Обсуждение: pgAdmin2 UTF-8 support


pgAdmin2 UTF-8 support

Jean-Michel POURE
Dear friends,

PostgreSQL 7.2 offers extensive UTF-8 support. In case of an UTF-8 database,
the big news seems that we now have to write function and view definitions in

The problem is that pgAdmin2, HighlightBox (the colour code editor) and the
result view do not support Unicode by now. And probably will not whithout
further information.

Questions :
1) Is it possible to convert functions/views to/from UTF-8/SQL_ASCII using
server-side queries in PostgreSQL. $M cowboys do not offer tools to convert
Unicode on the fly in VB. Is there something in PostgreSQL?

to_ascii can convert from unicode to ascii.
How can we do the converse?

2) Do you know if ODBC UCS-2 support would help us with pgAdmin2? Does anyone
has extensive knowledge of UCS-2 support under VB? As far as I know, VB only
supports reading UCS-2 files and displaying data in Hflexgrid.

Any idea welcome,
Cheers, Jean-Michel POURE

Re: pgAdmin2 UTF-8 support

Jean Michel
We have a Unicode hebrew db in PG7.2.  Uou dont need to write the functions
and views in UTF-8 unless you have some
literals inside the code.  We had this issue with Hebrew; so we store all
the literals as tokens in another table which may have some overhead but
makes for great flexibility. None of our functions or views are coded in
UTF-8 and they work just fine.

If you have some functions that MUST be in UNICODE you might define them as
triggers so that when VB does an action on the PG db - the trigger fires -
that should give you transparent operation to VB.

FWIW - the gnu recode function converts anything to anything. It can run on
the server side - for example in plpgtcl procedures.

BTW - you probably all know this but if you really want ORDER BY to work in
Unicode - you should use glibc2.2 - ie. RH72.

Best rgrds
danny lieberman

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jean-Michel POURE" <jm.poure@freesurf.fr>
To: "Hiroshi Inoue" <Inoue@tpf.co.jp>
Cc: <pgsql-odbc@postgresql.org>; <pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 11:39 PM
Subject: [ODBC] pgAdmin2 UTF-8 support

Dear friends,

PostgreSQL 7.2 offers extensive UTF-8 support. In case of an UTF-8 database,
the big news seems that we now have to write function and view definitions

The problem is that pgAdmin2, HighlightBox (the colour code editor) and the
result view do not support Unicode by now. And probably will not whithout
further information.

Questions :
1) Is it possible to convert functions/views to/from UTF-8/SQL_ASCII using
server-side queries in PostgreSQL. $M cowboys do not offer tools to convert
Unicode on the fly in VB. Is there something in PostgreSQL?

to_ascii can convert from unicode to ascii.
How can we do the converse?

2) Do you know if ODBC UCS-2 support would help us with pgAdmin2? Does
has extensive knowledge of UCS-2 support under VB? As far as I know, VB only
supports reading UCS-2 files and displaying data in Hflexgrid.

Any idea welcome,
Cheers, Jean-Michel POURE

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Re: pgAdmin2 UTF-8 support

Jean-Michel POURE
> We have a Unicode hebrew db in PG7.2.  Uou dont need to write the functions
> and views in UTF-8 unless you have some
> literals inside the code.  We had this issue with Hebrew; so we store all
> the literals as tokens in another table which may have some overhead but
> makes for great flexibility. None of our functions or views are coded in
> UTF-8 and they work just fine.

Dear Dany,

This is very interesting. We are trying to add Hebrew support to pgAdmin2.

In PostgreSQL 7.2 we found it was possible to SET CLIENT ENCODING TO LATIN1
and display data from a unicode database without problem (with French hyphens
éèù, etc..). This was not possible in 7.1.x.

It would of great help for us if you could install pgAdmin2
(http://pgadmin.postgresql.org) and do the following test.

- connect to your UTF-8 database,
- Enter SET CLIENT_CODING TO one of the following available at
http://www.postgresql.org/idocs/index.php?multibyte.html. Maybe there are new
encodings available. Recode can translate nearly all encodings.

Can you see the Hebrew information? What font should be used for displaying
Hebrew information in pgAdmin2? Could you send us a sample Hebrew table_dump
(10 records).


Re: pgAdmin2 UTF-8 support

Jean-Michel POURE
Dear Danny,

Could you try pgAdmin2 and enter 'SET CLIENT_ENCODING = ISO-8859-8'. Then try
to display data in pgAdmin2. Does it work?

Information can be found at

Jean-Michel POURE