Обсуждение: pgloader CSV to table column formatting


pgloader CSV to table column formatting

Dan Webb

What is the required syntax to convert data fields and insert default column values when using pgloader to load a table from a csv file? 


We are migrating some of our code from Oracle to Postgres and I am having difficulty finding documentation and examples for some the tasks I am trying to accomplish. 


Currently, I am trying to import a csv files into a Postgres tables using pgloader and a config files.  I have been able to import flat csv files into temporary tables containing all character data type columns then using SQL statements with data type conversions to load into production tables.  I have had adequate success loading text fields into table columns with specific data types (other than character).  Examples are text to date and the various numeric fields.  I am also trying to locate documentation or examples to enter default values into columns for fields NOT in the incoming csv file. 


NOTE:  The fields NOT in the csv file are filled in by other fields or with sql updates.  Example the sample_date is parsed into sample_date_year, sample_date_month, sample_date_day and sample_date_week.  Only the year portion of a date is required for the sample_date field.


Below is a draft of what I am working on with examples of my test table, control file input file and system command.




        submission_date                     date                                       NOT NULL,

        sample_date_year                 smallint                                NOT NULL,

        sample_date_month             smallint,

        sample_date_day                   smallint,

        sample_date_week               smallint,

        sample_key                               integer                                 NOT NULL,

        species                                         character varying(2)        NOT NULL,

        sex                                                 character(1),

        length                                           smallint,

        weight                                          real,

        record_origin                             character(1)                       NOT NULL

) ;


Control File:


  FROM -


  , sample_date

  , species

  , sex

  , length

  , weight)

 INTO postgresql://dbname:xxxx543@localhost:NNNNNN/username?TestTable

  ( submission_date

  , sample_date

  , sample_date_year

  , sample_date_month

  , sample_date_day

  , sample_date_week

  , sample_key

  , species

  , sex

  , length

  , weight

  , record_origin)


        skip header = 1,

        fields optionally enclosed by '"',

        fields escaped by double-quote,

        fields terminated by ','


SET   client_encoding to 'latin1',

        work_mem to '128MB',

        standard_conforming_strings to 'on'



Input File

"submission_date", “sample_date”, ”species”, ”sex”, ”length”, ”weight”







System Command:

system("pgloader --type csv --verbose --logfile $logfilepath/rc_load_err.log $bindirpath/data_load.pgl < $InfilePath/$Infilename");


In Oracle we used the following conversions however we are trying to migrate the routine to Postgres:

submission_date             DATE “YYYYMMDD”,

recovery_date_month CONSTANT 0,

recovery_date_day        CONSTANT 0,

recovery_date_week    CONSTANT 0,

recovery_location_key CONSTANT 0.

record_origin                     CONSTANT ‘N’)


Thank you very much for you advice and assistance.



Dan Webb

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission

Analyst/Programmer – Regional Mark Processing Center