Обсуждение: Full text search


Full text search

Mladen Gogala
I am trying to implement a DW type database which should allow its users to do text searches for words and phrases. I am having problems with searching for phrases. For instance, when I am looking for "chicken salad", I don't want to get back something like "fried chicken with potato salad". Most commercial text search engines can do that. Apache Lucene can also do that. At the moment, PostgreSQL engine cannot do that, which is a show stopper for me. I am aware of the tricks like
lower(field) like '%chicken salad%' but that slows things down, and makes my life miserable because I have to add a pre-processor to the form which has to write the FTS query. Now, is a feature like that planned for version 9? Is there anybody I could ask for a timeframe? Thanks for any help.
Mladen Gogala 
Sr. Oracle DBA
1500 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
(212) 329-5251