Обсуждение: Concurrent COPY commands


Concurrent COPY commands

Phillip Sitbon

I am running some queries that use multiple connections to issue COPY
commands which bring data into the same table via different files (FIFOs
to be precise). This is being done on a SMP machine and I am noticing
that none of the postgres worker processes operate in parallel, even
though there is data available to all of them. The performance is nearly
exactly the same as it is for issuing a single COPY command. Is this
normal behavior, even with all of the separate transactions still in
progress? Would I be better off doing multithreaded bulk inserts from my
C program rather than sending the data to FIFOs?

The machine I am using has 16GB of memory and 8 cores, so I've tried to
optimize the configuration accordingly but I am a little lost in some

Thanks in advance for your advice,


Re: Concurrent COPY commands

Alan Hodgson
On Wednesday 02 July 2008, Phillip Sitbon <phillip@sitbon.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running some queries that use multiple connections to issue COPY
> commands which bring data into the same table via different files (FIFOs
> to be precise). This is being done on a SMP machine and I am noticing
> that none of the postgres worker processes operate in parallel, even
> though there is data available to all of them. The performance is nearly
> exactly the same as it is for issuing a single COPY command.
> Is this
> normal behavior, even with all of the separate transactions still in
> progress? Would I be better off doing multithreaded bulk inserts from my
> C program rather than sending the data to FIFOs?

Sounds like you're I/O bound - I doubt any other concurrency mechanism will
change that much.

> The machine I am using has 16GB of memory and 8 cores, so I've tried to
> optimize the configuration accordingly but I am a little lost in some
> places.

Ah, but what does your RAID controller and drives look like?


Re: Concurrent COPY commands

"Phillip Sitbon"
Sorry about the late reply.

I only have two fast SATA drives on software RAID, but that really isn't the issue- while the copy commands are going, disk activity is relatively low. By relatively I mean that I have seen it a lot higher under certain circumstances, and I know for sure the disks aren't holding anything back. I know it's a bad comparison, but the process generating this huge amount of data can write directly to the disk very fast and still be CPU-bound, while it eventually ends up waiting for postgres when I try to pipe it into the database. I figured some overhead was to be expected and that's why I tried the parallel setup in the first place.

What I see is that after some buffering (not sure it is buffering, but after it gets some data), one postgres process will ramp up to 100% CPU (on one core) for some time, thus blocking its input FIFO. That is when the hard drive activity goes up a bit, but whatever it is doing is definitely CPU-bound on that core.

No more than one worker process does this at a time. And no matter what kind of FIFO buffers and select() calls I use, the calling process eventually gets blocked because the postgres processes don't appear to be working in parallel as well as they could be; hence, postgres doesn't take in any more data for a while. I'm really curious about why going parallel x6 is so much slower than one process when the disks aren't being pushed that hard compared to their capabilities.

I am suspecting something wrong with my config, but I can't be sure. Is 1-2 GB for work_mem ok? Would that hurt it?

On a positive note, I let the single-process version run to completion and I now have a solid TB of data that I can access and use at lightning speed :)



On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 10:02 AM, Alan Hodgson <ahodgson@simkin.ca> wrote:
On Wednesday 02 July 2008, Phillip Sitbon <phillip@sitbon.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running some queries that use multiple connections to issue COPY
> commands which bring data into the same table via different files (FIFOs
> to be precise). This is being done on a SMP machine and I am noticing
> that none of the postgres worker processes operate in parallel, even
> though there is data available to all of them. The performance is nearly
> exactly the same as it is for issuing a single COPY command.
> Is this
> normal behavior, even with all of the separate transactions still in
> progress? Would I be better off doing multithreaded bulk inserts from my
> C program rather than sending the data to FIFOs?

Sounds like you're I/O bound - I doubt any other concurrency mechanism will
change that much.

> The machine I am using has 16GB of memory and 8 cores, so I've tried to
> optimize the configuration accordingly but I am a little lost in some
> places.

Ah, but what does your RAID controller and drives look like?


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Re: Concurrent COPY commands

Alan Hodgson
On Wednesday 09 July 2008, "Phillip Sitbon" <phillip@sitbon.net> wrote:
> I only have two fast SATA drives on software RAID, but that really isn't
> the issue- while the copy commands are going, disk activity is relatively
> low.

Define low. 2 disks maxed out doing random I/O could show as little as 2 or
3 MB/sec in vmstat.

You say one CPU core is maxed out - what state is it mostly in at 100% -
user, system, or wait?


Re: Concurrent COPY commands

"Phillip Sitbon"
> Define low. 2 disks maxed out doing random I/O could show as little as 2 or
> 3 MB/sec in vmstat.

While the copy commands are not at 100% CPU it is about that low. It does go up at times, but not by much (maybe 5-7 MB/sec). Does a COPY command count as random I/O if the data it's reading is actually a memory FIFO and it's only reading data in for the current (not completed) transaction? The disks are completely dedicated to the database, so postgres is the only app using it.

> You say one CPU core is maxed out - what state is it mostly in at 100% -
> user, system, or wait?

I'll double-check, but I'm certain that it was user. The behavior didn't seem to change when I changed the table layout either.

- Phillip

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 9:45 AM, Alan Hodgson <ahodgson@simkin.ca> wrote:
On Wednesday 09 July 2008, "Phillip Sitbon" <phillip@sitbon.net> wrote:
> I only have two fast SATA drives on software RAID, but that really isn't
> the issue- while the copy commands are going, disk activity is relatively
> low.

Define low. 2 disks maxed out doing random I/O could show as little as 2 or
3 MB/sec in vmstat.

You say one CPU core is maxed out - what state is it mostly in at 100% -
user, system, or wait?


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