Обсуждение: [ NOVICE ] Name of database under postgresSQL


[ NOVICE ] Name of database under postgresSQL

valcauda Stéphane

I don't understand what is the name of database under postgresql.
With InitDB we put nothing else the directory.
THe first connection , I put psql -U <user> template1
which seem to create a default database template1.
Then, I create 2 database (CREATE DATABASE ) TEST and TEST2.

But with ODBC or directly in CYGWIN shell , if I try to connect to TEST or
it says that it doesn't recognize these DB.

I don't understand.

Re: [ NOVICE ] Name of database under postgresSQL

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: valcauda Stéphane [mailto:valcauda.aderis@wanadoo.fr]
> Sent: 01 October 2002 14:39
> To: PostgreSQL Mailing List
> Subject: [ODBC] [ NOVICE ] Name of database under postgresSQL
> Hi,
> I don't understand what is the name of database under
> postgresql. With InitDB we put nothing else the directory.
> THe first connection , I put psql -U <user> template1 which
> seem to create a default database template1. Then, I create 2
> database (CREATE DATABASE ) TEST and TEST2.
> But with ODBC or directly in CYGWIN shell , if I try to
> connect to TEST or TEST2 it says that it doesn't recognize these DB.
> I don't understand.

Upper, or mixed case names in PostgreSQL must be quoted e.g.


Otherwise it becomes


And doesn't get found. The easy answer is to stick to lower case.

Regards, Dave.