]**** PGAPI_ExecDirect: hstmt=60498248, statement='select version()'
[3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: calling PGAPI_Execute...
[3604]PGAPI_Execute: entering...
[3604]PGAPI_Execute: clear errors...
[3604]recycle statement: self= 60498248
[3604]Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=16, stmt='select version()'
[3604]   stmt_with_params = 'select version()'
[3604]       Sending SELECT statement on stmt=60498248, cursor_name='SQL_CUR039B2148'
[3604]send_query(): conn=60503800, query='select version()'
[3604]send_query: done sending query
[3604]in QR_Constructor
[3604]exit QR_Constructor
[3604]read 113, global_socket_buffersize=4096
[3604]send_query: got id = 'P'
[3604]send_query: got id = 'T'
[3604]QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0
[3604]num_fields = 1
[3604]CI_read_fields: fieldname='version', adtid=25, adtsize=-1, atttypmod=-1
[3604]QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1
[3604]MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800
[3604]next_tuple: inTuples = true, falling through: fcount = 101, fetch_count = 101
[3604]qresult: len=70, buffer='PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.2.3'
[3604]end of tuple list -- setting inUse to false: this = 60498128
[3604]_next_tuple: 'C' fetch_total = 1 & this_fetch = 1
[3604]send_query: got id = 'Z'
[3604]     done sending the query:
[3604]extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=60498336, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=1
[3604]exit extend_column_bindings
[3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: returned 0 from PGAPI_Execute
[3604]PGAPI_Fetch: stmt = 60498248, stmt->result= 60498128
[3604]manual_result = 0, use_declarefetch = 0
[3604]**** SC_fetch: manual_result
[3604]fetch: cols=1, lf=0, opts = 60498336, opts->bindings = 60528056, buffer[] = 0
[3604]PGAPI_GetData: enter, stmt=60498248
[3604]     num_rows = 1
[3604]     value = 'PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.2.3'
[3604]**** PGAPI_GetData: icol = 0, fCType = 1, field_type = 25, value = 'PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on i686-pc-linux-gnu,
compiledby GCC gcc (GCC) 3.2.3' 
[3604]copy_and_convert: field_type = 25, fctype = 1, value = 'PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC
gcc(GCC) 3.2.3', cbValueMax=128 
[3604]DEFAULT: len = 70, ptr = 'PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.2.3'
[3604]    SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 70, cbValueMax = 128, rgbValueBindRow = 'PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on i686-pc-linux-gnu,
compiledby GCC gcc (GCC) 3.2.3' 
[3604]Got the PostgreSQL version string: 'PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.2.3'
[3604]Extracted PostgreSQL version number: '7.3'
[3604]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=60498248, fOption=1
[3604]QResult: in DESTRUCTOR
[3604]QResult: free memory in, fcount=1
[3604]row = 0, num_fields = 1
[3604]free [lf=0] 60527944
[3604]QResult: free memory out
[3604]QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR
[3604]SC_Destructor: self=60498248, self->result=0, self->hdbc=60503800
[3604]reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=60498336, bindings_allocated=1, icol=1
[3604]APD_free_params:  ENTER, self=60498392
[3604]IPD_free_params:  ENTER, self=60498420
[3604]IPD_free_params:  EXIT
[3604]SC_Destructor: EXIT
[3604]CC_send_settings: entering...
[3604]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering...
[3604]**** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 60503800, stmt = 60498248
[3604]CC_add_statement: self=60503800, stmt=60498248
[3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: entering...
[3604]**** PGAPI_ExecDirect: hstmt=60498248, statement='set DateStyle to 'ISO''
[3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: calling PGAPI_Execute...
[3604]PGAPI_Execute: entering...
[3604]PGAPI_Execute: clear errors...
[3604]recycle statement: self= 60498248
[3604]Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=22, stmt='set DateStyle to 'ISO''
[3604]   stmt_with_params = 'set DateStyle to 'ISO''
[3604]      it's NOT a select statement: stmt=60498248
[3604]send_query(): conn=60503800, query='set DateStyle to 'ISO''
[3604]send_query: done sending query
[3604]in QR_Constructor
[3604]exit QR_Constructor
[3604]read 6, global_socket_buffersize=4096
[3604]send_query: got id = 'C'
[3604]send_query: ok - 'C' - SET
[3604]send_query: setting cmdbuffer = 'SET'
[3604]send_query: returning res = 60498128
[3604]send_query: got id = 'Z'
[3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: returned 0 from PGAPI_Execute
[3604]CC_send_settings: result 0, status 1 from set DateStyle
[3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: entering...
[3604]**** PGAPI_ExecDirect: hstmt=60498248, statement='set geqo to 'OFF''
[3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: calling PGAPI_Execute...
[3604]PGAPI_Execute: entering...
[3604]PGAPI_Execute: clear errors...
[3604]PGAPI_Execute: recycling statement (should have been done by app)...
[3604]recycle statement: self= 60498248
[3604]QResult: in DESTRUCTOR
[3604]QResult: free memory in, fcount=0
[3604]QResult: free memory out
[3604]QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR
[3604]APD_free_params:  ENTER, self=60498392
[3604]IPD_free_params:  ENTER, self=60498420
[3604]IPD_free_params:  EXIT
[3604]Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=17, stmt='set geqo to 'OFF''
[3604]   stmt_with_params = 'set geqo to 'OFF''
[3604]      it's NOT a select statement: stmt=60498248
[3604]send_query(): conn=60503800, query='set geqo to 'OFF''
[3604]send_query: done sending query
[3604]in QR_Constructor
[3604]exit QR_Constructor
[3604]read 6, global_socket_buffersize=4096
[3604]send_query: got id = 'C'
[3604]send_query: ok - 'C' - SET
[3604]send_query: setting cmdbuffer = 'SET'
[3604]send_query: returning res = 60498128
[3604]send_query: got id = 'Z'
[3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: returned 0 from PGAPI_Execute
[3604]CC_send_settings: result 0, status 1 from set geqo
[3604]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=60498248, fOption=1
[3604]QResult: in DESTRUCTOR
[3604]QResult: free memory in, fcount=0
[3604]QResult: free memory out
[3604]QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR
[3604]SC_Destructor: self=60498248, self->result=0, self->hdbc=60503800
[3604]APD_free_params:  ENTER, self=60498392
[3604]IPD_free_params:  ENTER, self=60498420
[3604]IPD_free_params:  EXIT
[3604]SC_Destructor: EXIT
[3604]CC_lookup_lo: entering...
[3604]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering...
[3604]**** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 60503800, stmt = 60498248
[3604]CC_add_statement: self=60503800, stmt=60498248
[3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: entering...
[3604]**** PGAPI_ExecDirect: hstmt=60498248, statement='select oid from pg_type where typname='lo''
[3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: calling PGAPI_Execute...
[3604]PGAPI_Execute: entering...
[3604]PGAPI_Execute: clear errors...
[3604]recycle statement: self= 60498248
[3604]Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=42, stmt='select oid from pg_type
[3604]   stmt_with_params = 'select oid from pg_type where typname='lo''
[3604]       Sending SELECT statement on stmt=60498248, cursor_name='SQL_CUR039B2148'
[3604]send_query(): conn=60503800, query='select oid from pg_type where typname='lo''
[3604]send_query: done sending query
[3604]in QR_Constructor
[3604]exit QR_Constructor
[3604]read 33, global_socket_buffersize=4096
[3604]send_query: got id = 'P'
[3604]send_query: got id = 'T'
[3604]QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0
[3604]num_fields = 1
[3604]CI_read_fields: fieldname='oid', adtid=26, adtsize=4, atttypmod=-1
[3604]QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1
[3604]MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800
[3604]next_tuple: inTuples = true, falling through: fcount = 101, fetch_count = 101
[3604]end of tuple list -- setting inUse to false: this = 60498128
[3604]_next_tuple: 'C' fetch_total = 0 & this_fetch = 0
[3604]_next_tuple: 'C': DONE (fcount == 0)
[3604]send_query: got id = 'Z'
[3604]     done sending the query:
