Обсуждение: ODBC and client-side result sets


ODBC and client-side result sets

Does the ODBC driver bring all of the data to the client side first before
the end user can start working with it?

Can this driver be changed to allow the data to hang on the server and then
only issue you the records from the result set that you request and also
give you Forward and Backwards capabilities?

I know that the ODBC driver has the "Use Declare/Fetch", but the driver
reports back to OLEDB and ADO that it doesn't support Fetching Backwards or
Scrolling Backwards.  So this will only give you a Forward Only result set.

I created a thread under ..postgresql.performance <SELECT's take a long time
compared to other DBMS> that talks about possibly the ODBC driver may be the
cause for slow queries on Windows machines.
