Обсуждение: [Fwd: [GENERAL] Re: How to configure iodbc access to local postgres db?]


[Fwd: [GENERAL] Re: How to configure iodbc access to local postgres db?]

Hiroshi Inoue
I intended to post this mail to this list.
BTW does anyone use the PostgreSQL ODBC driver under iODBC ?
I've not seen any reply to this kind of question.

Hiroshi Inoue

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [GENERAL] Re: How to configure iodbc access to local postgres
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 10:04:40 +0900
From: Hiroshi Inoue <Inoue@tpf.co.jp>
Organization: Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
To: Rob Yampolsky
References: <3ADF257F.C826019F@cjds.com>

Rob Yampolsky wrote:
> I'm trying to get the iodbc driver manager to access postgres on the
> local machine with the odbctest tool that comes with the iodbc stuff.
> Having no luck.  Fails on the connect attempt, and I know I'm doing
> something stupid, but don't know where to look.
> Help (or a good .odbc.ini) would be appreciated.
> Rob
> ryampols@cjds.com
> System is Mandrake 7.2 - postgres installed from RPM's on the MDK CD
> (libraries in /usr/lib, postgres home is /var/lib/pgsql).
> Logs this error in odbc.trace:
> SQLDriverConnect ( ... )

Please try the following.

1) Use ~/.odbc.ini instead of ODBCINI.
2) psqlodbc driver doesn't see the 'Host' entry.
   Replace the 'Host' entry by 'Servername' entry.
3) Set a valid user name to the 'Username' Entry.
4) Remove blanks around '='. For example,

Good luck.
Hiroshi Inoue

> My .odbc.ini file (accessed via ODBCINI env variable) looks like:
> [ODBC Data Sources]
> testdb          = PostgreSQL test database
> [testdb]
> Driver          = /usr/lib/libpsqlodbc.so.0
> Description     = PostgreSQL test database
> Host            = localhost
> ServerType      = postgres
> Port            = 5432
> FetchBufferSize = 99
> UserName        =
> Password        =
> Database        = testdb
> ServerOptions   =
> ConnectOptions  =
> Options         =
> ReadOnly        = no
> Trace           = 1
> TraceFile       = /tmp/odbc.trace
> Debug           = 1
> DebugFile       = /tmp/odbc.debug
> CommLog         = 1

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