[3604]extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=60498336, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=1
[3604]exit extend_column_bindings
[3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: returned 0 from PGAPI_Execute
[3604]PGAPI_Fetch: stmt = 60498248, stmt->result= 60498128
[3604]manual_result = 0, use_declarefetch = 0
[3604]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=60498248, fOption=1
[3604]QResult: in DESTRUCTOR
[3604]QResult: free memory in, fcount=0
[3604]QResult: free memory out
[3604]QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR
[3604]SC_Destructor: self=60498248, self->result=0, self->hdbc=60503800
[3604]reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=60498336, bindings_allocated=1, icol=1
[3604]APD_free_params:  ENTER, self=60498392
[3604]IPD_free_params:  ENTER, self=60498420
[3604]IPD_free_params:  EXIT
[3604]SC_Destructor: EXIT
[3604]CC_lookup_characterset: entering...
[3604]send_query(): conn=60503800, query='select pg_client_encoding()'
[3604]send_query: done sending query
[3604]in QR_Constructor
[3604]exit QR_Constructor
[3604]read 63, global_socket_buffersize=4096
[3604]send_query: got id = 'P'
[3604]send_query: got id = 'T'
[3604]QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0
[3604]num_fields = 1
[3604]CI_read_fields: fieldname='pg_client_encoding', adtid=19, adtsize=64, atttypmod=-1
[3604]QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 1
[3604]MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 800
[3604]next_tuple: inTuples = true, falling through: fcount = 101, fetch_count = 101
[3604]qresult: len=9, buffer='SQL_ASCII'
[3604]end of tuple list -- setting inUse to false: this = 60498128
[3604]_next_tuple: 'C' fetch_total = 1 & this_fetch = 1
[3604]send_query: got id = 'Z'
[3604]QResult: in DESTRUCTOR
[3604]QResult: free memory in, fcount=1
[3604]row = 0, num_fields = 1
[3604]free [lf=0] 60528032
[3604]QResult: free memory out
[3604]QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR
[3604]send_query(): conn=60503800, query='set client_encoding to 'GBK''
[3604]send_query: done sending query
[3604]in QR_Constructor
[3604]exit QR_Constructor
[3604]read 6, global_socket_buffersize=4096
[3604]send_query: got id = 'C'
[3604]send_query: ok - 'C' - SET
[3604]send_query: setting cmdbuffer = 'SET'
[3604]send_query: returning res = 60498128
[3604]send_query: got id = 'Z'
[3604]QResult: in DESTRUCTOR
[3604]QResult: free memory in, fcount=0
[3604]QResult: free memory out
[3604]QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR
[3604]CC_connect: returning...
[3604]szConnStrOut =
[3604]PGAPI_DriverConnect: returning 0
[3604]PGAPI_GetDiagRec entering rec=1[3604]**** PGAPI_ConnectError: hdbc=60503800 <0>
[3604]enter CC_get_error
[3604]enter CC_create_errormsg
[3604]msg = ''
[3604]exit CC_create_errormsg
[3604]exit CC_get_error
[3604]CC_Get_error returned nothing.
[3604]PGAPI_GetDiagRec exiting 100
[3604][SQLGetFunctions][3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=23
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=2, cbMax=2
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=24
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=2, cbMax=2
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=79
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=31, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=83
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=7, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=78
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=1, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=81
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=15, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=72
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=10, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=82
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=90, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=44
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=19, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=43
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=5, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=144
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo30: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=150
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo30: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=990799, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=167
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo30: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=990799, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=146
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo30: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=1, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=151
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo30: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=4213, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=168
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo30: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=4213, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=111
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='N', len=0, value=0, cbMax=512
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=16
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='', len=0, value=0, cbMax=0
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=23
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=2, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=24
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=2, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=46
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=2, cbMax=4
[3604][[SQLSetConnectAttr]] 1
[3604]PGAPI_SetConnectAttr 1
[3604]PGAPI_SetConnectOption: entering fOption = 1 vParam = 0
[3604]SetStmtOption(): SQL_MAX_ROWS, vParam = 0
[3604][[SQLSetConnectAttr]] 0
[3604]PGAPI_SetConnectAttr 0
[3604]PGAPI_SetConnectOption: entering fOption = 0 vParam = 0
[3604]SetStmtOption: SQL_QUERY_TIMEOUT, vParam = 0
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=6
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='PSQLODBC30.DLL', len=0, value=0, cbMax=52
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=6
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='PSQLODBC30.DLL', len=0, value=0, cbMax=52
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=6
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='PSQLODBC30.DLL', len=0, value=0, cbMax=52
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=6
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='PSQLODBC30.DLL', len=0, value=0, cbMax=48
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=1
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][[SQLGetConnectAttr]] 109
[3604]PGAPI_GetConnectAttr 109
[3604]PGAPI_GetConnectOption: entering...
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=0
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=128, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=114
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=1, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=42
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='', len=0, value=0, cbMax=0
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=42
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='', len=0, value=0, cbMax=2
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=92
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=75
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=1, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=22
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=1, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=2
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='PostgreSQL30', len=0, value=0, cbMax=0
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=2
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='PostgreSQL30', len=0, value=0, cbMax=26
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=25
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='N', len=0, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=17
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='PostgreSQL', len=0, value=0, cbMax=0
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=17
