Обсуждение: Platform for running Postgres 8.4


Platform for running Postgres 8.4

Michael Gould


We currently are using 8.4 on a Windows 2003 and 2008 server.  While all is fine and we are rebuilding some of our older db servers we are considering moving one of the servers tp a Linux or Solaris platform.  I don't normally ask this kind of question because of this can be a very personal decision, but what we'd like to know is what is the best Linux distribution to run PostGres on.  We are not going to be running anything else so we don't need all of the fancy bells and whistles that the various GUI's bring.  We want this to be a mean and lean machine. The hardware will be 2 dual core XEON processors and 12 Gig of RAM.  Our db is about 1.6 gig running on our Windows server. 

I would like some comments on which Linux distribution to look for and why.


Best Regards


Michael Gould, Managing Partner
Intermodal Software Solutions, LLC
904.592.5250 fax

Re: Platform for running Postgres 8.4

Bob McConnell
Michael Gould wrote:
> All,
> We currently are using 8.4 on a Windows 2003 and 2008 server.  While all is
> fine and we are rebuilding some of our older db servers we are considering
> moving one of the servers tp a Linux or Solaris platform.  I don't normally
> ask this kind of question because of this can be a very personal decision,
> but what we'd like to know is what is the best Linux distribution to run
> PostGres on.  We are not going to be running anything else so we don't need
> all of the fancy bells and whistles that the various GUI's bring.  We want
> this to be a mean and lean machine. The hardware will be 2 dual core XEON
> processors and 12 Gig of RAM.  Our db is about 1.6 gig running on our
> Windows server.
> I would like some comments on which Linux distribution to look for and why.

For commercial sites, you want the current version of RedHat Enterprise
Linux. You can play with it for free, but the full license includes a
support package with an update service.

For private servers, I am using Slackware 12.2. But to get the options
set the way I want, I install Postgres, Apache and PHP from the source code.

Bob McConnell