Обсуждение: pgsql output control inconsistent


pgsql output control inconsistent

Jude DaShiell
I ended up using \echo commands in a script and when I sent the output of
that script to an output file, those \echo command statements did not make
it into the output file.  I used those \echo lines to label reports for
other users since psql doesn't appear to provide much available assistance
along this line.

I also found that:
as 'median cystalic pressure:", although it produces correct mathematical
results is an invalid command in psql probably because aggregates can't be
nested.  So I ended up installing R and the plr extension and I'm off to
learn R and then plr before I try putting any statistical output on psql
reports other than psql supported functions.  I didn't add all 24
additional columns to the original health table 5 in it now and 7-10 is
about all that's good for tables in any event.  Other than that, I've been
having much success with psql.