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='PostgreSQL', len=0, value=0, cbMax=22
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=18
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='07.03.0200 PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.2.3', len=0,
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=18
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='07.03.0200 PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.2.3', len=0,
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=88
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=1, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=28
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=2, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=102
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=104
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=103
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='Y', len=0, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=106
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=85
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=4, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=90
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='N', len=0, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=24
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=2, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=23
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=2, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=40
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='procedure', len=0, value=0, cbMax=0
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=40
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='procedure', len=0, value=0, cbMax=20
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=93
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=3, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=39
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='schema', len=0, value=0, cbMax=0
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=39
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='schema', len=0, value=0, cbMax=14
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=91
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=29, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=15
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=1, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=73
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='N', len=0, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=95
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=15, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=45
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='table', len=0, value=0, cbMax=0
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=45
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='table', len=0, value=0, cbMax=12
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=47
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='guoxf', len=0, value=0, cbMax=0
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=47
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='guoxf', len=0, value=0, cbMax=12
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=36
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='Y', len=0, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][[SQLGetConnectAttr]] 1209
[3604]PGAPI_GetConnectAttr 1209
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=13
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='', len=0, value=0, cbMax=0
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=13
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='', len=0, value=0, cbMax=26
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=20
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='N', len=0, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=19
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='N', len=0, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=73
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='N', len=0, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=115
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=127, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=21
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='Y', len=0, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=6
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='PSQLODBC30.DLL', len=0, value=0, cbMax=0
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=6
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='PSQLODBC30.DLL', len=0, value=0, cbMax=30
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=7
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='07.03.0200', len=0, value=0, cbMax=0
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=7
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='07.03.0200', len=0, value=0, cbMax=22
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=113
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='N', len=0, value=0, cbMax=0
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=113
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='N', len=0, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=94
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='_', len=0, value=0, cbMax=0
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=94
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='_', len=0, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=97
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=98
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=99
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=100
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=101
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=49
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=15
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=1, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=38
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='Y', len=0, value=0, cbMax=0
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=38
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='Y', len=0, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=50
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=7289, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=51
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=52
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=1, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=84
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=1
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=0, cbMax=4
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=26
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=4, value=2, cbMax=4
[3604][[SQLAllocHandle]][3604]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering...
[3604]**** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 60503800, stmt = 60498248
[3604]CC_add_statement: self=60503800, stmt=60498248
[3604][[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=60498248 10010
[3604]PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=60498248 10010
[3604][[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=60498248 10011
[3604]PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=60498248 10011
[3604][[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=60498248 10012
[3604]PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=60498248 10012
[3604][[SQLGetStmtAttr]] Handle=60498248 10013
[3604]PGAPI_GetStmtAttr Handle=60498248 10013
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=93
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=3, cbMax=2
[3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: entering...fInfoType=34
[3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='<NULL>', len=2, value=0, cbMax=2
[3604][SQLTables][3604]PGAPI_Tables: entering...stmt=60498248 scnm=40c2310 len=0
[3604]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering...
[3604]**** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 60503800, stmt = 60523624
[3604]CC_add_statement: self=60503800, stmt=60523624
[3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: entering...
[3604]**** PGAPI_ExecDirect: hstmt=60523624, statement='select relname, nspname, relkind from pg_catalog.pg_class,
