Обсуждение: Weird Update Behaviour


Weird Update Behaviour

"Corey W. Gibbs"
Good Day Everyone,

Here's something weird
So, i'm using VB and ODBC and I'm getting something weird weird weird
happening.  When ever a user updates this text field, it gets put all over
the same column.

So if low_bid_notes.Text = "Talk about frustrating" when the With
rs2.Update would execute, "Talk about frustrating" would appear all over
that column, not just on the row where quote_number =

but on anywhere from 15 to 50 other rows.

    rs2.Open "SELECT low_bid_notes,low_bid_spread,low_bid_spread_percent,"
& _

vail,only_bidder,negotiated,no_tabs," & _

ow_bid_percent_sell FROM schedule WHERE
    quote_number='" & data_estimating.Recordset!quote_number & "'", cn,
adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic

cn is yer standard connection string that's worked time and time again.

With rs2
    .Fields("no_tabs").Value = chk_no_tabs
    .Fields("negotiated").Value = chk_negotiated
    .Fields("only_bidder").Value = chk_only_bid
    .Fields("dealer_bid").Value = chk_dealer_bid

    .Fields("low_bid_percent_sell").Value =
Format(txt_low_bid_percent_sell.Text, "general number")
    .Fields("low_bid_percent").Value = Format(txt_low_bid_percent.Text,
"general number")
    .Fields("low_bid_notes").Value = txt_low_bid_notes.Text
    .Fields("low_bid_spread").Value = Format(txt_low_bid_spread.Text,
"general number")
    .Fields("low_bid_spread_percent").Value =
Format(txt_low_bid_spread_percent.Text, "general number")
    .Fields("date_modified") = Now()


that's the code that's broken, here's what i did to fix it:

cn.Execute "update schedule SET low_bid_notes='" & txt_low_bid_notes.Text &
"'" & _
" ,low_bid_percent_sell ='" & Format(txt_low_bid_percent_sell.Text,
"general number") & "'" & _
" WHERE quote_number = '" & txt_quote_id(0).Text & "'"

instead of using the ADO recordset, i just did an execute command on the cn
connection.  when done like that, it works just fine.

So, my questions are:
What could cause this?  Is it an ADO or ODBC thing?  Am i forgetting to
close or set a recordset to nothing somewhere?  Thanks in advance and have
a good weekend.

Re: Weird Update Behaviour

"Henshall, Stuart - WCP"
I assume quote_number is your primary key. It also looks to be a text field
which I know MS Access & DAO (and I guess ADO is similar) translates to memo
field unless you have unchecked Text As LongVarChar in the PostgreSQL ODBC
driver options. When you update a recordset it updates on either primary key
and xmin if it can (if row versioning is enabled) or on every non-memo
field. I suspect that what is happening is that since your primary key
appears to be a memo field it isn't using it to tell which row to update
just the other none memo fields.
Hope this helps,
- Stuart

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Corey W. Gibbs [mailto:cgibbs@westmarkproducts.com]
> Sent: 16 March 2002 00:08
> To: pgsql-odbc@postgresql.org
> Subject: Weird Update Behaviour
> Good Day Everyone,
> Here's something weird
> So, i'm using VB and ODBC and I'm getting something weird weird weird
> happening.  When ever a user updates this text field, it gets
> put all over
> the same column.
> So if low_bid_notes.Text = "Talk about frustrating" when the With
> rs2.Update would execute, "Talk about frustrating" would
> appear all over
> that column, not just on the row where quote_number =
> data_estimating.recordset!quote_number
> but on anywhere from 15 to 50 other rows.
>     rs2.Open "SELECT
> low_bid_notes,low_bid_spread,low_bid_spread_percent,"
> & _
> "addl_bid_notes,rebid,rebid_info,sales_person,date_complete,no
> _tabs_a
> vail,only_bidder,negotiated,no_tabs," & _
> "dealer_bid,accept_date,date_modified,plan_deposit,plan_return
> _date,l
> ow_bid_percent_sell FROM schedule WHERE
>     quote_number='" & data_estimating.Recordset!quote_number
> & "'", cn,
> adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic
> cn is yer standard connection string that's worked time and
> time again.
> With rs2
>     .Fields("no_tabs").Value = chk_no_tabs
>     .Fields("negotiated").Value = chk_negotiated
>     .Fields("only_bidder").Value = chk_only_bid
>     .Fields("dealer_bid").Value = chk_dealer_bid
>     .Fields("low_bid_percent_sell").Value =
> Format(txt_low_bid_percent_sell.Text, "general number")
>     .Fields("low_bid_percent").Value =
> Format(txt_low_bid_percent.Text,
> "general number")
>     .Fields("low_bid_notes").Value = txt_low_bid_notes.Text
>     .Fields("low_bid_spread").Value = Format(txt_low_bid_spread.Text,
> "general number")
>     .Fields("low_bid_spread_percent").Value =
> Format(txt_low_bid_spread_percent.Text, "general number")
>     .Fields("date_modified") = Now()
>     .Update
>     .Close
> that's the code that's broken, here's what i did to fix it:
> cn.Execute "update schedule SET low_bid_notes='" &
> txt_low_bid_notes.Text &
> "'" & _
> " ,low_bid_percent_sell ='" & Format(txt_low_bid_percent_sell.Text,
> "general number") & "'" & _
> " WHERE quote_number = '" & txt_quote_id(0).Text & "'"
> instead of using the ADO recordset, i just did an execute
> command on the cn
> connection.  when done like that, it works just fine.
> So, my questions are:
> What could cause this?  Is it an ADO or ODBC thing?  Am i
> forgetting to
> close or set a recordset to nothing somewhere?  Thanks in
> advance and have
> a good weekend.
> corey