Обсуждение: Weird Performance Issue with .NET


Weird Performance Issue with .NET

Greenwich Support
Hi All,

I've imported a VB6 project into VB.NET, and I'm quite appalled at the
database performance through ADO.NET which seems to be a factor of 3 slower.
In general this isn't too much of a problem, but there is one view which is
exhibiting bizarre behaviour:

CREATE VIEW vw_checklist AS

SELECT ch.order_id, ch.checklist_id, ch.called, ch.notes, ch.emailed,
cl.short_name, t.*
FROM tblchecklist ch
INNER JOIN tbltrader t ON ch.trader_id = t.trader_id
INNER JOIN tblclient cl ON t.client_id = cl.client_id
ORDER BY  cl.short_name, t.first_name, t.last_name

Now if you do a select on this view:
e.g. SELECT * FROM vw_checklist WHERE order_id = 1260

this query takes about 0.01 seconds under VB6, but under VB.NET it takes 1.2
seconds. The bizarre thing is if you run the SQL that creates the view, so
that it becomes:

SELECT ch.order_id, ch.checklist_id, ch.called, ch.notes, ch.emailed,
cl.short_name, t.*
FROM tblchecklist ch
INNER JOIN tbltrader t ON ch.trader_id = t.trader_id
INNER JOIN tblclient cl ON t.client_id = cl.client_id
WHERE order_id = 1260
ORDER BY  cl.short_name, t.first_name, t.last_name

the query takes 0.41 seconds in VB.NET, and 0.03 seconds in VB6 -- the VB6
application shows an *INCREASE* in the query execution time which makes
sense, as using the view makes for a more efficient query, but the VB.NET
application result does not make sense to me..........though having said
that, I'm a VB6 veteran, and a .NET newbie!

Still, weird behaviour though! Can anyone explain what is going on??!?!

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