pg_catalog.pg_namespacewhere relkind in ('r', 'v') and relname !~ '^pg_|^pg_' and pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace order
bynspname, relname' 
[3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: calling PGAPI_Execute...
[3604]PGAPI_Execute: entering...
[3604]PGAPI_Execute: clear errors...
[3604]recycle statement: self= 60523624
[3604]Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying statement params: trans_status=1, len=199, stmt='select relname, nspname,
relkindfrom pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace where relkind in ('r', 'v') and relname !~ '^pg_|^pg_' and
pg_namespace.oid= relnamespace order by nspname, relname' 
[3604]   stmt_with_params = 'select relname, nspname, relkind from pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace where
relkindin ('r', 'v') and relname !~ '^pg_|^pg_' and pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace order by nspname, relname' 
[3604]       Sending SELECT statement on stmt=60523624, cursor_name='SQL_CUR039B8468'
[3604]send_query(): conn=60503800, query='select relname, nspname, relkind from pg_catalog.pg_class,
pg_catalog.pg_namespacewhere relkind in ('r', 'v') and relname !~ '^pg_|^pg_' and pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace order
bynspname, relname' 
[3604]send_query: done sending query
[3604]in QR_Constructor
[3604]exit QR_Constructor
[3604]read 103, global_socket_buffersize=4096
[3604]send_query: got id = 'P'
[3604]send_query: got id = 'T'
[3604]QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0
[3604]num_fields = 3
[3604]CI_read_fields: fieldname='relname', adtid=19, adtsize=64, atttypmod=-1
[3604]CI_read_fields: fieldname='nspname', adtid=19, adtsize=64, atttypmod=-1
[3604]CI_read_fields: fieldname='relkind', adtid=18, adtsize=1, atttypmod=-1
[3604]QR_fetch_tuples: past CI_read_fields: num_fields = 3
[3604]MALLOC: tuple_size = 100, size = 2400
[3604]next_tuple: inTuples = true, falling through: fcount = 101, fetch_count = 101
[3604]qresult: len=9, buffer='employees'
[3604]qresult: len=6, buffer='public'
[3604]qresult: len=1, buffer='r'
[3604]end of tuple list -- setting inUse to false: this = 60498128
[3604]_next_tuple: 'C' fetch_total = 1 & this_fetch = 1
[3604]send_query: got id = 'Z'
[3604]     done sending the query:
[3604]extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=60523712, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=3
[3604]exit extend_column_bindings
[3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: returned 0 from PGAPI_Execute
[3604]PGAPI_BindCol: entering...
[3604]**** PGAPI_BindCol: stmt = 60523624, icol = 1
[3604]**** : fCType=1 rgb=1394f8 valusMax=128 pcb=0
[3604]       bound buffer[0] = 1283320
[3604]PGAPI_BindCol: entering...
[3604]**** PGAPI_BindCol: stmt = 60523624, icol = 2
[3604]**** : fCType=1 rgb=139678 valusMax=128 pcb=0
[3604]       bound buffer[1] = 1283704
[3604]PGAPI_BindCol: entering...
[3604]**** PGAPI_BindCol: stmt = 60523624, icol = 3
[3604]**** : fCType=1 rgb=1395f8 valusMax=128 pcb=0
[3604]       bound buffer[2] = 1283576
[3604]in QR_Constructor
[3604]exit QR_Constructor
[3604]extend_column_bindings: entering ... self=60498336, bindings_allocated=0, num_columns=5
[3604]exit extend_column_bindings
[3604]in QR_set_num_fields
[3604]in TL_Constructor
[3604]exit TL_Constructor
[3604]exit QR_set_num_fields
[3604]PGAPI_Fetch: stmt = 60523624, stmt->result= 60498128
[3604]manual_result = 0, use_declarefetch = 0
[3604]**** SC_fetch: manual_result
[3604]fetch: cols=3, lf=0, opts = 60523712, opts->bindings = 60526736, buffer[] = 1283320
[3604]type = 19
[3604]value = 'employees'
[3604]copy_and_convert: field_type = 19, fctype = 1, value = 'employees', cbValueMax=128
[3604]DEFAULT: len = 9, ptr = 'employees'
[3604]    SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 9, cbValueMax = 128, rgbValueBindRow = 'employees'
[3604]copy_and_convert: retval = 0
[3604]fetch: cols=3, lf=1, opts = 60523712, opts->bindings = 60526736, buffer[] = 1283704
[3604]type = 19
[3604]value = 'public'
[3604]copy_and_convert: field_type = 19, fctype = 1, value = 'public', cbValueMax=128
[3604]DEFAULT: len = 6, ptr = 'public'
[3604]    SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 6, cbValueMax = 128, rgbValueBindRow = 'public'
[3604]copy_and_convert: retval = 0
[3604]fetch: cols=3, lf=2, opts = 60523712, opts->bindings = 60526736, buffer[] = 1283576
[3604]type = 18
[3604]value = 'r'
[3604]copy_and_convert: field_type = 18, fctype = 1, value = 'r', cbValueMax=128
[3604]DEFAULT: len = 1, ptr = 'r'
[3604]    SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 1, cbValueMax = 128, rgbValueBindRow = 'r'
[3604]copy_and_convert: retval = 0
[3604]table_name='employees', prefix[0]='pg_'
[3604]PGAPI_Tables: table_name = 'employees'
[3604]PGAPI_Fetch: stmt = 60523624, stmt->result= 60498128
[3604]manual_result = 0, use_declarefetch = 0
[3604]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=60523624, fOption=1
[3604]QResult: in DESTRUCTOR
[3604]QResult: free memory in, fcount=1
[3604]row = 0, num_fields = 3
[3604]free [lf=0] 60526640
[3604]free [lf=1] 60526664
[3604]free [lf=2] 60526688
[3604]QResult: free memory out
[3604]QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR
[3604]SC_Destructor: self=60523624, self->result=0, self->hdbc=60503800
[3604]reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=60523712, bindings_allocated=3, icol=1
[3604]reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=60523712, bindings_allocated=3, icol=2
[3604]reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=60523712, bindings_allocated=3, icol=3
[3604]APD_free_params:  ENTER, self=60523768
[3604]IPD_free_params:  ENTER, self=60523796
[3604]IPD_free_params:  EXIT
[3604]SC_Destructor: EXIT
[3604]PGAPI_Tables: EXIT,  stmt=60498248
[3604][SQLBindCol][3604]PGAPI_BindCol: entering...
[3604]**** PGAPI_BindCol: stmt = 60498248, icol = 1
[3604]**** : fCType=1 rgb=3b47808 valusMax=256 pcb=3b47804
[3604]       bound buffer[0] = 62158856
[3604][SQLBindCol][3604]PGAPI_BindCol: entering...
[3604]**** PGAPI_BindCol: stmt = 60498248, icol = 5
[3604]**** : fCType=1 rgb=3b47910 valusMax=510 pcb=3b4790c
[3604]       bound buffer[4] = 62159120
[3604][[SQLFetch]][3604]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: stmt=60498248
[3604]SQL_FETCH_NEXT: num_tuples=1, currtuple=-1
[3604]PGAPI_ExtendedFetch: new currTuple = -1
[3604]manual_result = 1, use_declarefetch = 0
[3604]**** SC_fetch: manual_result
[3604]fetch: cols=5, lf=0, opts = 60498336, opts->bindings = 60532432, buffer[] = 62158856
[3604]type = 1043
[3604]value = '<NULL>'
[3604]copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '<NULL>', cbValueMax=256
[3604]copy_and_convert: retval = 0
[3604]fetch: cols=5, lf=1, opts = 60498336, opts->bindings = 60532432, buffer[] = 0
[3604]fetch: cols=5, lf=2, opts = 60498336, opts->bindings = 60532432, buffer[] = 0
[3604]fetch: cols=5, lf=3, opts = 60498336, opts->bindings = 60532432, buffer[] = 0
[3604]fetch: cols=5, lf=4, opts = 60498336, opts->bindings = 60532432, buffer[] = 62159120
[3604]type = 1043
[3604]value = ''
[3604]copy_and_convert: field_type = 1043, fctype = 1, value = '', cbValueMax=510
[3604]DEFAULT: len = 0, ptr = ''
[3604]    SQL_C_CHAR, default: len = 0, cbValueMax = 510, rgbValueBindRow = ''
[3604]copy_and_convert: retval = 0
[3604][[SQLFreeHandle]][3604]PGAPI_FreeStmt: entering...hstmt=60498248, fOption=1
[3604]QResult: in DESTRUCTOR
[3604]TupleList: in DESTRUCTOR
[3604]TupleList: exit DESTRUCTOR
[3604]QResult: free memory in, fcount=0
[3604]QResult: free memory out
[3604]QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR
[3604]SC_Destructor: self=60498248, self->result=0, self->hdbc=60503800
[3604]reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=60498336, bindings_allocated=5, icol=1
[3604]reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=60498336, bindings_allocated=5, icol=2
[3604]reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=60498336, bindings_allocated=5, icol=3
[3604]reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=60498336, bindings_allocated=5, icol=4
[3604]reset_a_column_binding: entering ... self=60498336, bindings_allocated=5, icol=5
[3604]APD_free_params:  ENTER, self=60498392
[3604]IPD_free_params:  ENTER, self=60498420
[3604]IPD_free_params:  EXIT
[3604]SC_Destructor: EXIT

Re: Need community help about ODBC .---- Can't fetch the data resource from server.

Jeff Eckermann
Your ODBC connection is evidently working fine.  There
appears to be some problem with Excel (MS Query
actually) handling what it is given.

Similar questions have been posted to the list, but I
don't recall seeing a solution.  I have had the same
problem myself, but I didn't find a solution.  My
Excel app handles everything via code (ADO), which
works fine, so I never invested the time to find a
solution.  You might get some success by playing with
the driver settings.  Hopefully someone else can come
up with a better idea.

FWIW, I had the same problem working with Excel 97
(and earlier versions of PostgreSQL and the ODBC
driver), but was able successfully to issue queries
using SQL, in spite of being unable to show the
tables.  But Excel XP won't let me get that far.
--- Elvis Guo <guoxf@163.net> wrote:
> Hello,Everybody.
> I got some ODBC connection trouble. If u had even
> met this situation,please kindly tell me how your
> solved the proble.  Thanks advance.
> 1.My Runtime envionment:
> OS:Windows XP Pro
> CPU:1.5G P4 Intel
> RAM:512M
> HD:40G
> ODBC Pakage src:
> compressed:        psqlodbc-07_03_0200.zip  3,781,611
> uncompressed:    psqlodbc.exe             4,183,040
> 2.PostgreSQL version:
> xjy=> select version();
>                                version
>  PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by
> GCC gcc (GCC) 3.2.3
> My Database "xjy" have one table "employees"
> xjy=> \z
>       Access privileges for database "xjy"
>  Schema |   Table   |     Access privileges
> --------+-----------+----------------------------
>  public | employees | {=,guoxf=arwdRxt,test=arw}
>  public | my_seq    |
> xjy=> select * from employees ;
>  id  | ic  | last_name | first_name
> -----+-----+-----------+------------
>  104 | 105 | testb     | foo
>  103 | 104 | ***       | foo
> 3.After Install the ODBC driver  "psqlodbc.exe",the
> system tell me OK.
> 4.Click xp control panel to install user  DSN, input
> the correct parameters .
> 5.My PostgreSQL server have granted the access
> privilege. I can use PgAdminIII access My database
> "xjy" successfully.I knew PgAdminIII used libpq.dll
> for querying. It did not use ODBC to connect the
> server .
> 6.So, I star Excell to test If I can get the data
> from my postgreSQL data base.Click "Data" menu,then
> "import data".., do the step Excell told me.
> 7. I can use the Excell test database connection.
> Its told me OK. But at the final step, I got the
> message, Excell can't get the data source.
> 8. I enable psqlodbc_xxx.log and mylog_xxx.log ,
> please read the following detail content. If u can
> find what's going on there, please tell me how to
> solve this problem . I had checked all
> documentation. I still couldn't find any
> answere.Please help me .
> psqlodbc_xxx.log
> --------------------
> conn=60503800, PGAPI_DriverConnect(
> in)='DSN=PostgreSQL30;', fDriverCompletion=3
> DSN info:
>           conn_settings='',conn_encoding='OTHER'
>           translation_dll='',translation_option=''
> Global Options: Version='07.03.0200', fetch=100,
> socket=4096, unknown_sizes=0, max_varchar_size=254,
> max_longvarchar_size=8190
>                 disable_optimizer=1, ksqo=1,
> unique_index=1, use_declarefetch=0
>                 text_as_longvarchar=1,
> unknowns_as_longvarchar=0, bools_as_char=1
>                 extra_systable_prefixes='pg_;',
> conn_settings='' conn_encoding='OTHER'
> conn=60503800, query=' '
> conn=60503800, query='select version()'
>     [ fetched 1 rows ]
>     [ PostgreSQL version string = 'PostgreSQL 7.3.4
> on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC)
> 3.2.3' ]
>     [ PostgreSQL version number = '7.3' ]
> conn=60503800, query='set DateStyle to 'ISO''
> conn=60503800, query='set geqo to 'OFF''
> conn=60503800, query='select oid from pg_type where
> typname='lo''
>     [ fetched 0 rows ]
> conn=60503800, query='select pg_client_encoding()'
>     [ fetched 1 rows ]
> conn=60503800, query='set client_encoding to 'GBK''
> conn=60503800,

> conn=60503800, query='select relname, nspname,
> relkind from pg_catalog.pg_class,
> pg_catalog.pg_namespace where relkind in ('r', 'v')
> and relname !~ '^pg_|^pg_' and pg_namespace.oid =
> relnamespace order by nspname, relname'
>     [ fetched 1 rows ]
> mylog_xxx.log
> -------------------------------------------
> [3604]globals.extra_systable_prefixes = 'dd_;'
> [3604][[SQLAllocHandle]][3604]**** in PGAPI_AllocEnv
> **
> [3604]** exit PGAPI_AllocEnv: phenv = 60497808 **
> [3604][[SQLSetEnvAttr]] att=200,2
> [3604][[SQLAllocHandle]][3604]PGAPI_AllocConnect:
> entering...
> [3604]**** PGAPI_AllocConnect: henv = 60497808, conn
> = 60503800
> [3604]EN_add_connection: self = 60497808, conn =
> 60503800
> [3604]       added at i =0, conn->henv = 60497808,
> conns[i]->henv = 60497808
> [3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo:
> entering...fInfoType=77
> [3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='03.00', len=0, value=0,
> cbMax=12
> [3604][SQLDriverConnect][3604]PGAPI_DriverConnect:
> entering...
> [3604]**** PGAPI_DriverConnect: fDriverCompletion=3,
> connStrIn='DSN=PostgreSQL30;'
> [3604]our_connect_string = 'DSN=PostgreSQL30;'
> [3604]attribute = 'DSN', value = 'PostgreSQL30'
> [3604]copyAttributes:

> [3604]globals.extra_systable_prefixes = 'pg_;'
> [3604]our_connect_string = 'DSN=PostgreSQL30;'
> [3604]attribute = 'DSN', value = 'PostgreSQL30'
> [3604]CopyCommonAttributes:
> entering...
> [3604]CC_connect(): DSN = 'PostgreSQL30', server =
> '', port = '5432', database = 'xjy',
> username = 'guoxf', password='xxxxx'
> [3604]connecting to the server socket...
> [3604]connection to the server socket succeeded.
> [3604]sizeof startup packet = 292
> [3604]sent the authentication block.
> [3604]sent the authentication block successfully.
> [3604]gonna do authentication
> [3604]read 15, global_socket_buffersize=4096
> [3604]auth got 'R'
> [3604]areq = 0
> [3604]auth got 'K'
> [3604]auth got 'Z'
> [3604]sending an empty query...
> [3604]send_query(): conn=60503800, query=' '
> [3604]send_query: done sending query
> [3604]in QR_Constructor
> [3604]exit QR_Constructor
> [3604]read 3, global_socket_buffersize=4096
> [3604]send_query: got id = 'I'
> [3604]send_query: got id = 'Z'
> [3604]QResult: in DESTRUCTOR
> [3604]QResult: free memory in, fcount=0
> [3604]QResult: free memory out
> [3604]QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR
> [3604]empty query seems to be OK.
> [3604]CC_lookup_pg_version: entering...
> [3604]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering...
> [3604]**** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 60503800, stmt =
> 60498248
> [3604]CC_add_statement: self=60503800, stmt=60498248
> [3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: entering...
> [3604]**** PGAPI_ExecDirect: hstmt=60498248,
> statement='select version()'
> [3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: calling PGAPI_Execute...
> [3604]PGAPI_Execute: entering...
> [3604]PGAPI_Execute: clear errors...
> [3604]recycle statement: self= 60498248
> [3604]Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying
> statement params: trans_status=1, len=16,
> stmt='select version()'
> [3604]   stmt_with_params = 'select version()'
> [3604]       Sending SELECT statement on
> stmt=60498248, cursor_name='SQL_CUR039B2148'
> [3604]send_query(): conn=60503800, query='select
> version()'
> [3604]send_query: done sending query
> [3604]in QR_Constructor
> [3604]exit QR_Constructor
> [3604]read 113, global_socket_buffersize=4096
> [3604]send_query: got id = 'P'
> [3604]send_query: got id = 'T'
> [3604]QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0
> [3604]num_fields = 1
> [3604]CI_read_fields: fieldname='version', adtid=25,
> adtsize=-1,
=== message truncated ===

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Re: Need community help about ODBC .---- Can't fetch the data resource from server.

"Elvis Guo"
Jeff Eckermann,您好!


  Thanks ur tips about XP ODBC support , I have found another solution to get rid of that progam. I have search our
listagain, and I find a answer. Excel fetch data really gets somewhat problem. But we can use "Database Query" instead.
Itried it, It's ok . Thanks again for ur tips. 

Elvis Guo

======= 2004-02-01 09:17:00 您在来信中写道:=======

>Your ODBC connection is evidently working fine.  There
>appears to be some problem with Excel (MS Query
>actually) handling what it is given.
>Similar questions have been posted to the list, but I
>don't recall seeing a solution.  I have had the same
>problem myself, but I didn't find a solution.  My
>Excel app handles everything via code (ADO), which
>works fine, so I never invested the time to find a
>solution.  You might get some success by playing with
>the driver settings.  Hopefully someone else can come
>up with a better idea.
>FWIW, I had the same problem working with Excel 97
>(and earlier versions of PostgreSQL and the ODBC
>driver), but was able successfully to issue queries
>using SQL, in spite of being unable to show the
>tables.  But Excel XP won't let me get that far.
>--- Elvis Guo <guoxf@163.net> wrote:
>> Hello,Everybody.
>> I got some ODBC connection trouble. If u had even
>> met this situation,please kindly tell me how your
>> solved the proble.  Thanks advance.
>> 1.My Runtime envionment:
>> OS:Windows XP Pro
>> CPU:1.5G P4 Intel
>> RAM:512M
>> HD:40G
>> ODBC Pakage src:
>> compressed:        psqlodbc-07_03_0200.zip  3,781,611
>> uncompressed:    psqlodbc.exe             4,183,040
>> 2.PostgreSQL version:
>> xjy=> select version();
>>                                version
>>  PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by
>> GCC gcc (GCC) 3.2.3
>> My Database "xjy" have one table "employees"
>> xjy=> \z
>>       Access privileges for database "xjy"
>>  Schema |   Table   |     Access privileges
>> --------+-----------+----------------------------
>>  public | employees | {=,guoxf=arwdRxt,test=arw}
>>  public | my_seq    |
>> xjy=> select * from employees ;
>>  id  | ic  | last_name | first_name
>> -----+-----+-----------+------------
>>  104 | 105 | testb     | foo
>>  103 | 104 | ***       | foo
>> 3.After Install the ODBC driver  "psqlodbc.exe",the
>> system tell me OK.
>> 4.Click xp control panel to install user  DSN, input
>> the correct parameters .
>> 5.My PostgreSQL server have granted the access
>> privilege. I can use PgAdminIII access My database
>> "xjy" successfully.I knew PgAdminIII used libpq.dll
>> for querying. It did not use ODBC to connect the
>> server .
>> 6.So, I star Excell to test If I can get the data
>> from my postgreSQL data base.Click "Data" menu,then
>> "import data".., do the step Excell told me.
>> 7. I can use the Excell test database connection.
>> Its told me OK. But at the final step, I got the
>> message, Excell can't get the data source.
>> 8. I enable psqlodbc_xxx.log and mylog_xxx.log ,
>> please read the following detail content. If u can
>> find what's going on there, please tell me how to
>> solve this problem . I had checked all
>> documentation. I still couldn't find any
>> answere.Please help me .
>> psqlodbc_xxx.log
>> --------------------
>> conn=60503800, PGAPI_DriverConnect(
>> in)='DSN=PostgreSQL30;', fDriverCompletion=3
>> DSN info:
>>           conn_settings='',conn_encoding='OTHER'
>>           translation_dll='',translation_option=''
>> Global Options: Version='07.03.0200', fetch=100,
>> socket=4096, unknown_sizes=0, max_varchar_size=254,
>> max_longvarchar_size=8190
>>                 disable_optimizer=1, ksqo=1,
>> unique_index=1, use_declarefetch=0
>>                 text_as_longvarchar=1,
>> unknowns_as_longvarchar=0, bools_as_char=1
>>                 extra_systable_prefixes='pg_;',
>> conn_settings='' conn_encoding='OTHER'
>> conn=60503800, query=' '
>> conn=60503800, query='select version()'
>>     [ fetched 1 rows ]
>>     [ PostgreSQL version string = 'PostgreSQL 7.3.4
>> on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC)
>> 3.2.3' ]
>>     [ PostgreSQL version number = '7.3' ]
>> conn=60503800, query='set DateStyle to 'ISO''
>> conn=60503800, query='set geqo to 'OFF''
>> conn=60503800, query='select oid from pg_type where
>> typname='lo''
>>     [ fetched 0 rows ]
>> conn=60503800, query='select pg_client_encoding()'
>>     [ fetched 1 rows ]
>> conn=60503800, query='set client_encoding to 'GBK''
>> conn=60503800,

>> conn=60503800, query='select relname, nspname,
>> relkind from pg_catalog.pg_class,
>> pg_catalog.pg_namespace where relkind in ('r', 'v')
>> and relname !~ '^pg_|^pg_' and pg_namespace.oid =
>> relnamespace order by nspname, relname'
>>     [ fetched 1 rows ]
>> mylog_xxx.log
>> -------------------------------------------
>> [3604]globals.extra_systable_prefixes = 'dd_;'
>> [3604][[SQLAllocHandle]][3604]**** in PGAPI_AllocEnv
>> **
>> [3604]** exit PGAPI_AllocEnv: phenv = 60497808 **
>> [3604][[SQLSetEnvAttr]] att=200,2
>> [3604][[SQLAllocHandle]][3604]PGAPI_AllocConnect:
>> entering...
>> [3604]**** PGAPI_AllocConnect: henv = 60497808, conn
>> = 60503800
>> [3604]EN_add_connection: self = 60497808, conn =
>> 60503800
>> [3604]       added at i =0, conn->henv = 60497808,
>> conns[i]->henv = 60497808
>> [3604][SQLGetInfo(30)][3604]PGAPI_GetInfo:
>> entering...fInfoType=77
>> [3604]PGAPI_GetInfo: p='03.00', len=0, value=0,
>> cbMax=12
>> [3604][SQLDriverConnect][3604]PGAPI_DriverConnect:
>> entering...
>> [3604]**** PGAPI_DriverConnect: fDriverCompletion=3,
>> connStrIn='DSN=PostgreSQL30;'
>> [3604]our_connect_string = 'DSN=PostgreSQL30;'
>> [3604]attribute = 'DSN', value = 'PostgreSQL30'
>> [3604]copyAttributes:

>> [3604]globals.extra_systable_prefixes = 'pg_;'
>> [3604]our_connect_string = 'DSN=PostgreSQL30;'
>> [3604]attribute = 'DSN', value = 'PostgreSQL30'
>> [3604]CopyCommonAttributes:
>> entering...
>> [3604]CC_connect(): DSN = 'PostgreSQL30', server =
>> '', port = '5432', database = 'xjy',
>> username = 'guoxf', password='xxxxx'
>> [3604]connecting to the server socket...
>> [3604]connection to the server socket succeeded.
>> [3604]sizeof startup packet = 292
>> [3604]sent the authentication block.
>> [3604]sent the authentication block successfully.
>> [3604]gonna do authentication
>> [3604]read 15, global_socket_buffersize=4096
>> [3604]auth got 'R'
>> [3604]areq = 0
>> [3604]auth got 'K'
>> [3604]auth got 'Z'
>> [3604]sending an empty query...
>> [3604]send_query(): conn=60503800, query=' '
>> [3604]send_query: done sending query
>> [3604]in QR_Constructor
>> [3604]exit QR_Constructor
>> [3604]read 3, global_socket_buffersize=4096
>> [3604]send_query: got id = 'I'
>> [3604]send_query: got id = 'Z'
>> [3604]QResult: in DESTRUCTOR
>> [3604]QResult: free memory in, fcount=0
>> [3604]QResult: free memory out
>> [3604]QResult: exit DESTRUCTOR
>> [3604]empty query seems to be OK.
>> [3604]CC_lookup_pg_version: entering...
>> [3604]PGAPI_AllocStmt: entering...
>> [3604]**** PGAPI_AllocStmt: hdbc = 60503800, stmt =
>> 60498248
>> [3604]CC_add_statement: self=60503800, stmt=60498248
>> [3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: entering...
>> [3604]**** PGAPI_ExecDirect: hstmt=60498248,
>> statement='select version()'
>> [3604]PGAPI_ExecDirect: calling PGAPI_Execute...
>> [3604]PGAPI_Execute: entering...
>> [3604]PGAPI_Execute: clear errors...
>> [3604]recycle statement: self= 60498248
>> [3604]Exec_with_parameters_resolved: copying
>> statement params: trans_status=1, len=16,
>> stmt='select version()'
>> [3604]   stmt_with_params = 'select version()'
>> [3604]       Sending SELECT statement on
>> stmt=60498248, cursor_name='SQL_CUR039B2148'
>> [3604]send_query(): conn=60503800, query='select
>> version()'
>> [3604]send_query: done sending query
>> [3604]in QR_Constructor
>> [3604]exit QR_Constructor
>> [3604]read 113, global_socket_buffersize=4096
>> [3604]send_query: got id = 'P'
>> [3604]send_query: got id = 'T'
>> [3604]QR_fetch_tuples: cursor = '', self->cursor=0
>> [3604]num_fields = 1
>> [3604]CI_read_fields: fieldname='version', adtid=25,
>> adtsize=-1,
>=== message truncated ===
>Do you Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free web site building tool. Try it!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


        Elvis Guo